Catching Up

Melting Oh Sehun

“ have you been?” I felt like I had been hearing that question the whole day, but it was the first time I was at a loss for the answer.


“Good. Just getting over a heartache, you know, the one that you started like over a year ago. I’m not quite sure if I’m mad at you or myself for falling in love with you. Or in this case...I guess I’m falling even more in love with you. Don’t worry about it though, I’m sure I’ll get over it in ten or so more years. I’ll start tomorrow when I swear to myself I’ll never see you again.”


Of course, I couldn’t say that to his face. A simple “good” was all I had as a reply. We sat on the couch in silence as the others hustled around in the kitchen. For the most part, it was silence that I treasured. Just being there with him, reminiscing the times when we were friends. When I could crush on him in my own world, without getting judgemental looks in return. Everything that was now gone, and unretrievable.


“Have you...been seeing anyone lately?” He asked.


“No.” I swallowed the lump in my throat, almost fearing that if I said more than that one word, my voice would crack, giving me away. I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around it, burying myself away. It felt much more comforting that way.


“Have you?”


“No.” He replied. After everything that happened, I knew that I wasn’t supposed to feel better because of his simple reply, but I did. It wasn’t that I thought I had a chance, I knew that was long gone already, but it was the fact that deep inside, I could think of him as mine, and only mine.


“You two are so awkward.” I jumped at the sound of Jongin’s voice as he joined us. He handed me my bowl of instant noodles and sat down on the carpet in front of us with one of his own.


“Where’s mine?” Sehun asked, pouting slightly. I couldn’t help but feel my heart flutter at the sight as I returned my attention to the late dinner in front of me.


“In the kitchen. Get it yourself, stupid maknae.”


The couch shifted as the younger let out a frustrated “hmph” and walked away.


“How’d it go?” Jongin asked in between bites. I glared at him.


“I hate you for leaving me like that.”


“Hey,” He said. “Don’t blame me. You two need to sort things out, especially if you’re going to be over here more often.”


“Who said I will coming back?” I countered.


“Joonmyun-hyung. You’re coming with us to Hong Kong remember?” MAMA awards...right...crap.




He raised an eyebrow challengingly. “What? You’re not going to miss out on a once in a lifetime chance just because of Sehunnie are you?”


“No....but what can I do? Jonginnieeeeeee~” He immediately set his bowl down and covered his ears with his hands.


“Don’t call me that!”


“Jonginnieeeeeeeeeee.” I continued, laughing at his twitching reactions. Just like old times.


“If you don’t stop that, I’m going to make sure you’re not coming with us.” He threatened, effectively stopping me.


“Not coming with us where?” I choked on the noodles I was eating when Sehun suddenly sank back on the couch again with a sandwich in hand.


“The MAMA awards.” Jongin replied. “Suho-hyung scored a ticket for Soojin.”


Sehun nodded in acknowledgement. “Yoonae and Ji Eun are coming too right?”


I noticed Jongin visibly brightening at the sound of his girlfriend’s name. “Of course Yoonae is coming, she’s working that day.”


“And Ji Eun?”


“Chanyeol’s got it covered.” Jongin said. He looked between the two of us warily. “Sehun...are you rooming with Suho that night?”


“Of course. Don’t we always?”


“Mmhmm...” He mumbled before getting up. “We’ll I’m going to put this away and go to bed. I’m wasted.”


And leave us here alone again? I don’t think so. I stood up abruptly and followed after him, knowing fairly well that Sehun was watching us leave without a word of protest.


Yoonae and I left not long after, knowing that we had classes in the morning the next day. The guys all crowded around the door as we said our goodbyes.


Echoes of “it was nice meeting you” and “I hope to see you around again” repeated itself amongst all the members that I hugged. It was a momentous occasion, but I couldn’t really concentrate on it at all as I waited in anticipation for the last member of them all. Sehun.


I watched as Jongin and him both approached. Jongin said his goodbyes first and nudged Sehun over to me while he talked to his girlfriend.


“So...I guess I’ll see you around.” Of course he would say the same things as the others. I smiled and tried my best to hide the breaking inside of me.


“Yeah, I’ll see you around.” My words came out more rushed than usually. I had to get out of there. I had to go home, into my room, and bury myself in my blankets for the night. Seeing him again was mentally and emotionally exhausting, I just wanted to be alone.


For a brief moment, I thought I saw his hardened expression soften, his eyes looking at me as if he actually wanted me there with him.


“I missed you Soojin.”


It took me all the self restraint I had to turn away as if his words didn’t affect me anymore than a simple expression of companionship, because that’s what it was; nothing more than a broken, unmendable friendship.


I missed you too. It was all I could tell him before I turned around and walked out the door, tears threatening to escape as I walked down the halls with Jongin’s girlfriend at my side. She didn’t question me about anything, I was sure Jongin would tell her about it anyways. We bid goodbye in the parking garage, and I drove home without a hint of peace in mind.


When I got home, I barely took in the dark, empty house before I went up to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed up, splashing water several times on my face to remind myself that this was reality, nothing that could be avoided or changed.


I returned to the comfort of my own room afterwards. Turning on my laptop, I collapsed onto my bed with it and clicked onto a folder I never thought I would visit again.


Inside were images, mostly consisting of Jongin, Sehun and I in our highschool days. It ranged from everything from birthdays, class trips, prom, and graduation. I couldn’t help but smile as my favourite picture of Sehun and I popped up. I had fainted during phys ed class one day and Sehun and Jongin found me in the infirmary. On the way home from school, I was perched on Sehun’s back, sleeping, and Jongin managed to capture the moment on his phone.


There were many more moments in the photos, including ones where we stole Jongin’s cellphone and began taking selcas with it while he wasn’t paying attention. Those were the good times.


The ones of graduation were much more tense as the guys were just weeks away from debut and things had already become awkward between Sehun and I. The press was everywhere, and I barely had the chance to take pictures with my two bestfriends before they were whisked away.


I have to stop doing this. I told myself. I have to stop thinking about him...about’s not going to happen.


I turned off the laptop again and quickly put it away before tucking myself in. Just as I pulled the covers up, my phone vibrated with a text.


From: (xxx)-xxx-xxxx


I frowned at the anonymous number.


Hi Soojin! It’s Baekhyun! I know you don’t have my number or anything and I didn’t really have time to ask you for it, so I asked Joonmyun-hyung instead. I hope it’s not too weird or anything....


I couldn’t but laugh while I added him to my contacts.


From: Soojin

No, it’s not weird at all. I’m actually really happy right now :) You made my day.


From: Baekhyun

Really?! Wow, thank you, I didn’t know I could make anyone happy just like that.


From: Soojin

No, thank you! I’m such a huge fan of your voice. You’re an amazing singer.


From: Baekhyun

Thank you :)


From: Baekhyun

So I was wondering...


From: Soojin



From: Baekhyun

Do you want to come watch our rehearsal tomorrow?


I froze and forced myself to reread it several times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I was invited to EXO’s rehearsal? By none other than Baekhyun himself? I quickly went over the schedule in my head and realized I had an evening class tomorrow. I almost cried thinking about it.


From: Soojin

I do, but I have a university lecture tomorrow evening. I probably won’t be done until 9:30. By the time I get there, it’ll be late :(


From: Baekhyun

Aww :( Try anyways. If anything, maybe we can go out for dinner later? :)


From: Soojin

Okay I’ll try. :)


From: Baekhyun

Great! Just text me before you come. I’ll tell you if we’re still rehearsing or not.


From: Soojin

Okay, I’ll do that!


From: Baekhyun

Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight Soojin.


From: Soojin

Goodnight! ^^


I couldn’t help but smile as I set my phone aside. And for once in months, I was able to peacefully drift to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm, and for the first time in a while, I felt refreshed. I went to get ready, picking my outfit carefully because I knew that I had no time to come back home between classes or even after, as a matter of fact.


After I was freshened up and ready to go downstairs for breakfast, I grabbed my bag and my phone. At the bottom of the stairs, I clicked on my phone to check if there was any missed calls or messages.


To my surprise, there was one, but not from who I expected.


From: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Hi Soojin. I know we had a rough start yesterday and I really want to apologize. And no, this isn’t some crazy plot Jongin is trying to throw together. I want to make everything up to it alright if we meet up sometime? I really want to be friends again. Let’s start over. Call me.





A/N: BAM! SEHUN IS HERE EVERYONE! After all this time he finally has speaking lines and stuffs. Still playing with his character a bit though but that's nothing for you guys to worry about ;) I'll figure it out. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! 


Please leave comments below! I know I don't reply most of them, but it really encourages me, and I love having feedback (whether it's something positive or even something to improve on). And thanks for all the subscriptions and even just for reading! 


-Ryeowook, Sungmin, Taemin, Jongin, Chen, Luhan, Sehun, Baekhyun, Myungsoo, and Sungjong's Wifey!

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SekarMP #1
Chapter 5: Omooo update soon pleaseee I'm curious :o
krungness #2
Chapter 4: thank you for the update! please update more :)
Chapter 3: Annyeong~
Really looking forward to this fic!
Update soon! Hwaiting~!! :)
xyxy60 #4
I don't understand. What had happened between Sehun and Soojin? Their weird(?) conversations and memories make me so confused.
Chapter 3: Update soon author nim
Chapter 3: OMG!! Sehun texted her.. Please update soon!! I seriously am so curious.. I think he really loves her as well but something happened.. ^-^
parkchanyeolism #7
Chapter 3: Oh god, all the angst. If I were to be in her shoes, I would not even want to see Sehun again. I would run away far far away.... But still, I am really excited to read more! I have to know what Sehun is going to do, and does he have feelings for her?
Chapter 3: awww is baek going to be sehunnie's rival here? XD
Chapter 3: OMG!!!!! THE update is so >\\\\<
-I got confused though... Baekhyun texted her but then it turned into Chen....

Chapter 2: NO!! Why is Sehun so cold to her?? Please update soon!! ^-^