Chapter Eleven :)

Fate (B1A4 fan fiction)


"Annyeonghaseyo! Good Afternoon! I'm your host Cha Hae Min live from Idol Central. As you all know, a very famous person was rumored migrated here in Seoul a few weeks ago and guess what? We finally got to invite her here in Idol Central. Please welcome the one and only.. Crystal Han!" The host announced.
I made my way out of the backstage and smiled at the clapping audience.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" I greeted the host and the audience.
"Wow. It's very nice to finally meet the world famous Crystal Han. How are you?" Cha Hae Min asked.
"I'm good. Thank you for inviting me here, Miss Hae Min." I replied humbly.
After the introductions, she began asking me questions about what I think of their country, what is it like living with five idols, do I accept endorsement and stuff like that. Halfway through the show, one of the camera men walked to Hae Min's side and whispered something.
"Hold on. I was just informed that an idol decided to visit our show! Lets see who is it. Please step up on the stage mystery idol." Hae Min said excitedly.
I didn't bother to turn around and see who is it. I don't know that many idols so I just kept on looking at the flower they gave me earlier.
"Oh! It's Park Cheondung! Welcome to Idol Central." Hae Min exclaimed again.
Woah. Did she say Park Cheondung? Thunder of MBLAQ?! I turned rapidly, checking if I'm not dreaming. I'm wondering why I didn't get a whiplash from looking back that fast. It's true. It's really Thunder!
"Ken!" We exclaimed in unison, shushing the cheering audience.
"You know each other?" Hae Min asked.
I nodded excitedly before running to Thunder and kissed his left cheek. I saw a flash of a camera somewhere. Oh well.
"Your lips are hot." He said, scrunching his eyebrows.
"Haha. When you say it like that, it sounds ual." I giggled.
The audience laughed along with me.
"Sorry. I mean, are you sick or something?" He asked.
I shook my head before turning to Hae Min.
"Can I sing a song? I'll let you all hear my newly found talent." I asked.
"Sure! Everybody, Crystal will share us her newly found talent. Lets give her a round of applause.
I stood up, left the microphone on the chair and grinned at a confused Thunder before walking to the center of the stage.
"I'm going to sing B1A4's Beautiful Target without the microphone. I'll just sing louder for you to hear. Okay, here we go." I said.
"Oh my beautiful target
You zoom zoom my heart like a rocket
nae tteugeoun simjangi geudaereul gidaryeoyo
Oh my beautiful lady
nan neoman boyeo na eotteokhae
nae tteugeoun sarangeul geudaeyeo badajwoyo" I sang in a chipmunk's voice.
"Wow! That is so cool! How did you do that?" Hae Min asked.
"I don't know either. Watch this." I replied before belting out Sandeul's 'Ooooh!' part still in a chipmunk's voice.
The audience clapped and cheered. I bowed before sitting back on the chair beside Thunder.
"So, I'm going to ask a few more questions for the both of you if you don't mind." Hae Min stated.
"Sure. Go ahead." I replied, looking at Thunder who's nodding.
"How long have you known each other?" She asked.
I looked at Thunder, motioning for him to answer for the both of us.
"We've been friends for about 11 years now." He replied, winking at me.
"Are you dating or have you dated before?"
"What do you think? Should we start dating?" Cheondung asked mischievously.
"I don't know. Should we?" I asked, playing along.
"We'll think about it." Cheondung grinned at the host.
"Okay. Thank you for coming to our show, Cheondung and Crystal. It's nice having the both of you." She said.
"Thank you!" We both replied, waving at the audience and the camera.
I heard four knocks on the door, indicating that it's Cheondung.
"What's the password?" I asked, slightly opening the door.
"I know a boy named Tate
who dined with his girl at eight eight.
I'm unable to state what Tate ate at eight eight
or what Tate's tête à tête ate at eight eight." He recited, rolling his eyes.
"Wow, four seconds! New record!" I said, pulling the door fully open.
"Anyway, do you want to go somewhere?" Cheondung asked coolly.
"Sure! Anywhere will be fine." I said, grabbing his hand and ran out of the dressing room and out of the building.
A day with Park Sang Hyun is never boring. We always do weird stuffs in public every time we're together.
We decided to hit the mall first.
"Oh, look!" Cheondung yelled, pointing at the ceiling.
One by one, people started to walk towards us to see what is it. People are so curious, aren't they? That's why 'curiosity killed the cat' was invented. Once we gathered enough people, he held my hand and we both ducked and left the crowd to stare at nothing.
Second, we entered a department store and headed straight to the alarm clocks section. Yes, you guessed it right. We set all the alarm clocks to go off all at once and walked away slowly.
"Ken oppa, let's buy skateboards!" I suggested when we passed a skateboard store.
The salesman on duty is really H-O-T! Purr.
"I want a customized one, please." I requested.
"Mine's the batman over there, please." Cheondung said, pointing at the skateboard he liked on the corner.
The salesman, Dae Jung (it was written on his name tag) asked me to pick the design I want while he gets a new batman skateboard from the stockroom.
"I want a black deck with my full name written on it, neon green truck and pink wheels. Thank you!" I said.
I asked the salesman if we can just go back after an hour and he agreed right away.
Ken oppa suggested to wait at Starbucks because he haven't eaten lunch yet and it's already 3:30 in the afternoon. I ordered a raspberry swirl pound cake and caramel macchiato and Cheondung wants Turkey and havarti sandwich and chocolate smoothie. He forced me to get the caramel macchiato, literally. He held both of my shoulders before shaking me like a rag doll. See how nice he is? Not!
"Why can't I have a hot chocolate? Please, Park Sang Hyun." I groaned.
"You know the reason why and since when did you became so disrespectful?" He scolded me.
I pouted and gave him a sullen glance before walking to an empty table.
Minutes passed before someone put a tray on our table with the food we ordered. It wasn't Cheondung. Where did he go? Did he just left me?!
"Mam, Mr. Park asked me to tell you that he'll be back in a few." The waitress said.
I thanked her and played Virtual Pet on my iPhone. I haven't played it in almost a week! Omo, I'm a horrible pet owner. I was bored to death that day and tried looking for games on the App Store and came across Virtual Pet. I can't think of a name so I asked the boys. They suggested their names but Shinwoo oppa said I should name it Malgeumi The Second since his dog's name is Malgeumi. Oh, look! There's a new game called 'Ducks'. Remind me to tell Sandeul oppa.
The sweet smell of candies distracted me. Cheondung laid three bags of assorted candies in front me.
"Thank you, Ken oppa!" I said, grinning at him.
Yes, immature, right? It works for me every time.
"So, tell me every thing!" He whispered.
I gave him a brief explanation about my family's sudden death.
"Babo. I already know that. I mean, you like someone, don't you?" He asked again.
"Like who?" I asked.
Do I like someone? I only know my husband, our four sons and few important and not too important people.
"Well, there's this someone who can make my heart beat wildly inside my chest with just a simple eye smile, listens to me, I feel nervous, comfortable, content and warm all at once every time we're together, he can be really quiet sometimes sitting at the corner, I don't like the feeling when we're apart from each other and butterflies swarming in my tummy just thinking about him. But I think he likes someone else." I explained.
"So, who's the guy? Do I know him? Is he an idol? Does he look better than me? How old is he? I want to meet him!" He asked question after question not giving me time to answer at least one of them.
"Slow down. Yes, he's an idol. You probably know him, too." I said and whispered him the guy's name.
We played rock, paper, scissors and the winner gets to ddakbam the loser on his or her forehead.
"Haha! er!" I said, flicking his forehead.
"Ow! Look who's talking red forehead. Ooh! It rhymes!" He replied.
"I don't care, pink haired Ken. Come on, lets fetch my new skateboard and do some more fun stuffs." I said, pulling him out of his chair.
On our way to the skateboard shop, Cheondung pulled me in a music store. I remembered the night with Shinwoo oppa. Deep sigh.
"What are we doing here?" I asked.
"Just one song. Please?" He requested, showing me his 'best' puppy eyes.
"What song?" I asked again, crossing my arms.
"Really? Lets sing Just Give Me A Reason."
He asked the workers if he can borrow microphones and if we can use the karaoke near the entrance. As I'd expected, they let him to borrow those things. Korean people are really nice, don't you think?
Cheondung cleared his throat before saying, "Annyeonghaseyo!" Catching a few fan girls and fan boy's attention.
I can hear girls whispering, saying, "Cheondung oppa", "MBLAQ" and "Geuneun gwiyeoun" which means He is cute.
"Juh gi yo, unnie." Someone said, making me turn to the person who spoke.
"I'm sorry, I don't know how to speak Korean but what can I do for you?" I asked the girl sweetly.
"Can I have my picture taken with you?" She asked.
"Sure, but can we do it after Cheondung oppa and I's performance? I'm sure he wants to have his picture taken with you, too." I asked her back.
"Okay. Thank you." She said before walking back to her friends.
"Hi! Do you guys know who I am?" I asked the crowd.
I heard a chorus of 'Yes's' and 'Nae's'.
"Wow. Anyway, I'm still going to introduce myself. I'm Crystal Han and this pink haired guy over here is Park Cheondung." I said.
"That's oppa for you, Crystal. We will be singing Just give Me A Reason. Enjoy!" He exclaimed, winking at some girls.
"Right from the start
You were a thief
You stole my heart
And I your willing victim
I let you see the parts of me
That weren't all that pretty
And with every touch you fixed them" I started.
Do you think the guy I like will like me back? I know I'm not the prettiest, most talented, intelligent or the kindest girl in the world but I can love him with all my heart, I'll be by his side every time he needs me and I don't judge other people.
"I'm sorry I don't understand
Where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine
(Oh, we had everything)
Your head is running wild again
My dear we still have everythin'
And it's all in your mind
(Yeah, but this is happenin')" Cheondung oppa sang while I do the backing vocals.
As if like déjà vu, after the song ended, we thanked the kind people on the music store who lend us the microphones. We smiled on every picture the fans take and gave them autographs, too.
After we dropped by at the skateboard store to get my own, I pulled Cheondung oppa inside the clothes store with glass walls and we both posed like mannequins. A little girl about 3 or 4 years old walked by and tapped the glass wall. She stopped and looked at us weirdly. I didn't see her mother or whoever she is with so I made a creepy smile, shocking her. The girl ran off crying. I couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter at the kid's reaction. People looked at me like I'm crazy and should be put in a mental hospital.
"What did you do to the little girl?" Oppa glared at me.
"Nothing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I replied, clutching my aching stomach.
"Lets play tag!" He suggested excitedly.
"You're the it!" I shouted before riding my skateboard and stormed out of the store.
We played tag inside the mall dodging and swerving at the people who's blocking our way. A security tried chasing us but he got tired running after us for a long time. He's kind of old already so it's really understandable. Cheondung suddenly got a call from their group leader asking him to do some important stuff.
"I'll make it up to you next time, Barbie. I promise." He kissed the top of my head before leaving me in front of the house.
I entered the house glumly and I didn't notice the boys until they engulfed me in a big group hug.
"Crystal-ssi! We missed you!" Sandeul oppa said.
"Nae. Nobody wants to sing me to sleep." Gongchan pouted cutely.
"Noona, why didn't you tell us that you know Cheondung-sunbaenim?" Baro asked.
"Who are you talking to outside?" Jinjin oppa asked.
"Why do you look so glum?" Shinwoo oppa asked.
"You guys watched Idol Central?" I asked.
"Yes." They chorused.
"To answer all of you, I missed all of you, too. I'll sing you to sleep later, baby. I didn't know that I'll see Thunder oppa at all because of his schedule. I was talking to him outside. Do I really look sad? Well, we decided to spent the rest of the day together after the show but he got a call suddenly from their leader." I explained.
"Okay! Since I missed all of you, I'm going to cook something delicious. But can we eat pizza tonight? Or just order whatever you like. I'll pay." I said, breaking the silence before heading to my room to change my clothes.
They ordered lots of Japanese foods and two boxes of cheese pizza. Pigging out with your friends and talking are the best way to bond, right? Talking and laughing about anything and everything not caring what topic it is. They started talking in korean animatedly so I decided to look at their videos on YouTube until something caught my eyes.
"Oppa! Shinwoo oppa! They took a video of us. Lets watch it!" I said excitedly.
"What video?" Baro asked curiously.
They all ran beside me and looked at Sandeul oppa's laptop. I clicked the video with the title 'B1A4 CNU and Crystal Han street performance' and let it play.
"So that is what you did while the four of us are busy looking for you." Jinjin oppa said.
I grinned sheepishly and continued watching the video.
"Look at the comments." Gongchan said.
-Wow! They're voices blend well and they look so cute together! :)
-Are they dating?
-When did this happen?
-Crystal is so lucky!
-My two inspirations are singing together! I'm crying.
"Refresh it. I want to see if there are new comments." Sandeul oppa asked.
I refreshed it and read new comments.
-Aaw. They will have the cutest Korean American babies in the future!
"Crystal is such a ! Few days after her date with CNU, she was seen earlier with MBLAQ's Thunder. Look at this article!" I read the comment out loud before clicking the attached website URL.
The famous Hollywood actress guested on the show Idol Center earlier this afternoon when the member of MBLAQ, Cheondung dropped by. He greeted Crystal with the words 'You're lips are hot.' and she replied jokingly, 'When you say it like that, it sounds ual.' They called each other 'Barbie' and 'Ken' and was asked by the host if they are dating or had dated before. Park replied with 'What do you think? Should we start dating?' and ended the talk with 'We'll think about it.'.
The two was spotted spending the rest of the day together at the mall. Mall for a first date? What do you think?
You can see the photos below.
We read the article and looked at the pictures.
"Look, noona. There's another one." Baro said, pointing at the article on the side.
Crystal Han was seen with B1A4's eldest member, CNU at the amusement park a few weeks ago. The two look cozy, holding hands and feeding each other. Crystal and CNU seems to be spending their time with each other lately. The night before B1A4 leaves to Japan, the two performed on the street alone, singing love songs as if they are in love with one another.
Few months ago, B1A4 was asked in a variety show if there is someone they like and would like to get to know her more. CNU answered the question saying that he likes Krystal's f(x). Does he like another Crystal, now?
See the video of CNU and Crystal's street performance along with their photos below.
"Hold on. There's a poll on the left side." Sandeul oppa said.
Which couple do you like more?
-Shinstal (B1A4's Shin Dong Woo aka CNU and Crystal YuRi Han)
-Cheonri (MBLAQ's Park Sang Hyun aka Cheondung and Crystal YuRi Han)
Our pictures were attached below each couple name. Both 'couples' are tied with the number of people who voted.
"Seriously?!" I asked no one in particular before sending both article's URL and poll to Cheondung's email with a short message.
'Didn't know it was our first date. Kidding! I love how people can make up these pathetic rumors about the both of us. Call me whenever you're free so we can catch up. 010-1234-5678 :) love you! Xoxo  -Barbie'
The rest of the night was still fun even though CNU oppa remained quiet on the corner, playing with Malgeumi The Second. I want to ask him what's wrong but I don't want to be known as the nosy housemate.
Ta-da! I updated :)
I love playing this over and over again. PS Look at Baro's face at 4:38
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afiercesong #1
I liked this a lot :D
Unnie , did you write this on Quotev ??
Chapter 29: OOOH UNNIE IS TALENTED!! Dayum by the way the story is so good!
Bananavhel #5
Chapter 27: OMG Love it unnie! BEST FANFIC!~ OOHH~ I can't wait for Baro's fanfic! I'll keep supporting you unnie!
Chapter 26: Aw, thanks for dedicating the chapter to me! First time! lol.
I keep saying this sh*** is soooooo goooooooddd sorry for my bad lenguage!xD I'll wait for the update, I'm so looking forward
Chapter 25: Ah, so sad :D
Chapter 25: OMGGG