First Encounters

Melting Oh Sehun

I couldn’t help but bounce up and down as I walked along side Joonmyun into the convenient store where we each picked microwavable dinners.


“Oppa, I want this one!” I cheered as I handed him a bowl of instant ramen. He sighed.


“Do your parents know you’re here?”


“No...” I replied guiltily. My cousin widened his eyes in disbelief.


“It’s late already! You should be home! The last thing I want is for uncle to blame me for dragging you out.”


“Like he would ever blame a saint like you.” I murmured under my breath.


“Soojin, call your parents right now.” He ordered.


I looked up, taking in the anger in his eyes before I looked away. "What's the point? They're not even home."


There was a long, distinct pause before he finally spoke up. "I'm sorry."


I shook my head, forcing a smile on my face. "It's alright. I'm used to it anyways."


He frowned, “how long has it been this time?”


“Two months or so...I don’t remember precisely anymore...”


He sighed, pulling me into a hug. “I told you to call me if anything happened. Why didn’t you?”


“I didn’t want to bother you. You were busy.” I found myself relaxing more in his arms as he held me tighter. It was a feeling that I missed.


Ever since I was young, Joonmyun had been the brother that I never had. I always found myself depending on him. He was smart, talented, caring, and overall...just perfect, but like everyone else, he became busy.


“Hyung, the guys are looking for you.”


I jumped when I heard Jongin’s voice from behind me. As Joomyun walked away, I turned to find Jongin smiling at me, for once without his girlfriend tagging along. He stepped in place beside me and relaxed his elbow on my shoulder, just like the old times.


“Did you talk to him yet?” He asked.


“Talk to who? And where’s Yoonae?”


He pointed briefly to the other side where she was talking to Baekhyun. “Don’t change the topic, you know who I’m talking about.”


“No I don’t.”


“Don’t make me point it out for you.” He raised his head in search of the topic of discussion. “Hey Seh-”


I quickly muffled his mouth with my hand, glaring at him. “Would you shut up?!”


He ripped my hand away. “Why? What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to talk to little Sehunnie~”


I pouted. “Jongin, it’s not funny.”


“Oh it is so funny.”


“No it’s not funny, and no I haven’t spoken to him, and I don’t think I will.”


“Why not? It’s not like there’s anything to hide anyways. There’s nothing to lose!”


“That’s the point!” I argued. “I haven’t spoken to him since you and your big fat blabber mouth let it slip a year ago!”


“Come on, I’m sure it will be fine.” He insisted. I shook my head. “Not happening.”


He shrugged. “Suit yourself.”


I risked one more glance at Sehun and noticed that he wasn’t where he was just seconds ago. Looking around, I found him clinging to Yoonae, with a smile on his face. The smile that he never gave me before, at least, not for a while.


The maknae of EXO always had two faces on stage. The cute aegyo monster, and the emotionless man. The thing was, for over a year now, the only Sehun I saw, was the emotionless side, one that couldn’t care less about what I did, how I reacted, or how I felt.


Things started to change in our friendship as he and Jongin got closer to debut. We spoke less, hung out less, and barely even saw each other outside of class. The end of the line was when Jongin let it slip one day that I had feelings for him, we never spoke again since.


“Soojin, where are you going after this?” Joonmyun asked after we all paid and were standing by the door.


“Um...where are you guys going?” I asked.


“Back to the dorm to eat. You can come if you want, Yoonae is coming too.” Usually I would jump at the chance of being able to meet and idol group, and spend the day with them but as I caught sight of Sehun, who was talking to Luhan, I felt a wave of nausea hit me.


“I-I don’t think...”


“Of course Soojin is coming over, hyung!” Jongin beamed. I almost wanted to cry. Jongin, this isn’t funny. “We still haven’t introduced her to the other members yet!”


“Jongin...I.” He shook his head and leaned over.


“Trust me.”


I sighed and looked over at my cousin. “I guess I’m coming over.”




“Soojin, this is Kris, Baekhyun, Luhan, Chen, Xiumin, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Tao, and Lay.” Suho introduced. “Guys, this is my cousin, Kim Soojin.”


I grinned, eyes sparkling as I greeted each member in front of me. What more can a fangirl wish for? It was already months after debut and not once, did my cousin invite me over. I didn’t blame him, the last thing I wanted was to make him think that I was taking advantage of him.


“Hyung, she’s cute!” Tao exclaimed, as he personally came over to pull me into a bone crushing hug. “Is she a fan of ours?”


Jongin scoffed. “Well if you gave her a chance to speak, hyung, maybe she could explain herself.”


“Jongin, don’t be rude.” I heard Yoonae scold.


“So,” Tao pulled away, taking a step back, “Who’s your bias?”


I scanned through the long row of excited members again, flinching when my eyes landed on the youngest, standing in a corner, away from the commotion. His eyes met mine for a second before he walked away, slamming his bedroom door behind him.


“What’s with him?” I heard one of the members mumble.


“I got it.” Jongin said before running after him.


“So?” Tao said again, looking at me expectantly.


“Um...” I blanked out for a bit, Sehun’s scowl never leaving my mind. “I...”


I tried to think back to the correct answer. I knew I had a bias in the group. Two in fact. They often took my mind off of Sehun whenever I watched the videos of them...of course, things were different when Sehun was standing in front of me in real life.


“I have two.” I confessed.


“Oh, no you can’t say that. That’s not fair!” Chanyeol insisted.


I blushed heavily, and peeked up to see everyone looking at me again. “ biases are...Baekhyun...and Kyungsoo.”


Several things happened at once. Tao’s smile dropped while Baekhyun and Kyungsoo smiled widely at me. Joonmyun seemed to let out a sigh of relief which I quirked an eyebrow at.


“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked him. He shook his head.


“A lot happened in the past that’s all.” He turned to Yoonae who just hid behind Baekhyun as a response. I didn’t question him more, afterall, he was right, a lot did happen in the past.


“Guys, I’d hate to break up the group, but I’m hungry, let’s eat.” Luhan said. I flinched at his words, unsure whether or not he meant to be hostile or not. They all left to the kitchen and began microwaving their food and boiling water.


“Kyungsoo, let’s go say hi!” I watched as Baekhyun walked over to me, dragging Kyungsoo along behind him. I felt my face glowing bright red when the two smiled at me.


“Nice to meet you Soojin-sshi!” Baekhyun cheered. Kyungsoo flushed at bit as well and gave me a shy smile.


“H-hi...nice to meet you too.” I replied, grateful for the friendly members.


“Awww don’t be shy! We’re going to be best friends!”


“Yeah, too bad that position is already taken.” I felt an arm around my shoulder from behind.


“Jongin.” I said in relief as I turned to face the tan figure behind me. “How is he?”


He frowned. “We’ll talk about it later.” With that, he turned his attention back to my two biases.


“Baekhyun-hyung, why are you harassing my bestfriend?”


“Jongin, stop bullying him!” I replied, smacking him on the arm. The two idols seemed to be shocked at the action. I only smiled sheepishly at them.


“We’re close friends since highschool.” I said in attempts to justify my actions. The two only broke down in fits of laughter in response.


“No, it’s not that.” Baekhyun said.


“We’ve  just never seen anyone other than Yoonae put up with him like that before.” Kyungsoo added.


“Ahh,” I replied. “She doesn’t seem to like me very much.”


Jongin chuckled. “You’ll get used to it. She’s actually really nice. At least Sehunnie thinks so.”


“Sehunnie?” Baekhyun and Kyungsoo questioned at the same time. I flushed at their reaction, almost tempted to run away from the group. The nickname was just too embarrassing.


“Guys, leave her alone.”


I froze at the sound of the voice that just joined us. No, I couldn’t face him. It was too soon. Much too soon. I reached back for Jongin who caught my hand and kept me grounded.


“Oh hey Sehun." Baekhyun said, little bits of laughter still evident in his voice. I flinched at the glare that he sent his hyung. Jongin shook his head.


“Guys, let’s give them some alone time.”


No. I clung onto Jongin just a bit longer. Don’t leave me.


He sent me a sympathetic look but leaned down anyways. “Talk to him.” With that he let go. The three of elders walked away, leaving only Sehun and I.


There’s nothing wrong with saying hi. I told myself. Nothing. Afterall, we were bestfriends, and he still remembers me right? It’s been over a year. Things have changed. Maybe we can be friends again.

I realized from the second I looked up and met his eyes, that it was impossible. I tried to smile at him, a smile that he didn’t return back. My heart cracked, and at the same time, I began falling - falling again for Oh Sehun.



A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! I had this chapter written already but then I decided to change around some characters and a bit of the storyline and all that stuff. So before I released it, I had to do some major editing to this chapter, and subsequently, the next three chapters which I had finished writing as well. But those should be coming soon =]


Hope you guys enoyed the chapter!

(And really, I hope you're not expecting something tooooo angsty, because that's not happening.)

Thanks for reading and subscribing!

-Ryeowook, Sungmin, Jongin, Luhan, Sehun, Baekhyun, Youngmin, Kwangmin, Myungsoo, Sungjong, AND TAEMIN'S WIFEY!



Love him so much <3

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SekarMP #1
Chapter 5: Omooo update soon pleaseee I'm curious :o
krungness #2
Chapter 4: thank you for the update! please update more :)
Chapter 3: Annyeong~
Really looking forward to this fic!
Update soon! Hwaiting~!! :)
xyxy60 #4
I don't understand. What had happened between Sehun and Soojin? Their weird(?) conversations and memories make me so confused.
Chapter 3: Update soon author nim
Chapter 3: OMG!! Sehun texted her.. Please update soon!! I seriously am so curious.. I think he really loves her as well but something happened.. ^-^
parkchanyeolism #7
Chapter 3: Oh god, all the angst. If I were to be in her shoes, I would not even want to see Sehun again. I would run away far far away.... But still, I am really excited to read more! I have to know what Sehun is going to do, and does he have feelings for her?
Chapter 3: awww is baek going to be sehunnie's rival here? XD
Chapter 3: OMG!!!!! THE update is so >\\\\<
-I got confused though... Baekhyun texted her but then it turned into Chen....

Chapter 2: NO!! Why is Sehun so cold to her?? Please update soon!! ^-^