Boyfriend 4




"Your order?" Donghae asked irritatedly. 


"Chocolate cake and hot chocolate." Kyuhyun answered with same irritation.


"We run out of chocolate." Donghae said. 


"Not my problem though." Kyuhyun shrugged. 


"Seriously, Kyuhyun! Did you need to play at here?" Donghae snapped. "And where's Wonnie?" 


Kyuhyun frowned. "I did not come here to play. I come here to eat." Kyuhyun said. "And Siwon hyung got called from his agency. 


"Gahh!!!" Donghae screamed in frustration, luckily no customer was around though. "When I thought we could meet." Donghae mumbled. 


And Kyuhyun instantly got an idea. "Hae hyung. I can help you with that." 


"What?" Donghae said annoyed. 


A smirk form on Kyuhyun's face. "I can help arrange your date with Siwon hyung."  


So this brat want to play, huh? Fine. I'll play. Donghae thought, already knowing whatever that Kyuhyun had in his mind. Oh please, not that Donghae wasn't a high schooler before. Of course he knew every single details of high schooler's behavior once they fall in love. He used to be that kind of kids too.


"Really, Kyuhyunnie?" Donghae asked, faking kitty eyes to Kyuhyun. Hump... you think you're so smart, Kiddo.


"Of course I can. We can do double date. You, Siwon hyung, me and...." He paused, trailing his eyes on the kitchen. 


"Hyukjae?" Donghae smirked.


Fishy had caught the bite. "Yessss....." He smirked, thinking that his plan was working though. "So what you say?" 


Donghae paused, faking that he was thinking hard of his offer. "Fine. I can arrange your date with Hyukjae."


And Kyuhyun was so beamed in happiness. "Deal, hyung. This Saturday, sharp at two. Siwon hyung was free though." He said and ran away from the cafe, already forgot that his intention was to sneak peek on Hyukjae actually.


"Isn't there supposed a customer coming before?" Hyukjae, who had waited for Donghae to give him the order going out from the kitchen because he had waited for long.  And to his surprise, no customer was inside. He was sure at least there's one. 


"Not a customer. Just that brat." Donghae said shrugged. 


"Which brat?" Hyukjae asked, lifted an eyebrow in confusion.


"Siwon's younger brother."


"Definitely not Henry, right? You won't called that bubbly boy as brat." Hyukjae said, thinking. "Ah... the other one. What his name again? Kyuyeong? Kyuyun?"


"Kyuhyun!" Donghae corrected. "He asked you for double date though." He added, lifting the glass and wiped the table. Seriously, no customer is just so boring.


"Humph. Not interested." Hyukjae snorted.


"Did said you will go though." Donghae said shrugging. "Beside, I want to go date with Siwon, and he can arrange that. It just some sort of paying back."


"By putting me as the prize?" Hyukjae scoffed.


"You're my buddy. You won't let my cry because not seeing Siwon, right?" Donghae said, eyes already b. Oh how fake it was.


"Dating a high schooler was burden. They are no fun. At all." Hyukjae said, objecting Donghae's idea.


"I did not asked you to date him after all. Just come with me, have fun, and then go back. The end." He said. "Besides, you had give him huge happiness if you agreed with this. Probably the best thing had ever happen in his boring life." 


"His life couldn't be that bored, right? High school always full of energy, and activities." Hyukjae said, going to the cash counter, and started listing things he had to buy. 


"Not that he was that exciting. School, good grades. Home, games. That's his life." Donghae said and Hyukjae gave him oh-come-on, that-can't-be-his-life look. "According to Siwon." He added. 


"Wow, his life ." Hyukjae said, ending the list he want to buy. Chocolate, cream, flour and sugar. Basically what he need. 


"That's why I said you will give him the best thing had happen to him on his life." Donghae said, clinging his arm on Hyukjae's shoulder. "Come on, what you say?" He wiggled his eyebrows. 


"Fine." Hyukjae sighed. "I will give it a shot." He said. "Hope that he will not asked me to him though." He added and Donghae laughed. 


"Probably, Hyuk. Probably."


Then, the Saturday came. And Kyuhyun managed to dragged Siwon out from the house without Heechul suspecting on them. Well, fancy attire on the car, though. They going to changed to it later to make Heechul less suspecting them. But poor Henry had to stay at house alone, because he had to attend violin class. Though the chubby one had asked to let him tagged alone and just let him skip the lesson, they did not agree because it will rose Heechul's suspiciousness.


"Oh my ing god!" Hyukjae said and Donghae laughed. "What is he wearing?"


"School boy, Hyuk. School boy." Donghae said, patting his friend back and go kissed Siwon afterward.


"I did said to him to wear something else." Siwon said after he released the kisses and Donghae pointed to Kyuhyun's shirt. "He said he always wanted to wear that clothes when he went for his first date." 


Kyuhyun was grinned happily while Hyukjae facepalmed himself.


Dark blue jeans was acceptable, althought it looks slightly bigger on Kyuhyun. But a red stripped white cap? Like seriously? What is the use wearing those cap in summer?


And worst, mud green shirt with yellow polka dot? That was a very bad combination of colour. And what with the word 'MY DATE' printed on the shirt? That was totally embarassing Hyukjae.


And there almost five colour on Kyuhyun now. What is him? A rainbow? 


"Today is the day I died." Hyukjae said, muttering slowly.


Oh come on, Hyukjae. It won't be that bad, right?  



Writing many stories at the same times was hard and I seriously had no idea anymore. I might end everything at once, abruptly. (nod) (nod). So, yeah. gonna to end this soon, probably.  

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mykyunie #1
Chapter 13: I love it
wildrose88 #2
Chapter 13: Oh love this story :3
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 13: very cute story. I liked the ugly shirt well outfit you described for Kyuhyuns first date and Hyukjae's irritation. lol
The only thing that sort of got to me was the fact that Hyuk was being ordered around like he wasn't the owner of his place. But still all in all sweet story. :)
Chapter 13: Some constructive criticism, get a beta reader. The story was good but the grammar could have been better. I'm available if u need me to fix it
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #5
Chapter 4: Seriously kyu is the devil it self in this fic !
I bet siwon and Henry will take thier revenge .
Chapter 13: end already....
glad hyukjae can chase after his dream and kyu and hyukjae finally together...
btw are you not going to make epilogue? I want to see how heechul's reaction when his son told him they have boyfriend...

thanks for sharing this lovely fic...n.n
Chapter 13: I saw the notification and was shocked at the fact that I hadn't read this since chapter 8 .___. WTH I was really expecting to read the next chapters, how did I miss them?!
But Oh well, I've read them c: I'm glad the Hyuk got to fulfill his dream along with Kyu<33 I would have loved to see Heechul's reaction to meeting his son's partners though xD
Good story <33
emma13 #8
Chapter 13: Oh i'm still feeling quite shock that it was the last chapt of this story,even when you have said before..i think i just don't wanna this story end soon,well i admited to you i've already have a few plot in my mind hihihi.. >.<

But its a nice ending,i'm happy for them,especially hyukjae,kyu was done so much and everything the best for him.oh,real love was found you once,so lucky you,hyuk!

Thanks for writing this.Good work sweety~ *hugs
loverlovereunhae #9
Chapter 13: its quiet nice...i like it,,.tq 4 ur story,,
Chapter 13: awwwww....that was nice!
Thank you for the story..