Chapter 2: Heir

y Boy in Dinosaur Pajamas

They drove toward the richer part of town, where the houses were at least three to six stories tall. I stared at the houses in amazement, forgetting why I was here in the first place. Dang. How do people get this much money?

Then another thought entered my mind. I'm going to live in this part of town. I'm gonna live with rich people!  I'm not sure weather I should be happy or terrified about this.

"Miss." said Mr. Hwang, snapping me out of my daydream. "We are nearing the Jung residence. Please be polite. When speaking with your grandfather, you mustn't speak until you are spoken to. Your grandfather is of very high class and since you are his granddaughter I expect nothing less from you." 

Woah. Bossy much? I thought I was the Miss here. Not you.

We then stopped a huge black gate. They were really beautifully made. This looks like an entrance to a PALACE, not a HOUSE. The driver pressed a button and the gate began slowly opening. As we drove into the really really long drive way, we passed throught rows of trees on both sides. It must've been seven minutes by the time we finally parked in front of a massive stair case leading up to ginormous white double doors.

I was then ushered out the limo and the butlers were already there, standing in two straight rows, facing the the staircase. Mr. Hwang stood in between and motioned me to stand behind him.

My jaws dropped as I took in the surrondings. This IS a PALACE. There were two other smaller stair cases on each side of the main stair case also leading up to the doors. A large patio streched between the stairs and doors.

The palace was five stories high and painted a whitish peachy color. Red arched bricks covered the whole roof. Elegant window surrounded the front of the building. They all had beautifully made white curtains, covering whatever was inside. 

We then began marching up the steps and through the doors. When I stepped into the house, maids were lined up in two lines. Behind the maids were pillars made of marble that supported the house. Everything was white here. Next to each pillar was a plant. Mostly the ones that looked liked fans.

The butlers went to join the maids and together they bowed to me. "Welcome home, Miss. We hope that you will be able to enjoy your new home." They said in unison.

"Um..thank you." I shyly bowed back to them. 

"Miss. They are your humble servants, you aren't to bow to them." said Mr. Hwang. Annoyance flared inside me. "I am your Miss aren't I?" Mr. Hwang nodded. "Then shut up."

I could see that he was taken aback because his eyes widened. He then bowed with one hand raised, signaling me to follow him, then straightened up and started walking with his hands behind his back.

He lead me all the way to the fifth floor and stopped at a door. He bowed for me to enter. I walked in and was greeted by a set of black couches. There was a black zen door near the couches and I pushed it open.

Inside was an old man sitting at a ebony colored desk. He had white hair, and eyebrows. A white golfer cap was placed on top of his head.

Woah. Grandpa is ancient.

"Jin Ae-ah, my granddaughter, please, come sit." he said and motioned to a chair in front of him.

I walked up and sat down while Mr. Hwang went to stand by grandpa's side.

"So your grandpa huh?"


"Now, Grandpa, why am I here?" I demanded. Mr. Hwang's eyes widened again as he tried to tell me to not be so disresectful to my grandfather. Grandpa raised his hand up telling Mr. Hwang to step outside. Mr. Hwang bowed and sent me glare before stepping out.

"You are my only heir left."



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ninjapandas #1
Chapter 11: This story is daebak. Thanks for the update. Please update soon. Fighting
shea_shariff #2
Chapter 10: I love this story. Hehe. Cant wait for ur computer to b fixed.
Vhahaha #3
Chapter 11: I'll wait for your update than author-nim. Fighting! =D
Chapter 8: what is happening to her? and who attacked her?
Vhahaha #5
unnie jjang, thanks for the update and fighting! XD
I like this story, good job! though it might need some editing because some words are weird.