Chapter 7: Patty & Jerry

C for Cover Girl


Time: July 4th, 2009

Location: Taipei, Taiwan



Vic and Jerry sat facing each other in their private meeting room.

Vic: “ok ok, don’t give me that look. I don’t know where he is either. All I know is that he called me about a month ago to tell me that your parents wanted him to come back to Taiwan. I guess they wanted him to learn some Mandarin and business tips from you. But you know how the two of you hardly have anything to say to each other. I apologize for not telling you sooner but he said he was going to contact you soon.”

Jerry gave Vic a killer stare: So even when you saw him at the café today you didn’t think of calling me?

Vic: I thought he finally decided to meet you.

Jerry: did you know what couldn’t have happen if Patty and I didn’t show up just in time?

Vic finally looked concerned: is Rainie ok?

Jerry gave him another cool stare and Vic quickly added: I’m sure Aaron wouldn’t have hurt her though.

At least in the back of his mind that’s what he hoped otherwise he wouldn’t even know how to explain to Patty.

Jerry: no matter what, we have to find him soon. Since you know him the best that’s going to be your job and you have two days.

Vic tried to complain: what? Isn’t he your brother?

But even the almighty Vic Chou gave in to Jerry’s killer stare and accepted the challenge: alright, I’ll do it. But that means you can give me too much work at the company.

Jerry: fine, if you need anything just ask Patty.

Vic smiled: that sounds much better. So how did the meeting go this morning?

Jerry finally changed the topic: we decided on the concept for this year since it’s the 10th anniversary we wanted to do something different. Instead of using big celebrities, I want to use fresh faces.

Vic looked excited too: like a contest? Let’s gather all the young, cute girls in the city. With Cover Girl’s reputation I wouldn’t even be surprise if girls all over Asia show up. I guess Barbie will be heading this project again?

Jerry: No, this time I want to take this project myself? Jiro and Show already agree to be a part of this too.

Vic: wow, you sure work fast. How did you convince Barbie to give up on such a good chance to shine?

Jerry: She has something bigger on her plate right now. Too bad you weren’t at the meeting this morning. Now you just have to wait and find out like everyone else.

From years of being best friends, Vic knew that smile too well. Whatever it is Jerry has planned can only be good news for Cover Girl and nightmare for their competitors.


Due to the confrontation with Aaron earlier, Rainie was running late for 2nd part-time job of the day; Ariel and her both works as cashiers at the small boutique inside Taipei Sogo. Jerry offered his car so Patty can give her younger sister a ride.

Rainie and Ariel were both shocked to hear that Aaron and Jerry are actually brothers.

Patty: Jerry is 10 years older than Aaron so they are not particularly close, especially since Aaron moved to the States with their parents.

Ariel: know that you mention it; I do see some resemblance, especially their eyes.

Rainie gave a disgusted look: No way, that jerk is nothing like Jerry Ge. He is a jerk and a loser. Jerry Ge is much a gentleman so this comparison is not even fair.

Ariel: that is true; I can’t even imagine Jerry Ge doing anything like that kid just did to us.

The girls continued their chatter until they reached their destination.

Behind the wheel, Patty smiled at the two. She always knew how much Rainie and Ariel liked Jerry. And she can pretty much say the same thing for herself. To her, he is a great boss, the best friend and much more. Not many people know about their relationship outside of work but the truth is he was always there for her. He took them in when they lost their house when their parents die. He offered her a job so she wouldn’t have to worry about their living expense and her tuition. He paid for Rainie’s medical bill when she got sick. He was her motivation to keep learning and improving herself. Without him, Rainie and her would probably never have made it this far. Therefore she will always be grateful to him and repay him with the rest of her life.


Jolin has been waiting for over an hour now and she was bored out of her mind. Finally she scrolled over to Patty’s desk and picked up anything that might be interested. She saw something that looked like a calendar with small scribbles all over it. It was clearly Patty’s schedule and it made Jolin jealous just looking at all the important company functions parry gets to attend. She also saw a day circled in red. August 9th, would there be an important event that day? She definitely has to look it up. The door knot turned and startled Jolin. She quickly returned to her seat before patty walked in. Jolin gave her a polite smile; like everyone else in the company, she knew Patty has a special place in both of their bosses’ heart.


Patty returned with a nodded and a smile. Jolin noticed she was holding a cup of black coffee and a cup of cappuccino from the corner café. From this day forward she’ll make a point to observe everything Patty does.


Patty knocked before entering Jerry’s private meeting room. She knew Vic was probably still there since Jolin was waiting in Jerry’s main office.

Jerry: come in, are the girls ok?

Patty put the key on his desk and set down the coffee in front of them; black coffee for Jerry and the cappuccino for Vic.

Patty: they’re ok. No one got hurt. I have to apologize for Rainie’s bad temper; she’s always quick to react.

Vic picked it up and started sipping right away: oh awesome, Jacky’s special just for me. Thanks Patty. But where’s yours? I’ll share mine with you.

Jerry walked over to his fridge and took out a bottle of organic milk and handed it to Patty: Jacky told me what happen. When I find him, I’ll make him apologize to Rainie personally.

Vic quickly chimed in: that I promise I’ll find him.

Patty: I’m not worry about the apology and I’m sure Rainie will forget about it soon. But I’m worry about Aaron’s safe.

Vic: “Don’t worry, I already have a pretty good idea as to where he might be.”

Patty and Jerry continued to chat about work with Vic interrupting from time to time with B.S. Meanwhile, poor Jolin whom was totally forgotten spent the rest of her day snoopy around Patty’s desk and continued to be bored out of her mind.

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tesstar #10
very interesting. Can't wait for the next update! ^_^