Chapter 9: Surprise. Surprise.

y Boy in Dinosaur Pajamas

"Why are you here?"

"What are you talking about? This is my room."

"No it's not. Now get out."

"Yes it is. YOU get out. You're the one on my bed." 

"Stop lying."

"I'm not lying."

"Sure you aren't." 

"I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not." 

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"You're a pig."


"You're a pig."



"What the heck is wrong with this girl...?"


I awoke, feeling extremely groggy, my eyes barely opened.


"Whoa!" I cried out, my heart almost exploding out of my chest. I quickly patted my chest as I looked toward the door to see my grandfather walking in. Now my eyes opened all the way. My grandfather, wearing his robe, walked toward my bed. Wait. This isn't my bed. Oh right. This is Baekhyun's room. Wait. Where's Baekhyun?! 

"Jin Ae." Said my grandfather. 

"Y-yes?" My voice a bit throaty. 

He closed his eyes and sighed. "What happened to you?" He asked.

"..." I didn't know how to reply to that. Do I just tell him someone was in the library while I was in there too and threw a knife at me? 

Eh. Why not? It's the truth anyway.

"Someone threw a knife on my arm." I stated matter of factly.

"Well, that much is pretty obvious. What I mean is, do you know who hurt you?"

"No, Grandfather, I could not. I could not see anything. The lights were off."

"Why were the lights off?" He questioned.

"How am I suppose to know that? This is your house." I said with a bit more sharpness then I intended. 

He stared at me for a few minutes before turning around and beckoned for one of the butlers to come in. Grandfather whispered a few words into his ears before the butler bowed and walked out the room. "Jin Ae. You will be meeting someone in the living room at the end of the hall in ten minutes. Go get ready." And with that, he his heels and walked out too.

"Get ready? How do you expect someone who has a bloodied arm ready herself in ten minutes. Men," I shook my head. "They don't even need to comb their hair." 

Moments later a few maids entered the room and said in unison, "We will help Miss. Jin Ae get ready." You guys are not gonna help me undress.

"Can you guys just help me turn on the water and wrap up my arm? Then you guys can leave." They nodded and bowed before turning to Baekhyun's bathroom. Two of the maids came to me, one carried a first-aid kit, the other a basin filled with water. Slowly, they unwrapped the t-shirt and...toilet paper? Wow. He used toilet paper to wrap my arm. I winced as they pulled off the final piece of paper. The cut was now a deep red color with chunks of dried blood around it.

The one with the first-aid kit ripped open a alcohol packet and began wiping my arm. OW! I had to bite my lip to keep form crying out. I looked away, squeezing my eye shut. The agonizing pain lasted for a long time, and the maids were still not done wiping my arm, as if they wanted me to feel the pain. Or maybe because there's just too much dry blood and they can't wipe it off.

When they finally finished, they wrapped gauze around my arm, taped it, and wrapped another layer of bandage. The maids then all went out and shut the door. I slipped my legs out from under the covers and stood up, a bit too fast, it seemed, because my vision started to get blurry. 

I waved a hand out in front of me, trying to grab something to steady myself. But thankfully, before I needed to, my vision cleared. My legs carried me toward the bathroom and I closed the door.

After I took the fastest bath in my life, I grabbed a towel to dry off. I looked around the bright restroom, and saw no clothes except the dirty ones I threw into the hamper. The maids listen to directions really well. I didn't ask for clothes and they didn't bring any.

With no other choice, I went back to the bedroom.

To find Byun Baekhyun shutting his bedroom door. 

Our gazes met and in sync, our eyes widened and jaws dropped. 

Oh! My! God!

I ran, into the closet, like the devil was after me. I shut the door quickly, leaned against it, and waited for my heart to stop pounding. I took big long breaths. Inhaled and exhaled.

"Um..y-you can wear some of my c-clothes." I heard him say through the closet door.

I stared straight ahead of me and saw all of his clothes. The closet lights were just as bright as the ones in the bathroom, blinding me. 

I saw rows after rows of clothes. All categorized according to styles of clothing. Accessories on one side while ties and shoes on the other. It all looked more like a fancy clothing store than a boy's closet. But then again, my closet kind of looks the same. 

Very slowly, I trudged towards the casual clothes and started picking out a t-shirt and pants. I was about to slip on the clothes before I forgot the most important piece of clothing right now.


How do I get out of here without wearing underwear?!


Everything was solved when I decided to wear....boxers. It felt odd, wearing a boy's clothes. I came out of the closet to thankfully see that Baekhyun had the brains to leave me alone. I hurtled toward the phone on the nightstand and quickly dialed Lu Han's number.

"Hello?" I heard Lu Han say.



Lu Han's POV


Bring her clothes to BAEKHYUN'S room?!

There must be something wrong with my ears.

Placing Sang Hee's arm gently off my chest, I got off my bed. Groaning as I walked toward the door.

"Lu Han? Where are you going?" asked Sang Hee. I turned to Sang Hee, who had her elbows propped on my pillow. 

"I just need to get some clothes for Jin Ae. I don't even know why I'm doing this. She's in Baekhyun's room and she's asking me to bring her clothes into his room." 


Jin Ae's POV

I started pacing around the door after I locked it. Whenever I was nervous, worried, or scared, I would start biting my bottom lip. Like what I was currently doing. I wish Lu Han would hurry the heck up. This feels so weird. I somehow feel violated.

Looking up at the digital clock on the bed, I saw that I had about seven minutes late. Would harabeoji kill me? I pondered. 

I didn't really know harabeoji's personality, but I can conclude that he doesn't like late, irresponsible people.

*Knock* *Knock*

I scurried to the door. "Thank goodness, Lu Han. But you're really slow." He opened his mouth to say something but, like what Baekhyun did to me when I first met him, I slammed the door into Lu Han's face. Ooo. I'm gonna get scolded for sure.

Faster than lightning, I tore off Baekhyun's clothes and slipped on my own comfortable ones. Without thinking to throw the clothes into the hamper, I grabbed the handle, turned it and slide into the hallway. I didn't stop until I got to the living room, not even to say 'thanks again' to Lu Han.


"You took a while." Said my grandfather.

"Mianhaeyeo, Harabeoji. I lost track of time." I think that it would be better to not not mention that I had to wear Baekhyun's clothing. 

"Well, since you did show up, I'll introduce you guys." Harabeoji stepped aside and I saw a teenage boy sitting on one of the armchairs behind. He was tall and sat with his legs stretched out before him. And he had a goofy smile on his face.

I like him already.

Next to him was a very decorous looking couple. 

"This," my grandfather gestured toward the boy, "is Park Chanyeol, your cousin."  

Isn't he one of the guys that I saw the other morning? I looked him over. My cousin huh. 

"And beside him are his parents; Park Jin Hee and Park Min Jun, your aunt and uncle."

"Hello little cousin!" hollered Chanyeol. I gave him a smile and a little wave. Maybe life here wouldn't be so bad.



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ninjapandas #1
Chapter 11: This story is daebak. Thanks for the update. Please update soon. Fighting
shea_shariff #2
Chapter 10: I love this story. Hehe. Cant wait for ur computer to b fixed.
Vhahaha #3
Chapter 11: I'll wait for your update than author-nim. Fighting! =D
Chapter 8: what is happening to her? and who attacked her?
Vhahaha #5
unnie jjang, thanks for the update and fighting! XD
I like this story, good job! though it might need some editing because some words are weird.