Chapter 8: Wounded

y Boy in Dinosaur Pajamas

When I was younger, there were many times when Luhan and I would play at the nearby playground near my house. We were always careless when it came to playing, returning home with scratches and bruises. 

But there was this one time when Luhan and I were returning home,wanting , thinking how fun it would be to climb over the fence instead of using the gates. 

I started, placing one foot in one of the diamond shaped holes and another in the other. Luhan followed, right next to me. The top of the fence had pointed edges, finishing the fence by being twisted. I placed both feet over the fence and prepared to jump. With full force, I pushed myself off, but not before the fence dragged about a two inch line along my thigh.

I had cried, of course, any six year old would. Maybe wearing shorts that day was a bad idea. 

Luhan, the ever-so quick thinking one, swiftly climbed over and helped me up. He brought me into the house and yelled for my mother while taking the first aid kit out from the restroom. Blood had been dripping down my foot by then and I remembered how much it hurt. It felt like a knife had run through my leg instead of the fence. 

The pain was too much, but seeing my mothers crying face hurt me even more. 

A scar was left there, but slowly faded over the years. Nevertheless, though, not completely. 


That pain I felt those few years ago, returned. Except this time, it really was a knife. The pain not only hurt my arm but also my heart. Would my mother cry even more if she knew that it was actually a knife that cut me and it wasn't by accident? I wonder, how would she react if she knew that I almost fell of the stairs because of the force of the knife? 

I clutched my arm and fled down the stairs. Pushing pass plants and dodging armchairs. Mom would go crazy if she saw me.

Must....find....Lu....Han...  I thought as I tried not to drip blood onto the floor but failed. How the maids will react to this?

I staggered through the halls and finally found Luhan's room. Using my hand to knock would hurt too much and would stain the door, and will let the blood flow freely, so I decided to kick it instead. 

"Open." I said softly, as if it would actually magically open. But it did. 

But not to the one I hoped. My head tilted a little. Did I take a wrong turn?

He lifted his brow. "Yes?" He asked. My eyes slightly rolled up but I quickly shook my head to wake myself up. He finally noticed the blood running down my arm and cried out.

"Oh shoot!" He his eyes widened, flabbergasted.

I took a step forward and nearly fell onto the floor but fell into his arms instead. At least someone knows.....better than the floor. I thought as my eyes finally rolled all the way back.


Baekhyun's POV

The warm water flowing out of the shower head felt so good. Like a cool breeze on a warm summer day. I turned my head toward the source and closed my eyes, letting myself feel the last of the water that burst out as I turn the knob. Grabbing the towel hanging over the shower door, I dried myself and slipped on my clothes.

I heard a ping from my bedroom. Chanyeol and I had made plans for tomorrow, afterschool. I was so excited that I rushed out the bathroom. 

Chanyeol to Baekhyun

The library. ^_^


".....WHAT?!" I shouted, probably making the windows shake. WHY ON EARTH WOULD HE PICK THE LIBRARY? It's so quiet there. I mean, it's not like I hate it but-

I heard a soft thump on my door. "Huh?" I got up from my bed and softly trotted to the entrance of my bedroom. Very carefully, I pulled it open.

A bewildered look crossed my face as I saw who it was. What's she doing here? She must've thought the same too because her head tilted slightly to the side.

Slowly, I lifted my brow and spoke. "Yes?" Then I saw it. The blood.

The dark red blood dripping down her forearm to her hand, leaking onto the carpet, a trail behind her. "Oh shoot!" I cried out before I could stop myself.

Then, I looked at her face and saw her eyeballs rolling backward as she took a step forward. I quickly held up my arms to catch her.


I lifted her up and laid very carefully laid her onto my bed. Her blood started to leak even more, without her holding onto her arm. Rushing toward the restroom, I grabbed as many toilet papers as I could. There wasn't a first-aid kit in my room so toilet paper would have to do. 

My heart thumped so hard that my hands were shaking as I wrapped the toilet paper around her arm. I then went into my closet and pulled out an old t-shirt. After I was done wrapping her wound, I looked around and saw blood everywhere on the floor. 

"What's going on?" I whispered, staring at her as she slept.

Jin Ae's POV

I'm on the stairs again. This time, though, I could see cloaked figures advancing toward me. The lights were one.

Foot length daggers in there hands, gleaming in the light from the chandelier in the center of the library. Fear itched its way through me as I felt myself stepping closer and closer toward the stairs. But there was no sign of them stopping.

When they finally did, I let out a breath. Only to find that I was millimeters from falling to my doom. I turned back to look at the cloaked figures. Some how, it felt like they were people I knew. I squinted my eye to try to get a better look, but at that moment, one of them stepped foreword and slipped flower into my ear. The momentum send me tumbling backwards.

When I opened my eyes that I didn't realize I closed, I was  the bottom of the stairs, staring at a body that was twisted into odd angles. Her neck looked like it was snapped. 

Then I realized that girl was me. And all the while, the figures above the stairs just stared.



"NO!"  I screamed, feeling the cold sweat all over my body, making me shiver. I sat up on the bed and winced. "Ouch." I hissed, looking down on my arm and saw a t-shirt wrapped around it. What's this? 

The room was barely lit but I still could still make out a few things. Such as the body on the floor.

Oh my god. Who is that?

"Ugh. Shut up. I'm trying to sleep here." Said the body.


 Why do I always find him asleep?




....hi....? hehehehe..... :D



  :O    Suho vs. Baekhyun? Xl










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ninjapandas #1
Chapter 11: This story is daebak. Thanks for the update. Please update soon. Fighting
shea_shariff #2
Chapter 10: I love this story. Hehe. Cant wait for ur computer to b fixed.
Vhahaha #3
Chapter 11: I'll wait for your update than author-nim. Fighting! =D
Chapter 8: what is happening to her? and who attacked her?
Vhahaha #5
unnie jjang, thanks for the update and fighting! XD
I like this story, good job! though it might need some editing because some words are weird.