First Time

Having The Witch in The House

A girl with long, wavy hair had her nose and hands placed on the window from outside. She stared at Ah Min with her pretty eyes.

Ah Min stared back, confused. What are you looking at?  She grew uncomfortable and glared at her, hoping she would go away but she didn't flinch.

Sunny moved her eyes to the book Ah Min was holding. ''Is that yours?''

She looked down at the book and shook her head. Sunny stepped back. ''Wait there!'' And she ran off.

Ah Min blinked. ''Weird,'' she muttered before searching for EXO-M. They've already went somewhere else, leaving her disappointed that she couldn't catch a glimpse of Luhan.

She sighed and returned to her book when a chair opposite from hers, was pulled out. She lifted her head and saw Sunny huffing as she sat down.

Ah Min frowned. ''You know there are other seats available.''

Sunny pointed at the book. ''This is the library's, right?'' Ah Min nodded slowly, a bit creeped out by this person.

''I wanted to borrow that book but some kid would always get their hands on it before me.'' Sunny pouted.

Ah Min furrowed her brows. ''So you're calling me a kid?'' she asked in a low voice.

Sunny mistakened it as anger. Her eyes widened and she waved her hands furiously. ''No! No! I mean yes! Wait no-- Argh!''

Ah Min found it amusing that she tried to deny it. Sunny kept on rambling on about whether it was a yes or no until something covered her eyes. She grabbed it and pulled it down. She gasped in surprise at the book and looked up.

''You can read it first--'' Sunny stopped when she realised Ah Min wasn't there anymore.



Ah Min yawned as she entered the house. She threw her bag on the couch and the tv. It was suddenly switched off.

''No time for that! We're going to a have dinner in the city!'' Mrs. Lee said removing the remote from her sulking daughter.

She groaned. ''But I just got home and I'm dead tired!'' She stood up and held out her hand. ''Plus, my favourite drama is airing right now. I can't miss it!''

Her mother rolled her eyes. ''You can always watch it online now go and change!''

Ah Min groaned, wore her backpack and stalked off into her room. She opened her door and was greeted by a nasty surprise. She gasped in horror and her eyes grew larger.

There were posters of shirtless men posing with a greasy grin all over her room. The books on her desk was replaced with make-up, acessories and a mirror. Speaking of which, her books were on the floor and were torned and scribbled on with lipstick. At a corner was a messy tower of her possessions that seemed ruined.

Monique, who was rummaging through her closet, noticed her presence. She smirked. ''You're back.''

Ah Min turned to her, speechless. Without a thought, she ran to the whole heap of her stuff. She began searching for anything that was very dear to her.

Monique watched as she did so and snickered. ''It took me a while. You have so many useless stuff in here.''

Ah Min ignored her and moved things aside. Monique tossed a shirt at the pile of Ah Min's clothes. ''You seriously have bad taste."

Please be safe. Ah Min felt something soft and tugged it out. It was a checkered black-and-grey scarf she kept for years. She checked to see if it was damaged and it wasn't. She sighed in relief and held it close to her. Thank God.

''Forget this. Everything you own is so plain. I'm going to wear one of my dresses.''

At the sound of her voice, Ah Min became furious. This scarf was something she cherished and her cousin treated it like trash. She wanted to smash her face on the wall and strangle her but she maintained it for now. They're going with the Lee parents soon and she didn't want them to see Monique badly bruised.

She heaved a sigh, got up, grabbed a sweater and jeans and walked out without another word. Monique smirked. ''This is just the beginning.''




The restaurant was simple, yet elegant. And it looked amazing at night.

Ah Min, Monique and the Lee parents stood at the entrance, waiting to be seated.

''Oooh! Look at that lobster!'' Mr. Lee pointed at the waitor placing the beautiful dish on the table. The customers their lips, wanting to have a taste already.

''It looks so tasty!'' Mrs. Lee squealed.

Monique looked at her strapless dress to the Lee family's choice of clothes. They all went for something casual and non-flashy. She glanced at the other people. It was different to theirs. She covered her face. ''So embarrasing...'' she mumbled. Ah Min knew what she meant and felt her anger return.

''I don't see what's wrong with what we're wearing,'' she retorted.

Monique scoffed and flicked her hair. She saw a few boys looking at her, dazed by her beauty. She smiled and sent them a wink. Ah Min rolled her eyes. What a flirt.

After a few minutes, they were seated.

Mr. Lee rubbed his hands together, looking at the menu. ''What do you girls want?''

Monique chose an expensive dish while Ah Min selected a cheap but delicious meal. The food was ordered as they patiently waited.

''How was school?'' Mrs. Lee asked Monique.

''It was so fun!'' Monique said cutely. Ah Min rolled her eyes and played with the table cloth.

Mr. Lee smiled. ''Did you make lots of friends?'' Monique nodded. ''Dozens!''

Ah Min raised her brow. How can a witch like her get that many friends? She then thought of EXO-M and Monique together. Did she hypnotise them?

''Really?'' Mrs. Lee turned to her daughter. ''You should learn from your cousin. Make friends instead of scaring people away." 

''No way would I want to learn from that brat.'' 

Mrs. Lee frowned. ''Don't call her that. Monique, we're going to need your..." She drifted off when she realised that Monique wasn't paying attention and was looking somewhere else.

The Lee family turned the heads to the direction she was looking at. Ah Min eyes widened, not believing what she was seeing. She pinched her palm and yelped. Now she knew it was real.

A few tables from theirs, Luhan and his family were communicating and laughing. They all wore something similar to the Lee family but Monique didn't care. She gaped at the attractive lad. Never have she seen someone as good-looking as him.

Ah Min knew that look and felt her heart ache. She bit her lip and looked away. Not another one.

She suddenly became confused. ''Wait. Weren't you with him today?'' She remembered that Monique was with EXO-M. Why is she acting like this is her first time seeing him?

Monique snapped her head towards her and frowned. ''Huh? What do you mean?''

''You were with EXO-M. I saw it,'' Ah Min pointed out.

Her face immediately brightened and her eyes became huge. ''You mean he goes to our school?! And he's part of EXO-M?!''

Ah Min furrowed her brows. ''You didn't know?...'' She felt herself turn stiff when she finally got it. Luhan wasn't with them at that time...

Her cousin placed her hands on her slightly pink cheeks and squealed in excitement. The Lee parents looked at each other, completely lost. ''What's wrong with her?''

Ah Min didn't bother to answer them as she looked at Luhan and back at Monique. Already, she can imagine them becoming friends. While she was way behind.


I changed the title a bit since it seemed long. I'm not good at making titles :/ haha.

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Please update~!
anna_marie016 #2
Chapter 5: Aargghhh!!!! I hate that Monique!!! She is such a brat!!! I swear if she becomes my cousin I’m gonna let her know that walls are harder than her head!!!!!
Chapter 5: WHY ARE YOU SAVING IT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! IT'S LIKE YOU JUST STABBED ME AND LEFT!!! Lol ok ok I'm exaggerating XD!! But thank god she made a friend, she's going to need one with all the drama that's happening
Chapter 4: I don't know what's filling me up...the usual anger with Monique (becuz my fist is clenching) or the scary/sad feeling of the ominous for ah min (bcuz I definitely understand her feelings at the moment)
valeriemillenia #5
Chapter 3: Can't imagine to have a witch cousin that hang out with exo m ...
Chapter 3: omg im dying here, who is it? who is it?...and can i like, i dont know, strangle monique to death? or at least until she's lost enough air in her lungs and maybe i'll let her breathe again to come back to continue your story XD!! lol jk!
Chapter 1: Oh dear Lordy, the fact that we all know what's going to happen, breaks my heart already lol...and for a first fanfic, this is nice, ur writing style is comfortable to me. I can't wait for more ^^