Meeting Again

Melting Oh Sehun

Kim Soojin's POV


Everything in life changes. The environment around us, different stages in our lives. I mean, one moment you’re nervously prancing around at home, gathering everything you think you would possibly need for your first day as a new person - a highschool student; and the next, you’re crying your eyes out, already trying to figure out the debt you owe even before your first day of University.


As all your expectations and the roles in your life change, you, yourself, change as well. Take the girl sitting four seats to the right for instance. I never knew her name, but I remembered her well. She was always a good student until a few months ago, she started skipping class. Now-a-days, she’s rarely here, and even if she was, she would be sleeping through the entire lesson. Not that I blamed her though.


I grinned as the clock struck four, and the class finally ended. The prof was a total bore.


Like any other day of school, I woke up to an empty house, ate, attended classes, and slugged my way out the door when the final hour was done. There were a few things I was looking forward to, at least. I was counting down the days until the middle of the week where the MAMA awards were held. I had a backstage pass courtesy of my cousin, now that was something I was looking forward to.


“Jongin, I told you not to randomly walk around campus like that! Someone is going to recognize you!”


That was weird, I thought I was alone. Narrowing my eyes, I saw a girl and a guy standing between the only two cars in the parking lot. I recognized the girl as the one in my Chinese class, the one that either constantly dozed off, or was just never in class at all. The guy on the other hand, had a striking resemblance to...wait...Jongin...




I couldn’t help but let out a fangirly squeal as I took in the male standing a few meters away from me. Not ONLY was I a total fan of the group, but Jongin and I had been in the same class in highschool too.


“Soojin?” I beamed hearing my name coming from his voice. I quickly closed the distance and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck which he returned.


“It’s been a while, how have you been?” He asked as we parted.


“Hm...good I guess. School is still a drag, especially without you around.”


He laughed. “Are you sure you aren’t just missing Sehunnie?” I flushed hearing the small endearment I always called our third bestfriend.


“How is Sehun?” I asked, trying to seem calm. It was hard, after spending 4 years of highschool together, the fluttering in my heart never seized whenever I heard his name.


“Sehunnie? Sehunnie is fine~” He cooed. I reached up and smacked him on the arm.


“Stop it Jongin~”


“Stop it~” He mocked. I groaned. How I ever put up with him, I didn’t know.


“Anyways, what are you doing here?” I asked him. He froze and eyed the girl who had been watching us together this whole time.


“Um...I’m here to talk to a friend.” I rolled my eyes, watching him blink furiously, his voice sped up ever so slightly.


“Jongin, don’t lie to me. You know you can’t.” He sighed and took the clueless girl’s hand. I watched as my bestfriend smiled reassuringly to her, something he rarely did around others.


“Soojin, this is Yoonae, my girlfriend.” My eyes widened as I took that in. My heart skipped a beat and almost immediately, I felt the need to rip the girl away from him. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t jealous.


Hell, I was happy that the usually bi-polar friend of mine finally found someone that could deal with his narcissistic needs, but at the same time I was worried. Worried that once the press found out, Jongin’s dream that he had been telling me about since we met, would be ruined.


“H-Hi.” I managed to say, turning to the girl who stared at me warily. “I’m Soojin, Jongin’s highschool friend.”


“Yoonae.” She replied simply. She turned to Jongin who brightened up slightly at the attention. “Jongin, we have to go. You have rehearsals soon, remember?”


He nodded, and turned to me. I was pretty sure both of us was prepared for a good-bye, but suddenly, something popped up in his mind. I could tell by the way he grinned.


“Soojin, why don’t you come watch rehearsal with Yoonae? We’re probably going out for a late dinner afterwards. What do you say?”


Going to Jongin’s rehearsal...meant seeing his group rehearse....which meant...I could meet EXO-K.....


“YES! YES JONGIN! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!” I jumped up and down excitedly, afterall, who could pass up on this chance? I had been following the group since my two bestfriends  told me that they were set to debut in a group of 12 and a subgroup of 6. Not to mention, there was someone else I knew in that group as well...


“Okay let’s go.” He said, “Just follow us in your car. I’ll get you the access in.”


I didn’t need to be told twice. Hopping into the car, I started the engine and waited impatiently for Jongin to start his girlfriend’s car before pulling out after them. This was going to be FUN!



“So when did you meet Jongin and Sehun?” Jongin’s girlfriend asked me as we sat by the sidelines, watching the guys practice their routine for the MAMA rehearsal. Who knew I would luck out to this extent? All 12 members were back in Korea for rehearsals. Jongin promised me he would introduce me to them all once they were done practicing.


“I met them in the first year of highschool.” I replied. “Sehun, Jongin, and I were actually classmates all four years. We were bestfriends actually.”


“Oh...well, Jongin never told me about you...”


“You probably never asked.” I replied.


She flinched. “That’s something Jongin would say.”


I laughed. “I bet, I have known him for over four years now.” I replied. She didn’t look too happy with me. Maybe she was the easily jealous type.


“Don’t worry though, Jongin and I are just friends. I can’t put up with his narcissistic personality for too long.”


“I call it his Prince Syndrome.” She said, finally breaking a smile at me. “He’s hard to deal with, but he’s really just a needy child inside.”


“I’d say.” I agreed. “I’m happy he found you though. How long have you two been dating?”


“Officially? About three months. A lot of things happened in between, I’m just happy we’re where we are now.” She replied. I looked over at her, realizing that she was practically in her own world reminiscing. No wonder she seemed so protective, they probably had a fragile relationship before this. Jongin was a good guy though. She was lucky.


We sat in silence as the guys continued to rehearse. I could feel a few pairs of eyes on me from time to time, mainly Jongin, and two other familiar figures.


When it was almost time to head home, the practice door suddenly opened, relieving us of the sweaty aroma for a second. I gasped when I realized who had entered.




Everyone in the room turned to me, and Taemin beamed when he saw me. He ran over and took me in his arms, turning me in circles as everyone else watched from behind us.


“Soojin, I haven’t seen you in forever. How are you?”


“Good.” I replied. “I just ran into Jongin-oppa today so he brought me here. I didn’t expect to see you in this room.”


“Yeah, we’re having a little collaboration in a few days.” He replied, smiling. “Anyways, I have to go rehearse now, I’ll talk to you afterwards.”


“Bye oppa!” I gave him one final hug and watched as everyone returned to their positions.


“You know Taemin too?” The Yoonae’s familiar voice spoke up. I nodded, excitedly.


“Jongin and Taemin used to be very close. Taemin took care of Jongin a lot when he was training, so I got to meet him a few times.” I replied. Once again, she didn’t seem so pleased. What did I say?


“ you not like me? Did I do something wrong?”


“Huh?” She immediately straightened up and shook her head. I let out a breath of relief. “I’m sorry if it seems like I don’t like you. I just...Taemin and I had...something...nevermind, it’s a complicated story.”


I raised an eyebrow, but didn’t push it. After all, she was still a stranger to me.


After rehearsals ended, we waited for the boys in the hall as they showered, getting ready for a round of instant ramen as a late night dinner.


The door swung open sooner than Yoonae and I expected it to, making us jump a bit.


“Uh oh...” I murmured when I saw who was standing at the doorway with an angry scowl on his face.


“Soojin, why are you here?”


“Oppa, I just wanted to visit. Jongin said I could come.”


“I don’t care what Jongin says. You shouldn’t be in this building!”


“But Yoonae-sshi is here.”


“Yoonae works here.” He argued. Well that was news to me.


“But Joonmyun-oppa~ I’ve known you and Jongin for years! That should count as something.” I crossed my arms and pouted, feeling utterly unwanted and rejected.


“Yes, and I would allow you to visit if I could, but I can’t. Not to mention, you know how much of a crazy fangirl you are.” He said. “I didn’t even scold you yet for disrupting practice when the SHINee members walked in.”


I dropped my head in guilt. “Sorry...Please don't make me go home.” He sighed and shook his head.


“It’s alright, you can stay.” He replied. “Just...try to warn us ahead of time alright? Call me or something? I know you and Jongin are close and all but, you can’t just barge in like that.”


“Sorry.” I murmured again. He shook his head.


“I’m going to tell the others to hurry up. I bet you’re hungry.” My stomach growled in response since I hadn’t eaten since noon and it was already 10pm.


“Okay, I’ll see you soon. Don’t go anywhere. Yoonae, watch her.” With that, he left.


“So...” Yoonae turned to me. “Exactly how many people from this company do you know?”


“That’s it. Just him, Jongin, Sehun, and Taemin.”


“And how exactly do you two know each other?”

“Me and Joonmyun-oppa?” I grinned. “We’re cousins!”

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SekarMP #1
Chapter 5: Omooo update soon pleaseee I'm curious :o
krungness #2
Chapter 4: thank you for the update! please update more :)
Chapter 3: Annyeong~
Really looking forward to this fic!
Update soon! Hwaiting~!! :)
xyxy60 #4
I don't understand. What had happened between Sehun and Soojin? Their weird(?) conversations and memories make me so confused.
Chapter 3: Update soon author nim
Chapter 3: OMG!! Sehun texted her.. Please update soon!! I seriously am so curious.. I think he really loves her as well but something happened.. ^-^
parkchanyeolism #7
Chapter 3: Oh god, all the angst. If I were to be in her shoes, I would not even want to see Sehun again. I would run away far far away.... But still, I am really excited to read more! I have to know what Sehun is going to do, and does he have feelings for her?
Chapter 3: awww is baek going to be sehunnie's rival here? XD
Chapter 3: OMG!!!!! THE update is so >\\\\<
-I got confused though... Baekhyun texted her but then it turned into Chen....

Chapter 2: NO!! Why is Sehun so cold to her?? Please update soon!! ^-^