3rd - bouquet


"Come on,Amber!" Luna muttered again. "It's already 12 noon. Dont you know the cafe will be crowded at time like this? " She added.


Amber closed the Modern Control System book and felt a little bit regret as her reading was agitated. She stared at Luna that just smiling like a little kid.

"We've had bibimbap earlier. How can you already feel hungry?"Amber complained. She then arranged her files at the right side of the table and kept mumbled. We've not studied for 3 hours but already complaining that she's hungry. Aishhh.

"Amber dont be mad at me okay. Lets continue our study in our room okay? Luna coaxed her.

"okay lets go. Im afraid you will be dead here suffering from starving."

As they reached the cafe Amber said to luna to just pack the food and had lunch in their room. Luna agreed and they pickednthe food and went back to the room.



She mumbled alone " ah why did i have to agree with Key? Just because he is handsome? Ah im melting! And where is Amber's house?"

She got on the taxi and told the address to the driver and she'd driven to the place.

"So this is where she lives"

She walked to the door and rand the bell. It was quite a while for someone to open the door.


Amber POV

She closed her books and shuffled to the door. She slightly opened the door

"Min!! What are you doing here? Im pleased to see you. " she asked Min

"I came to deliver something for you. Here. "  

Min gave her a bouquet of flowers and a bar of chocolate. Amber then confused

" Who give me this? "

"Oh it's Key,"

" Key? Who's Key?"

" oh god Amb he's our classmate. "

"which one?"

" we are not having so much boys in our class but he is the most handsome"

"no i dont know him" Luna came out

" hey who gave you this? " Min answered it before amber did "it's key!"

"Key Kim Kibum?"

" yes "

"oh god amber why didnt you tell me you are in a relationship with him. How could you?"

Amber immediately cut her " Hello i dont even know him" Amber added

" Min take this with you agaim. Tell that boy that i dont want this chocolate. Its not good for my teeth, and for the flowers, you take it Luna."

. Min said that she needed something to report Key

" anything "

" say thanks but no thanks and what i said earlier about the choc"

"oh okay"

Amber and Luna dismissed Min and went into the living room which they made it study room.

"wht is this boy thinking?"



Sorry i took a long time. I dont have much time. I dont have time to advise

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Chapter 7: Awesome!!!
Chapter 6: Wowowoowo.... fantastic !!!
lukianara #3
Chapter 2: new keyber...so interesting ...
curious more please update more ^^
zhang_chandra #4
This story sounds interesting,, I wanna read the next chapter..
Please update it soon^_^