Chapter 3

He Was My Black Pearl


May 22nd, 2012

Luhan's POV

Another dull day in the guard quarters, why am I even surprised by this, it its like this everyday. I just sit here playing with my sword all day hoping that something fun will happen, but nothing changes. At least Lay is here, he understands my boredom too well. I notice lay coming over to the table, his face filled with a grin that was unusual for his face. He sat down across from me showing the same staring at the ceiling.  I know something is up, so my fake cuteness is going to used.

"Lay, Lay how are you?"

"I'm great, beyond great."

"Why?" I say the cutest way possible.

"Because... Just because."

"Are you going to tell me why?"

"No." He is being annoying. My cute face, turns serious. I think and begin reading the inner reaches of his mind. I see the image of a boy, his face isn't clear, but it is from today.

"So you met a boy today?"

"How the... Luhan what the hell, I told you never to read my mind."

"Hey when you're being about it I have to do it. Now tell me more of this mystery man."

"Well his hair is kind of spiked, black and beautiful. I don't why, but it smells of the ocean. His eyes are hazel and he is the most beautiful thing to walk this planet."

"He can't be that beautiful?"

"You should know, you probably saw him in my mind."

"I tried, but it was fuzzy."

"That is weird, but Luhan I think I might be in love."

"Love... Lay you are crazy, no one can fall in love that fast in real life."

"But I did. It is like I healed my eye sight and I can finally see the world for how beautiful it is."

"Okay then lover boy, then why don't you talk to him now."

"Well it's because..."

"Yifan" said Kris, King Tao's personal assistant. "The king would like to see you."

"Well I have to go Luhan, we will talk later."

"Yeah see you." Then he walks away with Kris.

"Tomorrow at 12, he it's going to meet his sweet heart. I guess my week got more interesting."

Suho's POV

The training compound is huge. The entire thing is made of metal and filled with the latest in training equipment. My dad really most fund this place well.

"Oh your majesty, you have come to visit." Said a man, as he began to bow.

"Stand up Siwon, we are all equal here."

"Well what brings you here today, have you come see the new talent here?"

"No, I haven't. I actually came to enroll Joonmyun into training."

"Really, he finally discovered his power?"

"No, but that doesn't matter, he is ready to train and isn't looking for any special treatment."

"Well the Sector's policy says that we aren't allowed to take a person who hasn't discovered his or her powers yet, but I can make an exception in this case."

"Thank you Siwon. Well I have an important to go to. I will leave Joonmyun in your hands."

"No problem your majesty, I will take care of him like he is my own." With that my dad walked away. "Listen you little I am only letting you train because your daddy is the king, but when I said that I will treat you equally I lied, I'm going to make your training a living hell, you understand me."

"Yes sir."

"Good now follow me to the training area."

King Kangin's POV

The castle staff was in utter Chaos when I came back and I understand perfectly, this was a matter that needed to be dealt with quickly.

"Honey" said Jessica "Why did you call an emergency meeting out of nowhere?"

"It has been activated."

"No it can't be, that is impossible. Did you do it?

"You will more about when we gather with the elders." I walk away from her, ignoring the rest of the words coming out of . This was serious, something that could only happen when the time was right and now is the time.

"Sir." Said a house maid. "All the elders have met in the meeting hall."

"Thank you." I walk into the meeting hall and bow to the elder, sitting in my seat.

"Hello my esteemed elders I'm so happy you could have made it on such short notice and wasted your precious time. Since time ours sorry let me get to the point, the button has been pushed." Shock and disbelief filled the room. The room filled with whispers and random sounds.

"Your majesty that is impossible, you have tried activating out before." Said one of the advisors.

"It wasn’t me, it was Joonmyun."

"That is a lie." Said a female voice.

"I swear to you not, I have footage of him pressing the button and walking through the tunnel."

"What does this mean then."

"It means that he is the king that the prophecy has spoken of." Said one of the elders. "Long ago in the beginning of the exoplanet the spirit of the wolf created this castle that you see today, but due to the prophecy the wolf spirit created a button, a button that could only being touched by the king of the prophecy. Now that Joonmyun has activated the button it is proven he is the king."

"Have you seen him?" Said another advisor "He is the biggest weakling in our kingdom."

"He might be weak now." I said "But he is our hope and salvation."

Suho's POV

I struggled to pull the bar up.

"Push it." Screamed Siwon. I pushed up harder, my arms almost coming out of there sockets. I was breathing heavily, sweat dripping down my face.

"I can't do it." I screamed

"Come on stop being a little ."

"Sorry I just can't do this." I dropped the pole and stood up."

"You weak sack of , that was 10 ing pounds."

"Yeah I know."

"You need to work on that." A group of kids started wagon past me, laughing.

"Park Chanyeol get back to training."

"Yes Mr. Siwon Sir." He left still laughing with arm around another guy.

"Who was that jerk?"

"That jerk over there is are best trainee here, but that doesn’t matter to you for now. Lets see if you can even bench the bar.”

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Chapter 4: Awww poor Suho....and as expected Siwon HAD to be the trainer of the gym X) LOL! My other man...Siwon and Siwon junior reunited...Lay is so happy and Kangin knew it all from the beggining, he saw his son pushed the button to sector M, ouh ! Oh, and Park Chanyeol dont be such an !
Chapter 4: Lolz XD expect Joonmyun to be the one who can't lift 10 pounds. And Luhan reading people's minds, that's a good use of his power. I bet he's gonna becoma a spy next. Thanks for updating, I really liked this chapter. ^-^ Awesomesauce!
Chapter 3: This is freaking amazing! Please up date soon if you really care about SuLay.
Chapter 3: Yay!!!! update! ^^ It was good! dont worry! i just cant wait for more!
Chapter 2: ^^ niiice! i am just so glad there's a freakin sulay story!
Chapter 1: awww Tao is goin to dieeee D: loool
Yay! Sulay! There aren't enough stories with Sulay as the main pairing ^__^ and I can't seem to find any Sulay storie..Thanks so much!! =)
woohoo!!! -rooting for you- ^^ ♥