
Having The Witch in The House

It was raining heavily. The sky was dark and the rain drops were racing down the classroom windows.

A girl huffed. "I shouldn't have left my umbrella home. Now my hair is going to get ruined."
Her friend patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. It might stop soon."
Ah Min frowned at the noise the students were making. They just wouldn't shut up and stop fooling around. Due to the weather, the teachers allowed them to stay in class. And they were being a nuisance instead of doing some 'quiet work'. Because the teacher left the room, they started becoming wild, immature animals.
A few students began running around the room and shoving each other to the desks. One of them landed with his back on Ah Min's desk and she pushed him off, irritated. She knew it was a mistake to study in class so she gathered her things and stomped out of the room.
She walked through the hallways and to her locker. There was only one person besides her in this area. 
"It's you again!" A voice exclaimed. Ah Min poked her head out of the locker. She recognised the girl immediately.
Sunny smiled. "You remember me, right? You gave me the book."
Ah Min hesitated for a second before nodding. She felt a bit awkward and uneasy talking to someone besides her family. "Uh...yes I do. Have you...finished it yet?"
"Not yet. I'll let you know when," she promised. "Are you going back to your class?"
Ah Min shook her head. "No way. They're all being annoying."
Sunny chuckled and grabbed her wrist. "Come to my class then." Ah Min began to protest because she was getting dragged along by a person she barely knew, but then gave in. She was surprised that Sunny's grip was quite strong for a small girl.
They entered the classroom and it was a little better than where Ah Min was before. At least there weren't anyone running around.
Sunny took a chair from someone's desk and gestured the frowning girl to sit. Ah Min uneasily glanced at other people as she sat down. 
"What's with that face?" Sunny asked. Ah Min shrugged. "It's just that I don't like going to a class other than my own. I rarely do it. It feels weird."
The older girl smiled. "Well, you're going to get used to it soon. Since I'll be bringing you here often."
Ah Min furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"
Sunny held her hand out. "I'm Lee Soon-kyu. But I prefer to be called Sunny." Ah Min just stared at it before shaking it. "I know that. Idiots in my class talk about you."
She leaned forward and raised a brow. "Really? About what?"
"That you like some guy named Sungmun or Sungmin."
Sunny immediately blushed and hid her face behind her hands. " So everyone knows..."
Ah Min thought her reaction was hilarious. She bit her lip to force back her laugh. Then she introduced herself.
The Lee parents had a meeting to attend and they said that Monique is with her friends so Ah Min had the whole house to herself.
She skipped to the kitchen and began munching on an apple.
She smiled as she thought of today. In a matter of minutes, she and Sunny became closer. They spent the entire lunch break revealing their embarrasing stories and telling each other facts about themselves. It has been a while since Ah Min laughed so hard.
Having a friend made her feel warm. Even though they barely knew each other, she knew that Sunny is different to every past friend she had. Ah Min was never good at making friends but Sunny made it easier for her. However, a part of her haven't fully considered her as a friend yet.
Ever since she was younger, she was always cautious when meeting new people.
Ah Min threw the apple core in the bin. "Lets see what I can do home alone..."
She grinned to herself. "I can go to the toilet with the door open..." She was walking to the bathroom until she heard the door bell.
She frowned. It can't be my parents. They said they'll come home at midnight. So... She groaned. Argh! Back so soon.
She walked over to the door and hauled it open. "Yah! You brat! My parents already gave you the key! Don't tell me you lost--" Her eyes widened and she felt her heart ache and throbbed excruciatingly. The pain was worse than the one a few days ago.
There wasn't just Monique...
...Luhan was with her too.

Short chapter! I was going to make to longer but saved it for the next update.

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Please update~!
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 5: Aargghhh!!!! I hate that Monique!!! She is such a brat!!! I swear if she becomes my cousin I’m gonna let her know that walls are harder than her head!!!!!
Chapter 5: WHY ARE YOU SAVING IT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! IT'S LIKE YOU JUST STABBED ME AND LEFT!!! Lol ok ok I'm exaggerating XD!! But thank god she made a friend, she's going to need one with all the drama that's happening
Chapter 4: I don't know what's filling me up...the usual anger with Monique (becuz my fist is clenching) or the scary/sad feeling of the ominous for ah min (bcuz I definitely understand her feelings at the moment)
valeriemillenia #5
Chapter 3: Can't imagine to have a witch cousin that hang out with exo m ...
Chapter 3: omg im dying here, who is it? who is it?...and can i like, i dont know, strangle monique to death? or at least until she's lost enough air in her lungs and maybe i'll let her breathe again to come back to continue your story XD!! lol jk!
Chapter 1: Oh dear Lordy, the fact that we all know what's going to happen, breaks my heart already lol...and for a first fanfic, this is nice, ur writing style is comfortable to me. I can't wait for more ^^