I Hate Tuesdays...

Strictly No Commitment

“Oh Luhan! Jongin tells me you finally bought a phone.” Baekhyun sang as he hopped off of the barstool. Luhan and Jongin had just come in and were surprised to see Chanyeol and Baekhyun here before them.

“Yeah, I did.” Luhan said, taking Baekhyun into a petite hug. “How did you guys get in?”

“Sunho let us in.” He explained.

“Hey Sunho!” Jongin waved.

“’Sup?” He answered rhetorically.

“What’s your number?” Baekhyun said, pulling out his own phone in it’s tiny ice blue case that looked too adorable to be real. Luhan regaled him with the details, as Chanyeol helped Jongin take down the chairs from the tables first.

“Yay! Now we can text when I’m up at my parents’ house.” Baekhyun said grinning. “I’ll give you Channie’s number too, just in case…”

“I know us men-folk are the heavy lifters here, but some help behind the bar would be nice too ladies.” Jongin called from his place at the log fire.

“Right, sorry baby!” Luhan mused, punching in the last of Chanyeol’s digits, then heading for the bar as asked. Baekhyun followed, but instead of helping, he sat at the bar stool and chatted opening away with Luhan.

“How did you survive all this time in Seoul without a phone? I have to ask.” Baekhyun asked. Luhan smiled, as be appeared up from under the drinks cabinet and looked over and Jongin, who only smirked back at him.

“I have my ways.” Baekhyun caught on to Luhan and Jongin’s staring escapades and responded.

“That isn’t vague at all, but I catch ya.” He looked back to Luhan with his arms folded on the bar and continued to chat him up. It was Tuesday today, which meant Sehun would be in today, and so he was about ten minutes later. Chanyeol took a break from re-tuning his guitar and sat with Baekhyun at his hip.

“Hey Sehun!” Luhan waved from the bar.

“Hey.” Sehun seemed tired again, and that was understandable given he had school, and often came in early to help set up in the mornings. He said he didn’t mind, but Luhan preferred after school Sehun, when he had a chance to wake up a little.

“Hey sweetie.” Jongin said doing that thing he liked to with Luhan’s hips; grab them from behind and pull them into his own. Luhan, feeling less crabby today, welcomed the contact, as he fiddled with the buttons on Jongin’s shirt, not in the slightest bit interested in them. “I might be a little late picking you up today, so Chanyeol said he’d take you to his and Baekhyun’s place if that’s okay with you.”

“When did this happen?” Baekhyun whispered out of earshot to Chanyeol.

“Just go with it.” He assured in an equally hushed breath. 

“Sure. Is everything okay?” Luhan asked, then being answered with a chaser on his lips. Luhan wasn’t expecting it, so his eyes had flown wide open when Jongin’s lips had gone straight under his nose and struck gold.

“Just fine.” This Jongin smile was reassuring, and it gave Luhan no grounds to ask any questions further.

“You know there is a storeroom upstairs.” Chanyeol winked.

Chanyeol!” Baekhyun screeched.

“He’s right you know.” Jongin said, keeping Luhan in his arms.

“We open in ten minutes.”

“We can be done with time to spare.”

“Trying to tell me something Jongin?” Luhan hinted. “That wasn’t my point though. Now let go of me so I clean up the bar.” Jongin did so, sliding Luhan’s white dishtowel out of his belt and cracking a loud snap on his with it.

“Aye!” Luhan yelped like a kicked puppy.

“That was super hot.” Jongin smirked. Luhan snatched the dishtowel from him, unamused, and used it to wipe down the bar with a spray bottle, careful not to wet Baekhyun or Chanyeol; a courtesy he didn’t extend to Jongin.

“I’m heading off now.” Sehun informed.

“Oh wait, Sehun!” Luhan said, dropping the towel and spray bottle on the bench, and grabbing a small brown paper bag Jongin had asked about in the car ride here. Running over to give Sehun a hug, he held out the little bag for Sehun. “Have a good day at school today. Don’t forget your lunch.”

“Th–thank you…” Sehun blushed, taking the bag and putting it carefully in his backpack, which he’d left by the door.

“See you after school!” Luhan waved from out the door. Sehun waved back, said goodbye and thanked him again for the lunch. When Luhan closed the door and turned around everyone, even Sunho, was gobsmacked.

“What?” Luhan shrugged his shoulders, feeling like a criminal in a line up of one.

“What just happened?” Baekhyun barely whispered.

“What? I just gave the kid a healthy lunch. He looks tired, and he’s got to come back after school and then go home and study, so I figured it was the least I could do.”

“What exactly did you give him?” Jongin asked.

“Leftovers from last night.”

“That was my lunch!” Jongin sulked childishly.

“If you're hungry then make your own food, it’s not that hard Jongin.” Luhan said, returning to his cleaning.

“There’s nothing easy to cook in the cupboard.” Jongin resisted.

“Oh I’m sorry Jongin, I’ll buy instant noodles next time instead of two-minute noodles.” Luhan spat sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

“Wow, they’re almost worse than us when we started dating.” Chanyeol said to Baekhyun, who only watched the two and nodded in agreement.

“We are not dating.” Luhan assured.

“Could’ve fooled me.” Chanyeol grinned.

“Go tune your guitar.” Luhan huffed.

“Wow you love giving orders don’t you?” Jongin pointed out, in a total blond moment.

“Jongin, shut up.” Baekhyun said, something quite out of character for Baekhyun, even if it was just Jongin. Luhan smiled at the support from his friend.

“Children! We open in five minutes!” Sunho boomed from the kitchen.

“Let’s all focus on that then, hmm?” Luhan interjected, before anyone else could refute Sunho.

Jongin left early, as it was Tuesday and he got half of Tuesdays off. He dutifully reminded Luhan of his plans with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, asking him to call if anything happened.

“I will, don’t worry. See you tomorrow then.” Luhan said, kissing Jongin goodbye at the door before heading back to his tables. Sehun walked in two minutes after that, and after Luhan gave him his table numbers, he then proceeded to tend the bar with better attention. The two worked their tails away, as the crowd grew larger before it shrank again, finally dying down to the real spirit of the bar; the quiet few at the bar, and only one table by the log fire occupied. It wasn’t always the same crowd, though more often than not, the regulars would wash up as per usual. Luhan took this time to go upstairs to talk something over with Suho.

“COME IN.” he blared, probably not used to using an inside voice, as he was often yelling through the floorboards, usually to keep Jongin in line.

“Good evening sir.” Luhan said, closing the door behind him and walking into the rather large office.

“Oh, Luhan!” Suho smiled, “What’s up?” Suho actually had a very gorgeous face. Whilst Jongin was your iconic bad boy y man, Suho seemed more down to Earth and realistic; more natural in his appearance.

“Sorry sir, I wish I came in for a pep talk but truth be told,” Luhan spoke, suddenly wondering where the formal language came from, “we are severely understaffed and could really use some extra hands on the wait staff.”

“I know it’s not easy on the floor with two, sometimes only three people, and I know what you mean, I’ve seen you doing your guys doing your best to balance the work.”

“Thank you sir.”

“But honestly, recruitment is going slowly. I’ve put out calls but sadly to say no one is firing anymore.” That seemed a little harsh, but an effective means of finding people who needed a job.

“Alright, thank you for listening sir.”

“Luhan, you can drop the sir. It's Suho.” He smiled.

“Sorry Suho.” Luhan blushed. “Thank you.”

“No worries kid. I’ll keep an eye out for someone to leech off your pay check.” He joked, easing the tension and helping to blur the employer-employee line. Luhan made his way back to the floor, where everything was surprisingly clean, and Baekhyun and Chanyeol were by the door, the latter swinging car keys around his fingers.

“Just give me a sec!” Luhan said, locking up here and there and flipping the closed sign back over.

“Shall we then?” Baekhyun said holding out an arm for Luhan to take. With the three of them linked with Baekhyun in the middle, they said their goodbyes to Sehun, who walked to other way and headed for Chanyeol’s car.

“Woah! Nice car!” Luhan said, eyes beaming and heart bubbling with excitement.

“Really?” Baekhyun wrinkled his nose at Luhan’s excitement.

“Finally, someone appreciates my car!” Chanyeol said, at Baekhyun.

“Triumph Spitfire 1500, 1493 cc engine, 4-speed manual transmission...” Luhan beamed, practically eating the car with his eyes. “With overdrive on top and third?”

“You betcha.” Chanyeol said.

“This is not an easy find, where did you get this?” Luhan asked.

“Someone was selling for dirt cheap, I don’t think they actually knew the value of it until it was gone.” Chanyeol laughed.

“Sweet.” Baekhyun only stared at the two as they continued talking cars, leaving him to get in the car and sit for another five minutes as they continued talking on the bonnet, before Chanyeol finally rolled the engine and wheels out of the parking lot and to their house.

Luhan hadn’t checked the time when he’d eventually fallen asleep on Chanyeol’s spare bed, but the three had spent pretty much the entire night just talking and listening to the radio run its paces. Baekhyun cooked and Chanyeol entertained as he did, the two of them akin to the perfect married couple, save for the fact they weren’t actually married. Luhan had the best nights sleep he’d had in a long time. He hadn’t woken up with Jongin hanging off of him, not that Luhan didn’t enjoy being coddled when waking up was so cruel, but tonight’s peace was more than bliss. He came out of his room to a fresh breakfast of two slices of toast, one with jam and the other with scrambled egg on it. A proper meal made a pleasant step-up from cereal and milk at Jongin’s place every morning, which had started to lose its appeal. Jongin came by early to drop off a fresh change of uniform for Luhan, who quickly showered and changed, before heading to work again. Baekhyun and Chanyeol took the Triumph after them just a few minutes later.

“Did you get everything sorted last night?” Luhan asked, as he stopped at a red light.

“Yeah.” Jongin said, changing the subject not so unexpectedly. “How was your night?”

“It was a lot of fun, definitely a new experience.” Luhan said, explaining to Jongin how he adored Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s complimentary relationship. “We should have them over some time.”

“As in, us having them over for dinner and drinks?” Jongin said, struggling to eliminate the lump in his throat.

“Well, why don’t we have everyone from work over? That way we can get to know everyone better.” Luhan suggested.

“W–why don’t we talk about this when you get home tonight?” Jongin said, deterring the conversation successfully.

“Okay, you’ll pick me up at closing time?”


“Hey Jongin!” Luhan called, as the younger boy walked in the doors at the time he said he would.

“Oh, Jongin guess what?” Sehun said, collecting the last plates of the night and facing him. “I got a new apartment!”

“Oh cool! You finally saved up enough, huh? Awesome, when’s the party?” Jongin asked, taking Sehun around the shoulders and giving him what Jongin would call, a man hug.

“This Sunday, Luhan’s got the details. Everyone from the bar is invited.”

“Sweet!” Jongin said, before letting Sehun finish his work and moving on to Luhan. “Hey sweet cheeks.” Luhan’s heart jumped in his ribcage for a second, before his whole respiratory system began to convulse. He hated it when Jongin snuck up on him like that.

“Hey.” He said, turning around and folding into a hug and a much-needed tonguing.

“Did you have a good day?” Jongin asked, dropping silent, yet tantalising kisses down Luhan’s cheek, before digging baby love bites into his neck. Luhan relished in the feeling for a while before answering him.

“Good until now. Now it just got a whole lot better.” He giggled.

“I’m glad.” Jongin nearly whispered as he came off of Luhan and faced him properly. “Ready to go home?”

“Yeah, let me just help Sehun and Sunho lock up, and I’ll be right with you.” Breathing was a task Luhan had since had to teach himself again, as Jongin had that breathtaking feel about him whenever he touched him.

“Alright, I’ll wait for you.” He didn’t have to wait long and Luhan made sure of it, getting in the car but getting in the passengers seat instead this time.

“What the f–” Before Jongin knew it, Luhan had him straddled, and didn’t waste any time getting to the point. Luhan shut him up with a teeth-jarring kiss, balling his hands in Jongin’s hair as Jongin’s hands sought their way to untuck Luhan’s shirt and get underneath the thin white cotton.

“I hate Tuesdays…” Luhan breathed. “I missed you.” Jongin brought him in for one more kiss before instructing him to


Getting back to Jongin’s place and finishing off in Jongin’s bed, the two lay side by side in the silk sheets, once again.

“How is it that when we’ve just had , you still manage to be an annoying tease by just lying there?” Jongin said.

“Tough it out.” Luhan let out a huge breath of air, before attempting to calm himself down and return to a normal rhythm of respiration.

“You are so cold sometimes Lu.” Jongin huffed. He tried to make it better by coiling his arms around Jongin’s neck, and pulling him into his bare chest. He looked down at the younger boy, only now coming to the realisation he had never appreciated just how stunning Jongin really was. His lips were naturally pouty all the time, and he loved when they hung open slightly when he had something to say, but didn’t, like he was too star-struck to say anything. His hair never went unwashed, staying perfectly undulated in a neat fringe Luhan had loved to play with, and Jongin let him, as it always bounced back to where it was meant to be.

Luhan did just that now, running stray fingertips through sweat-dabbled locks, as Jongin settled against Luhan’s exposed chest and stuck to him around his waist. Luhan could never have imagined needing something like Jongin around his hips as much as he did all day, everyday. Mondays and Tuesdays were a struggle, as Luhan sometimes had Monday off and Jongin got off work early on Tuesdays, which made the relief of a full day together on Wednesday all that much sweeter. Sundays were the best, as they both had the day off, and Jongin would often take Luhan down to the park near his flat late at night, where Luhan loved for Jongin to push him on the swing all night long as they sometimes talked, sometimes didn’t.

An hour later, Luhan was cooking in the shirt Jongin had given him, and his favourite pair of blue and white pinstripe boxers. Jongin sat on the counter in a grey, tight-fitting singlet and baggy low-crotch pants. He wore the outfit well, looking comfortable and familiar with himself as the clothes clung to his alluringly dark skin. He watched Luhan tend to a warm kimchi soup as he played with his hair, and on occasion gave Luhan that sideways smile that Luhan never failed to love when their eyes met.

“I think we’re ready to eat now.” Luhan announced.

“I’ll go get the bowls.” Jongin said. Luhan looked to him to thank him, but Jongin cut him off when he pulled up his chin with his middle and index finger and pressed a loving kiss to his lips. Pulling away was like pulling his lungs out; it was painful and he wanted it back, but he’d guessed that would be greedy, given all they had just finished doing.

“Those clothes look good on you.” Luhan compliment Jongin from beside him.

“Thanks. I haven’t worn these in a long time, never really had the need to.” Luhan wondered what he’d meant by that, but let it slide as they ate their soup in silence and went to bed together. Jongin tucked Luhan in with his arms under the covers, and Luhan pressed his forehead to his sternum as he fell asleep to the sound of the rain on the outside windowsill.

A/N: Eeek~ Things are happening and just general fluff going on. I've really enjoyed writing this so far, and I'm really grateful for all your support as readers and general amazing people! Thank you so much!!!

         >>> Here is my tumblr, scarletk21.tumblr.com, my twitter, @ScarletK21 and my ask.fm, ScarletK21 ✯
                  > All of it is pretty much K-Pop. Feel free to drop me a message or a question, I'm always happy to chat ◕‿◕

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The story is under a bit of an overhaul and edit! No plot changes, just grammar, spelling and syntax XD


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Chapter 14: It was an excellent history, thank you so much! The characters were so funny I really liked thier personalities, also I love Kailu they're so... agh I am so delulu with that ship
Rose_56 #2
Chapter 14: Oh god I love love love this story every thing was just perfect and cute awwwww. Every chapter made me so happy. Thank you for writing this;-;
Chapter 14: I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH AND I read this in one go hahahahaha
seriously their moments are so fluffy, so romantic and you made me want a boyfie and have a super nice relationship like lukai xDDD
(and I love the side pairings! I thought suho would end up alone lol)
the ending is kinda unexpected though,
Chapter 14: This is one of the best Lukai/Kailu/Kaihan fic I've ever read just now~
Chapter 14: Waaaa! TTATT That was so beautiful and very cute. I love-hate the ending cause whoa that was an unexpected halt, though it feels like it's only for a moment and a series of what happens next plays in my head. X'DD Thank you for sharing and I love your story loads. :'D
cams1214 #6
Chapter 14: Looooooove!!
Chapter 1: i love it............!!!:D
fluffyns #8
Chapter 14: :O So Luhan got into the same university as Jongin ??