
Having The Witch in The House

The younger female examined the other girl from head to toe. She looked away in distaste. ''Who's this again?''

Mrs. Lee raised her brows. ''You don't remember her?''

''No. I'm not someone who remembers someone like this.'' Monique played with her smooth hair.

Ah Min scoffed. ''I don't remember you either. You must be someone very unimportant to me.'' Monique glared at her.

''Ah Min!'' Mrs. Lee hissed, sending her a look. Monique smirked and Ah Min rolled her eyes.

Mr. Lee looked between the two teenagers nervously and sensed the mood. ''Um...that's a nice pin you got there...'' He pointed at Monique's exposed stomach, trying to change subject.

She looked down. ''Oh this? It's a piercing. Do you like it?''

''It's very...fancy,'' Mrs. Lee nodded.

The Lee parents and Monique chatted while Ah Min looked at her cousin's appearance; she was wearing a crop top, revealing too much of her skin. It was paired with short shorts. She had many piercings too.

Ah Min disliked this kind of look. She never had a liking for skimpy outfits. A few piercings were fine, but Monique had gone way too far.

''Ah Min, take Monique to your room and get her settled,'' Mr. Lee said.

She sighed and dragged herself to her room with Monique behind her.

''This is my half and that's yours. Do not cross the line and I won't cross it too.'' Ah Min pointed at the masking tape that divided the room into halves.

''Whatever.'' Monique shoved past her and entered the room. She plopped herself on the bed.

''That's MY bed. You're sleeping on the mattress on the floor,'' Ah Min said, annoyed.

She rolled onto her side. ''Too bad.''

Ah Min clenched her fists and stomped over to the bed. She yanked on her top until she was face-to-face with her cousin.

''Get off,'' she said through gritted teeth.

Monique smirked. ''Should you be treating me like this? I can make your life hell, you know. And you should remember that I did.''

Her past replayed in her mind again and she released her grip. She sent her one more furious glare before laying on the empty mattress and pulling the blanket over her. Monique smirked again before getting out of the room.

The masking tape is useless now.

''Ah Min! Dinner is ready!'' Mrs. Lee hollered from the kitchen.

''I'm skipping dinner!'' She replied, half-annoyed and half-angry.



Ah Min frowned and slowly opened her eyes. She placed her hand on the bed. Why does my bed feel so uncomfortable and hard?

Realisation hit her and she remember yesterday events. She scowled. So the witch is at my house and has taken over my bed.

She got up and stretched and shot a glare at her orignal bed. She grabbed her school uniform and headed out. She stopped at the door frame and looked back. An evil plan came to mind as she walked to the bathroom.



Monique let out sigh as she snuggled into a pillow. ''Dresses...I'm...coming...after...y--'' She shrieked as ice cold water slapped her body. She quickly got up with water dripping down her face. Her hair was a wild mess and she gritted her teeth in anger.

She heard laughter outside and knew exactly who it belonged to. She marched to her as bits of the balloon fell off her.

Ah Min laughed and slapped her thighs. When Monique came to view, her eyes widened and she laughed harder while pointing at her.


Monique growled and was about to lunge for her with her perfect sharp nails until the Lee parents appeared.

''What's going on?'' They asked at the same time.

Tears of laughter started falling from Ah Min's cheek. ''She wet her bed!'' Monique snarled and felt like clawing her.

Mr. Lee frowned. ''That's not very nice. Everyone wets their bed sometimes.''

''I didn't wet my bed!'' Monique screamed and stomped back to the room.

Ah Min smiled in triumph ''No need to be embarrassed!'' She called out before the door slammed shut.

Mrs. Lee turned to her daughter. ''That was very mean. She must be very upset."

''It's not my fault that she didn't use the toilet!'' She stuck her tongue out at the direction where Monique left. That's for stealing my bed.

Mrs. Lee sighed. ''Well you're walking to school together so you should apologise.''

Ah Min froze. ''She's going to school too? I have to take her there? Isn't she here for fun or something?''

''Her parents are going to be away for a while due to work reasons. Therefore, Monique will be living with us for the meantime. Probably for a few months?...''

''Months?!'' Ah Min cried. ''Why us? Why not our aunts or uncles?''

Mr. Lee fixed the glasses position on his nose. ''She chose us.''

Ah Min's face immediately became a scowl. She's planning something! I know it! Why else would she choose my family?

''I'm going to school!'' Mrs. Lee was about to say something but was cut of by Ah Min. ''And I'm not taking her there. Nope. Never.'' I would probably be scarred everywhere before we reach school. ''Bye!'' She waved and ran out of the house.



Ah Min tapped her pen on her desk as she read over her notes. These will definietly help me on the exams. She nodded as she highlighted sentences.

She halted and looked around. I wonder if she got to school safely. I feel kind of bad for what I did this morning. Should I apologise?

She realised what she was thinking and slapped her face. ''No! You should never be sorry to your enemies! Especially not her!''

A few students looked her way and she hid her face behind her hair. Remember what she did to you in the past! Unforgivable! Besides, my parents would've droven her.

''Did you meet her yet? The new girl?'' a boy asked near the back. Ah Min's ears suddenly became attentive.

''Monique? Nope. But I want to...she looks cute and nice,'' another boy said.

Ah Min felt like vomiting. Cute? Nice? That was so unlike her. She shook her head. They're being fooled by her innocent, pretty face.




The library was more quieter than usual. Not many students came today.

Ah Min smiled at this atmosphere. It was perfect. She sat near the window and began reading a book.

A few minutes into the book, she heard very loud, annoying sounds from outside. She furrowed her brows and shifted in her seat. The sound was closer now and she could recognise it as laughter.

She had enough and went to get her ear phones when she saw the most horrifying sight. It was probably even worse than watching horror movies.

Monique was with the well-known boys of the school, EXO-M. She didnt know how Monique managed to get this close to them. And it was rare sight since the boys didn't hang out with girls that often.

Ah Min moved closer to the window.

Monique giggled and pressed her knuckles to her lips. Something caught her eye and she turned to it. More like someone. She smirked when she saw Ah Min watching intensely at the scene. Their eyes met and Ah Min's pair turned cold.

Monique rolled her eyes and gave her attention back to the boys. And that's is when it hit her. Does she like one of these guys?

She looked at each of them. It has to be the most good-looking one.

Her eyes landed on the tallest guy. He had the perfect face structure and he looked like a model. She smirked. It has to be him.

Ah Min caught that smirk and raised a brow. What is she going to do now?

Monique walked to him and curled her hair with her finger. ''Hey Kris.''

Kris looked at her and raised a brow, remaining expressionless. The whole time EXO-M has been with Monique, he hadn't even cracked a smile. There was something about her that he didn't like.

She touched his shoulder. ''There's somewhere I need to go...but I don't where it is...''

''And?'' Kris asked, uninterested.

''Can you accompany me there?'' She gave him her sweetest smile.

It had no effect on him. ''No thanks. Why don't you ask the others?''

''B-but I want to get closer to you. You haven't said anything until now...'' Monique said, not willing to give up.

Tao elbowed him. ''C'mon Kris. She's right. You've been quiet the whole time.'' Monique nodded with a pout.

Kris sighed. ''Fine,'' he grumbled and walked off. Monique ran to catch up with him.

Ah Min had been watching the whole scene and nodded in approval. Oblivious to the fact that her cousin attempted to make her react in a different way. So she wasn't up to something. Well, at least she's not with Luhan anymore.

Her eyes widened. Luhan!  He was with the guys the entire time and she had forgotten all about him. Probably because she has been focusing on Monique too much. Ever since her arrival.

She averted her gaze back to EXO-M. She jumped when she saw a pair of eyes staring back at her. And it wasn't anyone from EXO-M.



I decided to do another chapter today! Nothing much occured today so I wanted to use the time to write again. Hmmm. Who was staring at her? :D



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Please update~!
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 5: Aargghhh!!!! I hate that Monique!!! She is such a brat!!! I swear if she becomes my cousin I’m gonna let her know that walls are harder than her head!!!!!
Chapter 5: WHY ARE YOU SAVING IT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! IT'S LIKE YOU JUST STABBED ME AND LEFT!!! Lol ok ok I'm exaggerating XD!! But thank god she made a friend, she's going to need one with all the drama that's happening
Chapter 4: I don't know what's filling me up...the usual anger with Monique (becuz my fist is clenching) or the scary/sad feeling of the ominous for ah min (bcuz I definitely understand her feelings at the moment)
valeriemillenia #5
Chapter 3: Can't imagine to have a witch cousin that hang out with exo m ...
Chapter 3: omg im dying here, who is it? who is it?...and can i like, i dont know, strangle monique to death? or at least until she's lost enough air in her lungs and maybe i'll let her breathe again to come back to continue your story XD!! lol jk!
Chapter 1: Oh dear Lordy, the fact that we all know what's going to happen, breaks my heart already lol...and for a first fanfic, this is nice, ur writing style is comfortable to me. I can't wait for more ^^