Chapter 1

Snowy Day

"Yes mom, I'm at the airport. Nothing happened, relax. I'll be in Japan for a few days for the shoot, then I'll be back in Seoul. Uhuh...uhuh. Well, OK, gotta pick up my luggage, talk to you later." Huang Zitao had no intention on calling his mom while being in Japan. He also had no intention to talk to her as soon as he got back. 

Truth is, Tao can't stand his mother. Ever since his parents got divorced, his mom has been acting ier than ever. He keeps saying he wants to move out, but she forbids him. She threatens him by saying he'll be cut off the family's money. 

But that's OK with Tao. He has his own job, and his own money. He studied photography in France, and is one of the youngest professional photographers around. He even has his own assistant, Kyungsoo. 

Tao was about to stuff his phone back into his pocket, when he suddenly got pushed. The push caused him to drop to suitcase and his phone. The person that had bumped into him dropped their stuff too, including a phone. 

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean ! I apologize." said the person, wearing a giant coat, and a large purple scarf that covered almost the entire face. But this wasn't just any person. It was a girl. A girl slightly younger than Tao by the looks of it. And she wasn't just any girl. She was a Korean. What would a Korean be doing in Japan, Tao wondered.

Even though the girl was wearing a scarf that almost covered her entire face, he could still see a bit of her face. She had short brown hair, chubby cheeks, and the shiniest eyes he has ever seen. She was pretty, but she wasn't as pretty as most as the models that he has photographed.  Her cheeks were red, due to the cold weather, or she was embarrassed. Either way, she looked stunning.

"Um...yeah," was all Tao managed to say. He bent down to help the girl pick up her stuff. He grabbed his phone quickly, and just as quickly handed hers back.

"Oh, thank you!" she said. Tao stood up, and helped her up. He stuffed his phone in his pants pocket, so he wouldn't drop it again.

"Once again, I am so sorry, and thank you." The girl said, giving Tao a quick bow.Tao said nothing, his eyes fixed on the Korean girl who was now walking away. 

As soon as she was put of his sight, Tao kept walking until he found the exited, and waited for his ride to pick him up.

~ ~ ~

 It was a lovely day, well, if you consider freezing temperatures lovely. It was a great day for a photo shoot, and Tao and his team were setting up for that.

"It's really cold, isn't it?" Tao's assistant, Kyungsoo, asked. 

"Yup." Tao replied.

"The scenery is really pretty." Kyungsoo continued, trying to make conversation. 

"It was what I envisioned." Tao responded. Tao was supposed to take pictures for the winter edition of a magazine, so he decided to shoot in Japan, since according to him, "winters in Japan are magical."

"Well, you are the genius. Alright, go work your magic, Zitao!" Kyungsoo cheered him on. 

"Don't call me that!" Tao yelled at him. Tao didn't care much though, and walked up to Chen, the fashion designer. Chen was in charge of dressing the models, but in this case, model. But this wasn't any model, mind you, this was Yoon Bomi, Tao's female companion as reported by magazines.

Tao wasn't looking for anything serious with Bomi. He's the type to make girls fall in love with him, a player you could say. Tao doesn't mind being labeled as a player; as a matter of fact, he enjoys it.

"Are you ready?" Tao asked Chen.

"Just about. Have to add the finishing touches." said Chen. He pulled out a necklace from a jewelry box, and placed it around Bomi's neck.

"AHH! Fabulous! OK, now, I'm ready!" Chen exclaimed. Bomi walked up to Tao, and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. 

"Are you sure?" she asked him.

"Of course." Tao said with a devilish smile. 

"But it's gonna be cold." Bomi whined. 

"It's alright. You have me to keep you warm." he reassured her. Bomi giggled, and walked to where she would have to pose. 

~ ~ ~

"What happened back at the airport?" Son Naeun asked her friend.

"Oh, nothing. I accidently bumped into this guy, and we dropped our stuff. No big deal." Hong Yookyung explained, barely keeping because of her large amount of clothing.

"Do you need any help Yookyung-ssi?" Oh Hayoung, the other girl accompanying them, asked. 

"No, why would I?" Yookyung asked her. 

"Because you're waddling." Hayoung responded, which caused the three girls to laugh. 

"I know wearing this much clothing is ridiculous, but it gets really cold in Japan, and I wanted to be safe." Yookyung explained.

"All this walking sure has made me hungry." Naeun said, since the girls walked from the the airport, and were on their way to their dorms, which were now seven blocks away. 

"You know, unnie​, that ramen place I've been dying to got to is nearby. Maybe we can go eat there." Yookyung suggested. 

"Great idea, Yookyung-ssi." The girls agreed. 

"Hey, look over there!" Hayoung said, pointing at the road. The other girls turned, and to their right there was a family of ducks crossing the road. 

"Oh goodness, that is SO cute, I HAVE to take a picture of that!" Yookyung said, jumping up and down of excitement. But all that excitement was over when she pulled out her phone, only to find wasn't her phone. 

"No, no, this can't be happening. No, no, NO!" Yookyung began to scream. 

"Yookyung-ssi, what's wrong?" Naeun asked. 

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Hayoung added.

"This isn't my phone! Me and that guy must've accidently switched phones. What am I gonna do?" Yookyung was now panicking, her breathing was rapid, and she was pacing back and forth. 

"Who knows where he could be. Besides Yookyung, it's just a phone. You can get another one." Naeun told her, patting Yookyung's shoulder.

Yookyung gasped, and had a look of shock on her face.

"Unnie, it wasn't just a phone. That phone had everything; my music, pictures, memories. Two years worth of stuff was on there. I'm not going to buy another phone. I WANT MY PHONE BACK!" Yookyung screamed, clearly not caring that people were now watching her have a breakdown. 

"OK, but how are you going to find out where it is?" Hayoung asked.

"Simple. I'll just call it. The guy will give it back."

~ ~ ~

"I've never done anything like this before." Tao said once he and Bomi had gotten inside his car. 

"You haven't? Surprising, since you've been around so many women." Bomi replied.

"True, but I've never had a serious relationship before. You are the first." Tao said, very seductively.  

Tao realized long ago that women eat this up. If you tell them they are your first relationship, they'll give you what you want. It's worked every time on every girl he's met, so why should Bomi be an exception.

Just as about Tao's lips were about touch Bomi's, music started to play.   

"I want you! I need you! I love you!" The music seemed to be coming from nowhere. 

"What. Is. THAT?" Bomi asked. 

"I-I-I don't know." Tao explained. The noise seemed to be coming out from...his pocket. He pulled out his phone, but to realize it wasn't his. "Heavy Rotation" by AKB48 was playing, and the phone had a case with flowers and sparkles, very different from his simple black one. This must be that girl's phone, Tao thought. 

"ANSWER IT!" Bomi demanded.

"Alright!" Tao yelled back. He unlocked the phone, and surprisingly, it don't have a password. 

"Hello?" Tao said into the phone. 

"Hello, who is this?" a voice asked in fluent English.

"What?" Tao asked in Korean.

"Who are you? Where are you?" the voice said, still speaking English.

"Hey, you wouldn't be that girl I met at the airport? Tao still kept speaking in Korean.

"You met a girl at the airport?" Bomi asked.

"Hush!" Tao yelled at her.

"Where are you, I want my phone back!" the girl yelled at him in English.   

"Calm down, ore else you won't get your phone back!" Tao yelled into the receiver. 

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" she now yelled in Korean.

"Wanna bet? I'm hanging up now." Tao said, ending the calling. 

~ ~ ~

"Hello? HELLO!" Yookyung yelled into the phone. No reply. He really did hang up.

"So, where is he?" Hayoung asked. 

"I don't know. He hung up." Yookyung replied. 

"Yookyung, are you sure don't just wanna get a phone?" Naeun asked.

"No, unnie, I will get my phone back. Come one girls, let's go see if we can find that guy." said Yookyung, waddling to the front.

"You seriously can't expect us to walk over Nagoya, do you? We have to get back to Tsuru in a few hours!" Hayoung complained.

"Well, then we better get started." Yookyung said, and continued waddling along.  




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btw, i'm sorry i haven't updated snowy day. i havent written in a while, but i do have two chapters i could post. i will do that as soon as i get home


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Chapter 2: Oh and did I mention I am an akb fan too!! Hahaha
Chapter 1: Omg author ssi you know lots about Japan!!! I'm rlly loving this fic (partially because nayung too hahah and I rlly LOOOOOOOOOOVE Japan)
Yeah kyungie is my bias too!!<3
Chapter 2: Yuhu~ next chapter please ^&
Chapter 1: omg way to go zitao, way to go e u e
this gonna be interesting!
i'll be looking forward the next update <3
tweetyaz #7
taokyung :)
interesting story..waiting for the next chapie :D
Chapter 1: Oh i like it so far :D i wonder what will happen next