Chapter 1

He Was My Black Pearl

Year 2035

Chaos reigned throughout the exo planet, like an average day in the past years, but today was different this was the day I was going to end this. End the pain, end all the suffering and all this unnecessary amount of violence that is going on. It has been 20 years since the war of K and M had started and wasteful amounts of blood has been too much for my sensitive stomach to take. But this war was necessary not just for my peoples salvation, but for my pride. I refuse to lose, not to the kingdom and especially to a self righteous king like the kingdom of M. The door opened and Kai came in through the door.

"Good Morning your majesty." Kai said, bowing like the obedient soldier he was. "The forces are ready."

"Good thanks for the news." I said smiling. "Is my chariot and armor ready?"

"We are getting it ready for you right now."

"Good, good. Now tell me why you aren't wearing the uniform that I told you to wear in my presence."  I was referring to the armor that revealed his nice chisled abs that me and Kyungsoo loved so much.

"Your majesty I barely have time to change out of that uniform before battle. I would be basically revealing all my vital organs and you would lose one of your best soldiers."

"Well why does that matter to me. It is your life not mine."

"You're right your majesty, sorry for not listening."

"You're forgiven for now. Fetch me my armor now."

"Yes your majesty." He teleported away leaving a grey smoke. I stood there for moments and then he came back. "Here is your armor your majesty."

"Wow you made in exactly 10 seconds isn't that pretty slow for you." I said laughing. "Now undress me and put on my armor."

"Your majesty I really can't do that, I'm dating Kyungsoo now and I couldn't possibly do that."

"Come on it its not like you are my , that comes after the war." He looked at me and started undressing me, his smooth hands almost feeling perfect on my body.

I walked towards the balcony and waved towards my army. "Hello people of Sector K we will be going into war for the last time today." The crowd started blowing up in cheers. "Today I don't come to talk to you as your leader or even as a citizen of sector I, but I come as your protector. Today I will be facing off with the sold called King of Sector M and only one of us is going to survive. Today we will find out if we will live in harmony with the people of Sector M or be enslaved by them. But that is only if I die today and today I refuse die. I will live,.I will breathe and I will protect this Sector like it my own life, all I need for you to do is get out of there and give me everything you got. Do it for your children, do it for your fallen comrades who can't be here to tell the tale today and most important do it for..." I stopped when the memories of him came into my head, but I got back to my train of thought. "Do it for love. Without love we are nothing, even if we die today, the love we have will live on like a Phoenix. Now lets get out there and win this ing thing." The crowd screamed in excitement.

"All hail King Suho." The day had come, the day where I get to kill you my love.

Time past as my chariot kept moving forward towards the division wall, the place we both decided to meet. The horse began to move backwards.

"What the are you doing lets keep moving." I screamed at it, but the horse wouldn't budge. “Fine guess I will have to walk there myself you worthless animal.” I jumped off the horse and walked towards the wall. I knocked on the wall three times like he we discussed in letter and waited. To think everything started here, this simple yet painful wall. I could feel the ground shaking as something was moving closer towards me. The wall broke down and King Lay came out of the wall.

“Hey Joonmyun, remember this place.”

May 22, 2012

Things always got so boring in this castle and it was getting on my nerves. I’m 21 years old and I’ve barely made it out of this place, barely out of my room. After all those long years you learn to live with it, you learn to live with boredom and the lonely feelings.

“Listen to me your highness...” said the voice of my father’s advisors coming from out of the door.

“No you listen to me.” Said my dad mad. “I don’t care what you Joon Myun will be King when I die or decide to retire.”

“But your Highness think about it in the best interest of the Kingdom. I don’t have any problem with Joon Myun, in fact he is a great guy, but he isn’t great enough to lead are sector. His heart is weak, he is sensitive and doesn’t have abilities to be what are sector needs.”

“He will grow to be a good leader, in fact the best leader possible .”

“When he grows up? Sorry to say this your highness, but he is 21 years old and you expect him to grow up. He has shown his full potential and it is time to give up on this silly dream of yours. Make Chanyeol or Baekhyun your successors they will be great and there powers will be a great benefit to the kingdom.”

“Stop talking my decision is final, Joon myun will be the king of Sector K and that is final.”

“Oh come on, stop being stupid. You're going to let a 21 year old screw up who hasn’t  even discovered his powers yet run our Sector?.”

“Yes I am, oh and by the way you're fired! Get the out of my House!”

"Before i leave your majesty tell Joon Mooyn i wish him a happy birthday." This wasn’t the first time I heard a conversation like this before. In fact this was the fourth time this month that my dad has fired an advisor for saying the same thing.  I don’t understand why my dad always got so mad, it is true that I am a huge screw up.  He knew it, I knew and the whole kingdom knew it. I know my dad is just trying to defend me and all, but it was only making his image look even worse.  I'm a failure as not just a prince, but as his son. People always praised my dad all the time as the best leader are Sector had ever had. He discovered his powers at the 3, the youngest age ever to discover their power, he joined the army at the age 14 and became the king at 19. Then there was me the screw up if the Sector. I flunked out of school not because I was dumb, but because I hadn't discovered my powers yet. Most people here discovered their powers at the age of 16, but not me. Some people believe I won't discover my power. They think I will just never grow up to be like father, who everyone thought would be the king of destiny. Which no one ever told me what that meant. But my dad won't believe those people and insists that I will be a great leader and I will be the king of destiny, but I don't know, I honestly don't know what to believe.  I looked through the crack of my door to see my mom walking in the room.

"So I'm guessing you fired another advisor." Said my mom.

"Yeah. They keep insulting Joon Myun and I'm having a hard time defending him after this long."

"They are just looking for what is best for the Sector, but not what is best for your heart."

"I know they are and maybe they are right. Maybe I should let someone else take control of the Sector K.  But I can't do it, only he can be king and I refuse to believe that I raised a failure of a son."

"If we raised a failure it isn't your fault, if anything it is my fault. I kept him too sheltered, never let him leave the castle unless it was for school."

"No it isn't your fault I shouldn't have let you do that." I couldn't take it anymore. I heard this all before, but I never thought that my dad would think I was failure and on my birthday of all days. Then there was good old mom who tried to look like she was looking out for my best interest, when I know she is full of... I pushed the emergency button under my bed and the secret door on my wall opened. I know I'm only supposed to use this for emergencies only, but I had to get out of here. I couldn't take it any longer, I couldn't take the constant disappointment I was to the Sector, I couldn't take the suffocation of being stuck in this room any longer and I couldn't take being me. I started walking through the door, not knowing where it would take me, but know it will be anywhere but here.

Lay's POV

Guard duty always , especially when it was in this early in the morning. I don't even get why it was such a big deal why I had to guard, not like anyone actually goes beyond the wall. Pretty much I was bored every single day. I thought that when I joined the royal guard that things would be exciting and action filled, but what I didn't realize when I was younger that since we haven't been in a war in almost 100 years so being a shoulder was nothing better than a janitor, but the name of being a soldier is what made it seem greater. Nothing ever came out of here, not even animals so why did the king want this place so highly protected. It was whatever, this would be the perfect excuse to practice shooting my arrow. I got the bow and arrow from my back and stretched the arrow back and held it to my face. I waited for the wind to stop blowing to have complete silence and perfect direction. I released the arrow and it went in the direction I wanted it to go to. Then I heard a loud scream and I ran towards it. I saw a man laying on the ground, my arrow lodged into his leg and he is bleeding pretty bad.

"Holy dude, I'm so sorry. That is my arrow in your leg, usually people aren't out here so thought I could practice." I said panicking.

"Oh it is my fine, just get that thing out of me." The man said, screaming in pain. I pulled out the arrow fast and put my hand on the spot he got hit. I felt this weird feeling coming through my body, something pleasant, yet something sad.

"What are you doing." I stayed quiet as I started to heal his leg, my arms starting to glow. I looked at his face, his sweet beautiful face, his eyes brown like the trees and saw his face stay to relax.

“Thank you so much.” He blushed, his face turning red.

“No problem, but don’t thank me I’m the one who shot you. By the way my name is Yixing, but everyone calls me Lay. What is your name?” The guy was silent for awhile,like he was thinking.

“My name... My name is Suho.”

“Wow Suho, such a beautiful name.”

Year 2035

“This is place we fell in love.” said Lay


A/N: Hello everyone this is the first chapter and I think it came out well. Please subscribe and comment. I started to write chapter two and it is way better than this one so stay with it.


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Chapter 4: Awww poor Suho....and as expected Siwon HAD to be the trainer of the gym X) LOL! My other man...Siwon and Siwon junior reunited...Lay is so happy and Kangin knew it all from the beggining, he saw his son pushed the button to sector M, ouh ! Oh, and Park Chanyeol dont be such an !
Chapter 4: Lolz XD expect Joonmyun to be the one who can't lift 10 pounds. And Luhan reading people's minds, that's a good use of his power. I bet he's gonna becoma a spy next. Thanks for updating, I really liked this chapter. ^-^ Awesomesauce!
Chapter 3: This is freaking amazing! Please up date soon if you really care about SuLay.
Chapter 3: Yay!!!! update! ^^ It was good! dont worry! i just cant wait for more!
Chapter 2: ^^ niiice! i am just so glad there's a freakin sulay story!
Chapter 1: awww Tao is goin to dieeee D: loool
Yay! Sulay! There aren't enough stories with Sulay as the main pairing ^__^ and I can't seem to find any Sulay storie..Thanks so much!! =)
woohoo!!! -rooting for you- ^^ ♥