i. beginning

carte blanche; drabble challenge


They call him D.O—because his eyes sparkle, under the blinding lights of camera flashes and white backdrops.

They call him D.O—because his voice smoothens the creases of his palms, because his smile curves in an imperfect balance of lips and teeth.

But he is so much more than lingering laughter and pitched melodies.

His name is Kyungsoo—because in it lay the pieces of the sky, the echo of the moon.

His name is Kyungsoo—because the hazelnut colour of his dusty hair blends perfectly against the daunting blush of sunset.

And so, Kyungsoo will start at the past and at the future and at anywhere the ticking clock stops.

Because there are no seconds or minutes with Kyungsoo—only the stretch of the ocean,

and the spaces in between his fingers,

and all the little things that make up a fragile mind—bound together by an innocent heart.



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Chapter 17: ouo the way you write is so vivid
I officially love you and your writing xD
Chapter 16: Yet another chapter that leaves me at a loss for words. You make my drabbles look like crap OTL.
"Kyungsoo can barely keep is own eyes open, and his breath lingers with the facade of ecstasy woven into alcohol sips (gulps)." OMG. that sentence right there. That one got me. ouo
Oh yeah, you forgot the 'h' in 'his.' ^^
But who cares, this is so beautiful xD
kagaki #3
Chapter 15: Another lovely piece of work~
kagaki #4
Chapter 12: From reading all the chapters so far, I especially like this one. My words can't expressed on how good your writing is ^^
Chapter 9: How long have you been writing to be this good?!
Chapter 5: These are all so beautiful ouo. I...I...(speechless)
Chapter 8: I hate you
Chapter 3: YOU. ARE. AWESOME. TT-----TT your writing style is so daebak ; ;
Chapter 6: I LIKE THIS ONE