vi. flame

carte blanche; drabble challenge


They say if you looked deep into Kyungsoo’s eyes, deep enough, you would find the moon and the stars and the galaxy strung out against open fire—a tidal rush of oceanic foam merged with fire holocaust.

Blue flames and sturdy hands, sparkling eyes of melting hazelnut.

They say if you looked deep into Kyungsoo’s palms, deep enough, you would find the burning nicotine and bitter linger of tobacco—filter paper and empty cigarette packets, broken bottles and scarred wrists.

Hollow flames and trembling knees—the creases on his palm a mere trace of eternity.

They say if you looked deep into Kyungsoo’s legs, deep enough, you would find a daunting skeleton and bony sockets—the bitter taste of skin as Jongin traces his tongue up and back down in a row of kisses.

Yellow flames and empty core—Kyungsoo and Jongin, Jongin and Kyungsoo.

They say if you looked deep into Kyungsoo’s soul, deep enough, you would find a flaming array of colours, thoughts strung out beautifully against mismatched fire. Engulfed in a blinding flame is the root of innocence and torture, dreams and reality—Kyungsoo’s heart.


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Chapter 17: ouo the way you write is so vivid
I officially love you and your writing xD
Chapter 16: Yet another chapter that leaves me at a loss for words. You make my drabbles look like crap OTL.
"Kyungsoo can barely keep is own eyes open, and his breath lingers with the facade of ecstasy woven into alcohol sips (gulps)." OMG. that sentence right there. That one got me. ouo
Oh yeah, you forgot the 'h' in 'his.' ^^
But who cares, this is so beautiful xD
kagaki #3
Chapter 15: Another lovely piece of work~
kagaki #4
Chapter 12: From reading all the chapters so far, I especially like this one. My words can't expressed on how good your writing is ^^
Chapter 9: How long have you been writing to be this good?!
Chapter 5: These are all so beautiful ouo. I...I...(speechless)
Chapter 8: I hate you
Chapter 3: YOU. ARE. AWESOME. TT-----TT your writing style is so daebak ; ;
Chapter 6: I LIKE THIS ONE