Confession Letter (Baekhyun)

Violet, My Last Love



Dear Violet,

Don’t die, or I will not forgive you because left us before.

Don’t die, or I can’t forgive myself for whole life.

Don’t die, because I still not saying how much I missed you.

Don’t die, because we should live together, forever.

Don’t die, because I love you.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

I rather die than seeing you like this. You’re suffering enough without us stayed your side. But still, we hurt you. I hurt you more. It was my fault. I don’t know you. Why you never tell me before? Why you not trust me? I can handle it. I’m a strong kid that time, you know. You should trust me. I thought you left us because we’re so troublesome to you. I thought you hate us. Because we’re stubborn, because we’re naughty.

Noona, don’t die. I need you. We need you.

Please forgive me.








“I’m sorry.” Baekhyun cried.

Daehyun come to him, hug to comfort him. The older is not too strong actually. He’s weak.

“I ruined everything.  10 years. We wait 10 years to reunite again but I ruined everything. I hurt noona. I said she’s selfish. What I had done to her? I’m sorry.”

Taehyung cried too. The youngest feel hurt too.

“Now, we’re here. Together. Still not late for us, to stay together. “

“But what if… I’m too scared. It’s final stage. Why noona faced same situation like mom? Why? It’s not fair.”



“It’s cancer. It’s final stage.”

Baekhyun collapsed because too shocked.

“As you see, I lost my right . Three years ago. I thought I would be survived from this disease.  I believe I can live in healthy and I will find three of you again so we will become a family again.”

Violet harshly wiped her tears.

“But I was wrong.” She take deep breathe and look at her little brothers again. Daehyun, Taehyung and before staring more longer at Baekhyun. The oldest one.

“We’re too young that time. But I’m really sorry; I don’t know how to tell my little brothers that their noona was carrying their mom’s disease, that their noona has same fate as their mom. That she have difficulty to survive. That she will die soon. Because of that, she can’t take cares her own sibling with her own hands. Because of that, she chose to separate with them. To not let them worried about her.”

Taehyung shook his head unbelief.

“Stop…” Baekhyun’s voice was cracking.

“I’m sorry because being selfish, Baekhyun. I’m sorry. It was my fate but what can I do? I want to live like you too but what can I do? Please tell me, Baekhyun. What can I do? I don’t want to die yet. Please help me…”





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thanks for subscribing and comments. I planned to end this soon. ^^ when I'm not lazy. hoo... enjoy reading! 3


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popping in to visit older fics and say hi. .u.