The Shadowy Moon

Kiss of the Moons

             Kris groaned for the umpteenth time in the last hour. He pushed away the moss hanging above his head and rubbed his sore shoulder. He had

fallen in a heavily forested area and hit a tree rather hard, his left shoulder taking the brunt of the force. Needless to say he wasn’t very happy at the moment

so when he tripped on a vine, a series of very loud curse words came from his mouth. “WHY AM I HERE? HUH!” He looked up into the sky at the dark,

shadowy moon. “IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE ME ANY IDEA ETHRISTA, IT WOULD BE NICE!” He felt his eyes starting to fill with tears but he quickly blinked them

away, he wasn’t the type of person to cry. He sighed and rubbed his forehead, smudging dirt on his face. He suddenly jumped up when he heard a high

pitched scream.


            “OH MY GOD PLEASE DON’T EAT ME!!!” Kris ran, stumbling a bit on broken branches and overgrowth, before he saw a boy, only a bit older than himself,

backed up against a tree. He looked around to try and figure out what startled the boy so much when something on the ground caught his eye. A little rabbit

stood in front of the other. Kris sighed and shooed the bunny away. The boy looked up surprised, just now noticing the taller. “I-I, thanks…” He said with

wide eyes. Kris grunted and nodded in response.


            “What are you doing out here if you’re scared of a little rabbit?” The older looked down sadly.


            “I’m not sure… Where I’m from we don’t really have any animals. It’s too cold.”


            “Where are you from?” Kris asked incredulously. The older boy looked around, a bit shaken.


            “I-I… a long way from here… You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Kris simply laughed.


            “Try me, I’m a very long ways from home as well.” He said as he looked up into the sky. He sighed and glanced at the other boy who was on the verge

of tears. “H-hey don’t cry!”


            “I just want to go back home!” Kris patted the younger’s shoulder awkwardly. Comforting someone was never something he was very good at. He

tended to try and avoid physical contact if at all possible.


            “What’s your name?” He asked.


            “M-Minseok.” The older said sniffling. “But most people just call me Xiumin.”


            “Well Xiumin, I’m Kris,” He said pointing and looking up into the sky. “And you see that black star? That’s Ithir, my home.” He jumped suddenly as he

felt a pair of arms wrap around him tightly. “X-Xiumin?” The older tightened his grip as he felt Kris trying to wiggle out of the embrace.


            “You… you’re like me!” Xiumin said, holding back the tears. “I-I fell too! I’m from Bryanne, the Turquoise star!” Kris raised his eyebrows, obviously



            “We are in the same situation then! So the question I really want to know is why exactly we are in this situation. Why did we fall away from our

homes?” He looked up again, sighing. “If you and I both fell, maybe there are more out there like us. I don’t know why our stars went out, but I have a feeling

that it isn’t good.” Xiumin nodded and pulled away from Kris and wiped his eyes.


            “You know, I thought I was alone…” He said glancing up at the taller. “I was so afraid, afraid that no one would come and I would die out here all

alone.” Kris nodded, understanding the older completely, he had felt the same way not that long ago. Heck, he had kind of hoped death would find him

quickly. But it had not, and now with Xiumin, he felt his will to live return.


            “You’re not alone, not anymore.” He said placing his hand on the other’s shoulder. “We’re going to get out of here and we will find the others, if they

are here. Then we are going to figure out why we were sent here!” Kris was amazed at himself, he sounded much more confident than he felt, that was for

sure. Xiumin smiled.


            “Alright Kris, I trust you!” He said nodding. They felt their way around the forest, Xiumin screaming every time he saw some sort of animal. He decided

that spiders were his least favorite thing in the world.


            “Xiumin,” Kris said for the umpteenth time in the past two hours. “They aren’t going to eat you. They are probably more scared of you than you are of

them!” It was a hopeless attempt at comfort, as Xiumin just kept screaming. They continued walking for three more hours before they both couldn’t take

another step.


            “Kris… can we rest for a while? I can’t  go much further without any water.” The older said, sitting down on a fallen tree. They were both tired, and it

didn’t seem like they had gotten very far. Kris nodded and looked sat as well.


            “We need to find some fresh water, there has to be a river or something around here somewhere.” Kris said sighing. “Do we even have anything to

put water in?” Xiumin shook his head.


            “If we find a river or something, should we just follow it? I mean maybe it will lead us out of here.”


            “That’s actually a really good idea Xiumin! Come on, We can’t be too far away from a river.” They walked for another hour before Kris suddenly came

to a stop.




            “Shh.” Kris put his finger up to his lips and stared into the distance. Xiumin blink and looked rather confused before he gasped and looked at Kris.


            “Is that?” The taller grinned and nodded.


            “Water! And lots of it!”



Okay, can I ask why it is so dang hard to find a picture of Minseok and Kris together >< Ahhhhh seriously!
Anyways! hope you enjoyed this chapter <3 I LOVE YOU GUYS!


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Chapter 4: This is awesome! Please update author-nim.
Chapter 4: omg this sounds really good!
Haneen #3
Chapter 3: Poor sehuniee baby wait for suho umma ;3;
And i really cant wait for krisyeol encounter anymore ;A; but we still have to wait for lay , chen and luhan appearance right ?
Chapter 1: I want to ask that this fic is krisyeol?
Chapter 1: Woah! You totally blew my mind away, Author-nim!
This story is really interesting and I can't help but feel excited whenever I think of what will happen next >.<
Thank you Author-nim for writing this story and FIGHTING!!!!<3<3<3