Personal Message

Read this juseyo B((

Hello. My name is J. Well it's not really J, I'm not gonna reveal my personal information to people o/

I write fanfics, as you can see. OTL Some of my fanfics are the same. No difference and they xD.

My english is actually pretty nice. It's just that i'm lazy to use the correct grammer in fanfic (s) that's why I tend to use (?) beside the word I'm not sure of.

I'm actually pretty young. And I'm still learning english. I speak fluent english. So yeah \o/ Some of my fanfics are really lame. Like when I mean lame I mean really lame.   Beepbeep /shots;dies. x____x

I think of writing another fanfic about ...i don't even know orz ;;. I'll think of an idea and write it in my 'fanfic idea book' /slapped. I'll probably write the fanfic after I finish either one of it. I think I'll finish 'My love for you is endless' one before the 'APINK fanfiction' since the apink one is really longggggggggggggggggggggggg.  I need to get ideas \o .


At the bottom is my information lolololol cc;

About Me

Hello.  So we meet again, I've been expecting you to be here /slapped100times.

Name ; J

Yookyung is mineeeeeeuu ;A; Beep beep.

As for the other fanfics, I think of putting my bias (s) in it.

Okay. So maybe the characters for the upcoming fanfic are ;

Hyoyeon [SNSD]

Changjo [Teen Top]

L Joe [Teen Top]

Fei [miss A]

Hyosung [SECRET]


THIS IS NOT REALLY LIKE UHH FIXED. Ya'knoe. The characters might change when the time is right /slapped

Uhh okay bye c: Thanks for reading this random stuff

As for the updates for the fanfic,

I will be updating APINK fanfiction on weekdays since the chapters will be pretty long [Monday-Thursday]

My love for you is endless [Friday - Sunday]

I may not update on some day because I'm lazy OTL


Kbye ;-;

Last updated on ; 14th July 2013 [Sunday]