Chapter 2 *Going Crazy*

My Celebrity Romance
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After a long fifteen minutes of bickering the two idiots realized just how late they were now. Dara was VERY late for school by now and Jiyong was a whole hour late for dance practice.    Dara: Ah! I'm late! MOVE, ! *Pushes Jiyong out of the way*   Jiyong: Yah! You could say excuse me! Bi-- *whack! Gets hit with a shoe*   Dara: Shut up! Now to bring me my shoe back.   Jiyong: No! You threw it at me! Now its mine!   Dara: YOU SON OF B*TCH!   Jiyong shrugged and began to walk on. Dara was half tempted to tackle the smug Dragon to the ground and get her shoe back, but she was already late and decided to let him go.    Dara: Fine! You win this round, Dragon!   Jiyong: Babe, I ALWAYS win. *winks*   Dara: *rolls eyes* don't make me throw my other shoe at you. Aish...I'm late... I'll kill you the next Time I see you!!   Jiyong: I'LL MAKE SURE WE NEVER SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN!   Dara: FINE BY ME JERK!   Dara huffed and turned around. She stomped away only wearing one shoe while Jiyong was much the same except the opposite foot.    *School time* Dara ran through the school corridors trying to get to her class that was already half way in session. She was incredibly late thanks to that Kwon Jerk. Sohee was going to kill her.    She saw the light at the end of the hallway. Her classroom! A smile broke out on her face as she sprinted to the class. Dara whipped open the door and dashed inside, unfortunately tripping over an ant.    The lecture hall went completely silent, all eyes on the crazy girl lying face down on the floor. She sat up slowly feeling warmth spread into her cheek. Aigoo...I look like a freaking idiot!   Psychotic would be the appropriate term. She got a little messed up after her run in with the Dragon so her shirt had dirt stains on it, her jeans were torn, hair was a freaking rats nest, and she looked like a crazy maniac running into the room just seconds before.   Her professor cleared his throat and gestured for her to find her wasnt her professor. She looked around the room and realized she was in the wrong class! "Wait...this is West 107 is it?"   Professor: No. This is EAST 107   Dara: Gotcha... *creeping back slowly*   She walked slowly backwards to the door and ran like her was on fire. She stumbled and tripped every so often as she was incredibly clumsy. It was like she was running in slow motion as she came to her CORRECT class room.   She opened the door and stumbled in just as the bell rang. Her expression turned dark as she hung her head, feeling her eye twitch. She raised a fist to the ceiling. "DAMN IT!!" ~~~~~~~~~ *YG Entertainment* Jiyong panted as he kicked his leg agains the ground, moving the scooter along. How did he get this scooter you ask? Well he found it lying on the ground near someone's house and took it.    In the process of trying to take it, a little girl walked out and screamed at him to give it back. The poor Jiyong didn't know what he was getting himself into and got into a fight with the next karate kid. In short, he got his handed to him and lost his wallet...   Now he was trying to ride as fast as he could on this little pink Barbie scooter, to the dance practice he was already two hours late for. He got to the building and threw the scooter on the side. He wanted to waste no more time trying to put away the scooter.    YG hyung is going to kill me T_T   Jiyong ran up ten flights of stairs and skillfully managed to weave his way through the labyrinth that was YG. So many damn rooms!   Finally he came to the right one. He was already pissed and LATE so he wanted no funny business during practice. He slammed the door back and proceeded to walk in. Unfortunately, with all the force he exerted on the door, the door hit the wall and bounced back, knocking poor Jiyong to the floor.   He groaned and rubbed his forehead. You could say he was having the worst possibly day in the history of horrible days. First he loses his pants, then he runs into a psychotic girl who doesn't even know who he is, gets attacked and jacked by a ten year old, and then gets beaten up by a freaking door.   The four other men in the room looked at each other and then back at their pitiful leader. The youngest was trying really hard not to laugh at his hyung. Unable to contain it, he let a giggle slip. Big mistake.    The three other members quickly covered his mouth. Jiyong's head snapped up, his eyes
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Chapter 43: One of my favorite daragon fanfiction and thank authornim for this beautiful story you share with us♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 43: Re reading this cute beautiful love story bec of guarrantine time of corona 19 i recall this story and i realize almost 18 months past already still very strong our daragon couple.
Chapter 26: I wanna punch the .mastermind
Chapter 24: Aisht stupid ji you dont know what happen but you conclude already tsk
Chapter 18: Aisht this two b*tch i wanna strangle them
Chapter 10: Hahahahahhaha i kennat jiyongie
Chapter 7: You love dara kkkk
Chapter 5: Way to go Jiyong tsk
Chapter 3: Hahahaha ottoke im worried to jiyongs down there hahahahaa
Chapter 43: Daebak authornim thanks for sharing your beautiful love story