Chapter 2

He Was My Black Pearl

Suho’s Pov

May 22nd, 2012

I looked at the brunette boy staring at me with his beautiful eyes and I tried not to blush. He looked beautiful, more beautiful than anyone I have ever seen in my life which was weird because I would never call a guy beautiful, but that its all I could say about him, he was just the pure essence of beauty. But there is something is strange about him, not just by the way he speaks, but how he dresses. It was like it was out of this world, yet primitive to my own culture.

"...But everyone calls me Lay." He said with a smile. "What is your name?"

"My name is..." I waited for a few seconds. It didn't make sense, everyone knew my name, even if you hated me everyone knew I was the prince of Sector K but he didn't know. I know where I am, I'm in Sector M. "My name is Suho."

"Wow Suho. That is such a beautiful name. So why have I never seen you before, I usually know everyone in our Sector?

"My parents usually don't let me get out of the house that much because they think the world is too dangerous for me to be in. I had to sneak or because the old room was getting annoying."

"I'm so sorry to hear that and sorry for our entire sector because your parents have kept the most beautiful thing in the world to themselves." I blush, almost to the point that I'm red. My heart is starting to beat fast, was this what love is.

"Sup it, you're just saying that. Everyone in my Kin... Friends think I'm ugly and I know it is true."

"Trust me I am not just saying that, if you were ugly I would have told you. You are the thing that I have been missing in my sights. I hope I'm not freaking you out or anything, but I been learning to be blunt from one of my friends."

"It is fine, I actually think out is kind of cute."

"So you think I'm cute.” He raised his eyebrows.

“No.. cute isn’t how I would describe it, you're kind of…”

“Oh my you are so shy.”

“It isn’t that, well I think I should go back home, my parents will probably know I’m gone.” I started walking away and I felt a hand grab me.

“Wait will I ever see you again.” I thought about it for awhile. I know that me being in Sector M was a big risk being the prince in all, but something about this guy that I just met had a pull on me, some pull that wouldn’t let me leave him.

“You will see me again, can we meet here the same time tomorrow?”

“Yes we can.” He brought me into a big, warm embrace then let me go. “Sorry about I just got excited.”

“It is fine… Well I have to go now. I will see you tomorrow okay.” I ran off to the secret tunnel.

I got back to the room and I hear a knocking at my door.

“Come in.” I said. My dad walked in.

“Joonmyun you are finally awake, I’ve been worried. Did you hear all that outside.”

“Hear what?”

“Nevermind then. I guess that everything is fine then, so I disturbed your sleep.” He starts to walk away.

“Wait dad I have to ask you something?”


“Can I go train now?”

“Wait are you being serious?”

“Yes I am.”

“I don’t think you can. You know the rules.”

“Yes I know the rules, you have to discover your power before you can start training, but we all know my powers aren’t coming anytime soon. I am getting sick of just staying in my room all the time and just waiting for it to come. It is time to pay my dues as the Prince of our sector.”

“I guess I can make a call and get you in, but know it is hard and you being the prince won’t bring you any advantages this time.”

“I know and I’m ready for everything.”

“Okay, then come with me.”


A/N: I'm baack with an update, I don't think it was my best update, but part two of this chapter will have action and introduce some of the other members of Exo. It will get better, but for now here it is. Please comment and subscribe

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Chapter 4: Awww poor Suho....and as expected Siwon HAD to be the trainer of the gym X) LOL! My other man...Siwon and Siwon junior reunited...Lay is so happy and Kangin knew it all from the beggining, he saw his son pushed the button to sector M, ouh ! Oh, and Park Chanyeol dont be such an !
Chapter 4: Lolz XD expect Joonmyun to be the one who can't lift 10 pounds. And Luhan reading people's minds, that's a good use of his power. I bet he's gonna becoma a spy next. Thanks for updating, I really liked this chapter. ^-^ Awesomesauce!
Chapter 3: This is freaking amazing! Please up date soon if you really care about SuLay.
Chapter 3: Yay!!!! update! ^^ It was good! dont worry! i just cant wait for more!
Chapter 2: ^^ niiice! i am just so glad there's a freakin sulay story!
Chapter 1: awww Tao is goin to dieeee D: loool
Yay! Sulay! There aren't enough stories with Sulay as the main pairing ^__^ and I can't seem to find any Sulay storie..Thanks so much!! =)
woohoo!!! -rooting for you- ^^ ♥