
Having The Witch in The House

The teacher handed each student their test as she walked past. A few of them scrunched up their papers in frustration after looking at their results.

Lee Ah Min eagerly looked at her teacher as she grabbed her test. She scanned the sheet for her score.

She let out a squeal. Heads were turned her way and she cleared .

The teacher went to the front. ''Well done to those who passed. Especially to Ah Min with the highest score in this year level.''

The students snickered and whispered amongst themselves.There weren't any congratulations or praises coming out of their mouths. Not even a single clap.

Mrs. Kim raised her hand to silence them. ''Don't forget your assignment that is due tomorrow.'' Students groaned left and right. She gave them a look. ''And if you don't hand it in, you'll recieve after school detention. Dismissed.''

''Oh man! I haven't even started on it!'' The boy placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. ''Looks like I can't come over to play video games.''

His friend nodded. ''Tomorrow then. You better finish it!''

''Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna be just like Ah Min!'' the boy said in a mocking tone. His friend burst into laughter.

Ah Min could care less about the meaning behind what he said as she happily tucked her test in her bag and headed to the changing room.

She began undressing inside a cubicle. When she heard her name, she halted.

''Again? She obviously hasn't got anything better to do then study all the time.'' A girl snorted.

Another girl laughed. ''No wonder she's a loner. She's so boring.''

Ah Min rolled her eyes and continued wearing her sport uniform.

The girls left after a few insults and rumours linked to her.

Ah Min exited the empty room after placing her items in the locker.

''I hope we're playing dodgeball because I'll be happy to ruin their faces,'' she muttered under her breath as she entered the gym.

She always look forward to P.E. classes. Merely because her class did it with another class. And in that class, was someone she has been crushing on for years.

''Luhan! Pass!'' Chen hollered.

Luhan skillfully dribbled past his opponents and threw the basketball. Chen caught it and did a slam dunk, earning a point. They high-fived, grinning.

Ah Min leaned against the wall and smiled. She liked watching Luhan play. It made him look absolutely breath-taking.

She glanced sideways and saw groups of girls staring at him. At that moment, Luhan caught their stares and smiled. They giggled and squealed with delight.

Ah Min frowned. There are always girls yearning for him. Everywhere he went, he kept turning heads. It made her jealous that there were other girls who were much closer to him. And the last time Luhan has spoken to her was way back then.

She shook her head. She didn't even know him that well so there shouldn't be a reason for her to feel that way, right? He probably doesn't even remember her.

A basketball slammed on her arm, making her jolt. She lifted her head and shot a glare at the person responsible for it. Her face was replaced with shock when she realised who it was.

''Sorry," Luhan said. Her eyes widened, embarrased that he had to see her glare so deadly. He said a word to me!

Lu Han held his gaze for a bit, making Ah Min look anywhere but his face. She grew uncomfortable and bit her lip. Why is he still looking at me? The thought of having something on her face made her heat up.

He snapped his fingers. ''Oh! You're Ah Min, right?'' He knows my name!!

Ah Min looked back at him, surprised. She was desperately fighting back the urge to squeal. "Um...Yeah...'' she muttered, trying to sound as calm as possible.

''I heard you got the highest score. Congratulations.'' Lu Han smiled. She felt like exploding from all the happiness that is locked up inside her. That was what Ah Min liked about him. His smiles were always bright.

''Luhan! Hurry up!'' Xiu Min yelled. Luhan scurried off, grabbing the ball.

Ah Min watched as he and his friends continued their game and then she clasped her hands together and did a twirl with a wide smile plastered on her face.




Ah Min skipped inside the house and hummed a happy tune.

Mr. Lee chuckled. ''Someone's happy.''

''And someone is going to be even happier!'' Mrs. Lee entered the living room with a smile. Ah Min raised an eyebrow. ''Why?'' she asked suspiciously.

''Because...'' Mrs. Lee grinned. ''Drum roll please.'' Mr. Lee nodded with a mysterious grin and began tapping on the table.

Ah Min shook her head in amusement as she entered the kitchen for a snack.

''Your cousin, Monique Lee is going to live with us! Starting today!'' Mrs. Lee revealed with excitement.

Ah Min paled and fell open as she dropped her chocolate bar. The happy feeling from earlier all vanished and was replaced with horror. ''W-what? Did you just say..."

Mr. Lee slung his arm around his wife. ''It's true! She's coming around seven!''

Ah Min's eyes widened and she felt like fainting. ''N-no...this can't be...'' she shook her head in disbelief. ''You're lying! Aren't you?!''

The Lee parents looked at each other happily. ''She can't wait to see her cousin!''




Ah Min mumbled non-stop about the 'witch' that was about to arrive soon. She lay the worn-out mattress on the floor and spread the sheet all over it.

Mrs. Lee popped her head inside the bedroom. ''Have you made Monique's bed?''

Ah Min scowled. ''She can sleep on the couch!''

''Ah Min,'' she hissed.

''Why does she have to invade me territory!'' Ah Min whined, kicking the mattress.

Mrs. Lee's face brightened. ''Because It'll be fun to have a room mate!'' Ah Min snorted with a roll of her eyes. ''She's like the complete opposite of me. We won't get along.''

''Don't say that. I'm sure you'll get along just fine!''

The bell rang, indicating the arrival of the...Witch. Ah Min gulped at the thought of meeting the one that turned her childhood into a nightmare.

''She's here! Get out and greet her!'' Mrs. Lee ordered and dashed away.

Ah Min suddenly felt sick. She didn't want to leave her room, yet she did. She could hear her parents laughing and then there was this unfamiliar laugh.

''Oh God. It sounds so evil.'' Ah Min shuddered and made her way to the living room.

Her father spotted her and gestured her in. ''This is Lee Ah Min. Say hello to Monique.'' He pushed her towards the relative.

Ah Min eyed the petite figure and she wanted to puke. It was a horrible sight for Ah Min. However, it surprised her too. To see something so disgusting but, gorgeous too.



Thank you to those who subscribed to my first fanfic! Hope you like the first chapter! :)

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Please update~!
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 5: Aargghhh!!!! I hate that Monique!!! She is such a brat!!! I swear if she becomes my cousin I’m gonna let her know that walls are harder than her head!!!!!
Chapter 5: WHY ARE YOU SAVING IT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! IT'S LIKE YOU JUST STABBED ME AND LEFT!!! Lol ok ok I'm exaggerating XD!! But thank god she made a friend, she's going to need one with all the drama that's happening
Chapter 4: I don't know what's filling me up...the usual anger with Monique (becuz my fist is clenching) or the scary/sad feeling of the ominous for ah min (bcuz I definitely understand her feelings at the moment)
valeriemillenia #5
Chapter 3: Can't imagine to have a witch cousin that hang out with exo m ...
Chapter 3: omg im dying here, who is it? who is it?...and can i like, i dont know, strangle monique to death? or at least until she's lost enough air in her lungs and maybe i'll let her breathe again to come back to continue your story XD!! lol jk!
Chapter 1: Oh dear Lordy, the fact that we all know what's going to happen, breaks my heart already lol...and for a first fanfic, this is nice, ur writing style is comfortable to me. I can't wait for more ^^