Chapter 2

Snowy Day

"Where exactly are we going?" Kyungsoo asked, driving Tao around.

"We're going back tot he hotel. I'm gonna edit some of the pictures, and maybe go out for a drink or two." Tao told him.

"So, what's going on between you and your parents?" asked Kyungsoo, trying to make small talk. 

"The usual. She won't let dad go." he replied, looking out the window. If only his life could be as beautiful as the scenery outside, he though. 

"But didn't your dad already move out?" Kyungsoo kept on asking.

"Uh huh, but she refuses to believe it. She keeps on talking about how we can be a 'loving family' if only we forgot about our differences. Honestly, she's a nightmare." 

"I know. Your mom is quite scary. Why can't you just move out?"

"You know why. HEY, WATCH OUT!" Tao yelled.

"Watch out for-" Kyungsoo didn't have time to finish, until he realized what he had done.

It had rained these past couple of days in Nagoya, so there were puddles everywhere. It wasn't uncommon to drive over puddles, but these specific puddles were next to three female pedestrians, who were now soaking wet.

"Oh my goodness, I am SO sorry!" Kyungsoo rushed out of the car to see the three wet girls, apologizing with his limited knowledge in the Japanese language. 

"YOU SHOULD BE MORE CAREFUL!" yelled one of the girls back in Korean, dripping wet, hair covering her face. 

"Oh, Koreans! I am SO sorry." Kyungsoo now apologized in his native tongue.

"Uh uh mister, sorry ain't cuttin it! the girl kept on saying, not even bothering to remove the hair from her face.

"Yookyung-ssi!" one of the girls scolded her.

"Maknae, did you not see what this idiot did? You're wet too, so is unnie. I refuse to leave until we get a better apology." 

"What about your phone?" the other girl said, probably the unnie, thought Kyungsoo. 

"Oh, this will only take a minute." the girl assured her. Kyungsoo, now frightened and not knowing what to do, decided to call for the other man accompanying him.

"Tao, come quick!" sighing, Tao got out of the car, stood next to his assistant, looking at the three girls. His attention was fixed on the girl with the wet hair in front of her face. 

"Excuse me, you have a bit of hair on your face." Tao said to the girl, sarcastically.

"Hahaha, very funny. I demand an apology." said the girl.

"C'mon, this isn't worth it." the unnie said. 

"You should listen to your friend. If anything, we did you a favor." Tao replied.

"How did you do me a favor?" the girl protested.

"Well, now you can get rid of that hideous jacket." Tao told her, pointed at the girl's dripping wet jacket. 

"What's wrong with my jacket?" she asked him.

"It's so disgusting, I wouldn't wipe my with it." he responded. The girl gasped.

"Since you want an apology, I'll give you one. I'm sorry that you girls don't have a car so that instead of getting wet and tired, you could've been safe and dry. I'm also sorry that you have a terrible sense of dress and found that jacket to be worth spending money on." and with that, Tao went back to the car, leaving the girls and Kyungsoo speechless.

Kyungsoo sighed, reached for his pocket, and pulled out his wallet. He handed the girl some money. 

"Here is 70,000 won. Please go buy yourself a new jacket when you get back home." Kyungsoo told the girl, got back in the car, and drove off. 

~ ~ ~

"You didn't have to be so mean to that girl, you know." Kyungsoo told Tao when they had gotten back to their hotel.

"I honestly don't care about her. I have other things to worry about." Tao told him, pulling out the mystery girl's phone.

"Who's is that?" asked Kyungsoo.

"I have no clue. She called, but she wouldn't say who se was. She reminds me of the girl we just met, actually." They both chuckled.

"Damn, that girl put you in your place!" he told Tao.

"Shut up!" Tao snapped. He held up the phone, and studied it.

"Have you check what's in it?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Of course not, it's not mine." Tao told him. 

"So, you don't know if there are any pictures of her? Aren't you curious in knowing what this girl looks like?" Kyungsoo was right. He was curious in what she looked liked. He turned it on, and unlocked it.

"I didn't think you would actually do it." Kyungsoo told him. 

"Shut up, you know you wanna know too." Tao and Kyungsoo looked through her pictures, but they didn't find any pictures of her. 

"What kind of girl doesn't take pictures of herself?" Tao asked.

"I know. All that's here are pictures of snow." Kyungsoo said, disappointed. 

"Yes, but look at how well these pictures are taken. The scenery is perfect. They looked s if I could've taken them, but of course, mine would've been better." Tao boasted. And in that moment, the phone rang. 

~ ~ ~

"Yookyung-ssi, please just give this up." Naeun told her for the umpteenth time. 

"No way, unnie. I know he will answer." Yookyung said, listening to the phone ring through Naeun's phone. 

"Hello?" the guy answered.

"Yes, to whom am I speaking?" Yookyung calmly asked, realizing that screaming wasn't going to help her find her phone sooner. 

"You again? I told you, I'm not giving your phone back." the guy on the other line said. 

"Why not?" 

"Because. Because you were careless with it, and you are better off without it." he responded.

"Well, don't you want your phone back?" Yookyung asked.

"Eh, not really. I can just get a new one. I recommend you do the same." Yookyung, now growing more impatient, began to scream at him.


"Nope, not with that attitude. Besides, there's nowhere we can meet." 

"Then tell me where you're staying at. I really need my phone back!" Yookyung begged. 

"Fine, I'll tell you. I'm at the Nagoya Marriott Associa. Are you happy?"

"Yes! Oh wait, what room are you in?" But in that moment, he hung up. 

"So, where's he at?" Naeun asked. 

"He's at the Nagoya Marriott Associa."

"That's not really far from here!" Hayoung said.

"One problem. We have to get back to Tsuru." Naeun said. 

"The train leaves in about 30 minutes." Hayoung said.

"I know, but we don't really know where the hotel is, and we have to carry our knowledge, and we have to wait for Yookyung-ssi." Naeun explained. 

"Oh, I'm not going back without my phone. You guys go on ahead." 

"WHAT?" the girls shrieked.

"I can't go back. I have to get my phone back, and I'm not going to Tsuru without it."

Naeun sighed. "Hong Yookyung, think about this. Is it really that important? Even if you do get your phone back, how will you get back. The train would've already left, and you would have to get another ticket, and who knows when you'd get back." 

Yookyung nodded. "I know that, but I'm still gonna do it! See you kids back in Seoul!" 

Yookyung didn't even hear what the other girls said, because she took off running, in search for the hotel, and more importantly, her phone.

~ ~ ~

When Yookyung got to the hotel, she gasped. The building was so big. How was she ever going to find her phone, she thought. The actual hotel didn't start until the 13th floor, so she took the elevator up there. When she got there, there was a concierge standing behind a desk. 

"May I help you?" the man asked.

"Oh, no, that's OK. I'm actually staying here." Yookyung responded. She hoped her lie wasn't too obvious, so she stood and nodded, trying to play it off. There was an awkward silence. The concierge stood staring at her, also being silent. It was like that for almost about a minute, when the man finally said, "So, are you going?"

"Going where?" Yookyung asked.

"To your room." he said.

"Oh, yeah right! My room! Totally forgot." Yookyung exclaimed. She quickly ran back to the elevator, in hopes of finding her phone, not knowing where to start. 

~ ~ ~

Yookyung didn't realize how many floors there was in the hotel. How she going to find her phone when she didn't know what floor the guy was in, or what he looked liked. Maybe she had already walked past him, and didn't know. 

"There has to be a better way to find my phone." Yookyung whispered to herself. She thought about knocking on all the doors, but that would take too long. There had to be a faster way. 

Then, it came to her. She could call her phone, and she could hear her ringtone. She knew it was loud, and all she had to do was follow the sound of it. She began dialing the phone Naeun let her borrow, in hopes in hearing "Heavy Rotation."

~ ~ ~

"Looks like I'm not going to get my phone back." Yookyung said to herself, having already checked 15 floors. She couldn't give up just yet, she thought, and she wasn't going to. Thought she was hesitant, Yookyung called her phone one last time. That's when she heard it. 

"I want you! I need you! I love you!" Yookyung screamed. She followed the song to Door 27G. She pressed her ear on the door, and sure enough, the song was coming from that room, loud and clear. Yookyung was relieved, and did a happy jump. 

"OK, I found my phone, now I have to get it back." Yookyung whispered to herself. She knocked on the door. No answer. She knocked again. Still nothing. 

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Yookyung asked. No reply. She was starting to get frustrated. How she going to get her phone back if no one was there. All that work for nothing. 

She placed her hand on the doorknob, and the door opened. Yookyung wobbled inside the room, still wearing her many layers of clothing.

Lying on the couch next to the door was her phone. Yookyung ran to grab it. She squealed of joy. Even though the phone was in her possession, she still wasn't satisfied. 

"I can't let this guy get away with what he did." Yookyung said. "He's gonna pay, and I will get my revenge." 




I'm SO sorry i hadn't updated before, the thing I couldn't find my notebook that had my story. But I have it now, so here you go!!!

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btw, i'm sorry i haven't updated snowy day. i havent written in a while, but i do have two chapters i could post. i will do that as soon as i get home


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Chapter 2: Oh and did I mention I am an akb fan too!! Hahaha
Chapter 1: Omg author ssi you know lots about Japan!!! I'm rlly loving this fic (partially because nayung too hahah and I rlly LOOOOOOOOOOVE Japan)
Yeah kyungie is my bias too!!<3
Chapter 2: Yuhu~ next chapter please ^&
Chapter 1: omg way to go zitao, way to go e u e
this gonna be interesting!
i'll be looking forward the next update <3
tweetyaz #7
taokyung :)
interesting story..waiting for the next chapie :D
Chapter 1: Oh i like it so far :D i wonder what will happen next