
Why me?

The rest of the day seemed to fly by and before she knew it Yumi found herself trudging slowly over to the cafeteria where V told her to meet him. When she walked in there were only a couple students sitting around talking amongst themselves.

She didn't spot V anywhere so she decided to sit at an empty table and wait awhile. Yubin already had a meeting to attend with the fashion and stitch club so they wouldn't be able to see each other till probably the next day.

As Yumi sat waiting for him she couldn't help but worry that maybe he had forgotten about her. Don't be silly! Of course he wouldn't forget about meeting you...right? She began to question herself when she glanced around the cafe and still didn't spot him anywhere.

"Hey there," Yumi looked up and recognized the guy who's lap she had fallen onto earlier that morning on the bus. Her cheeks tinted a light pink at the embarrassing memory. "Ah-annyeonghaseyo," she bowed her head slightly but kept her gaze down on the table. EDen chuckled at her cute expression as he sat down across from her. 

"Why are you sitting here by yourself?" He questioned. "I'm waiting for someone," was Yumi's soft reply. EDen bent his head down a little in an attempt to get a better look at her face that was held low.

Again he couldn't help but chuckle at her cute expression. "Am I too ugly to look at?" He was only joking but Yumi's head quickly flew up as she shook her hands in front of her rapidly," aniyo! Miahnamnida, I didn't mean to offend you sunbae." EDen laughed outloud at her little outburst. "Relax I was only kidding," he smiled brightly. 

Yumi gazed at his face and couldn't help but think how handsome this strange guy was. There were light butterflies in her stomach that she quickly tried to chase away. No no! Yumi don't be silly...this guy would never like you and besides.. By the looks of it he goes to Uni.

She looked away from EDen and stared out the window wondering why V was taking so long. "Are you waiting for your boyfriend?" EDen asked her quietly. Yumi shook her head no quickly," aniyo.. just a friend." EDen nodded in understanding. "My name is EDen by the way, you know, in cae you were wondering.." 

Yumi's face broke out in a little smile at his introduction," Im Yumi. I'm a first year at the high school." She felt like she needed to make that clear to him. EDen's smile only widened more at the last bit of information she added on at the end," I know."

His statement caught Yumi off guard and she looked to see a spark of mischief in his eyes. Before any thing more could be said, a voice from behind Yumi broke up the staring contest her and EDen were unintentionally having.

"Yu-yumi?" She turned around to spot V a few feet away panting with sweat glistening down his face. Yumi jumped to her feet in an instant and rushed over to his side," kwenchana? why are you breathing so hard?"

V could only shake his head as he stood up straighter and got a good look at EDen who smirked at him and nodded in greeting. Even though V knew it was disrespectful not to bow and greet his seniors, he didn't care. He nodded back at EDen and watched in satisfaction as a look of shock crossed his features.

"Taehyung this is EDen sunbae. Sunbae this is my friend Taehyung," Yumi introduced the two guys who were having a stare down. Who the hell does this punk think he is?! EDen thought to himself angrily as he stared hard at V who only stared back with a bored expression.

V didn't say anything to EDen as he turned toward Yumi," lets get going. We have a lot of stuff to do." He turned and made his way out leaving Yumi and EDen behind.

As soon as he was a good distance away, EDen's glare turned back into a bright smile. "I'll be going first sunbae. It was nice to meet you," Yumi bowed slightly before turning to leave.

As she was about to take a step she heard EDen call out her name. The sound of her name coming from him made her feel like her heart dropped into her stomach... what's wrong with me??

Yumi slowly turned her head to see EDen walking toward her. When he was only a foot away from Yumi, he leaned down and whispered softly in her ear," if you ever need a seat again just come find me." He straightened back up and winked before walking off with a smirk plastered on his face.

V, who had been standing at the entrance watching, clenched and unclenched his fist. What the hell was that about?! He had actually been held back after gym class to help clean up but as soon as he had been released and changed, he ran over as fast as he could to the cafeteria. Now he was pissed off he was late, if I had came earlier then she wouldn't have been talking to that .

Yumi had to blink a couple times before her senses came back to her. She couldn't believe what had just happened to her. Did a guy from KIS-U really just offer to be her personal chair? What in the world?!

She walked over to V who wrapped his hand around her wrist and dragged her away from the school. Yumi was a little shocked at the sudden skin contact as she stumbled to keep up behind him.

When they had reached the school parking lot V swung open the door to a black SUV with a chauffer sitting in the front. He let go of Yumi's wrist harshly and motioned for her to get in the car.

She climbed in slowly and scooted over to the other side as V climbed in after her. Yumi could feel her wrist pulsing in pain and held it in her other hand as she rubbed it gently. She wasn't sure what got into V but at the moment she felt a little too intimidated to ask. But really, shouldn't she be the angry one for having to wait for him?

V noticed her rubbing her wrist and immediately he felt bad, but he made no move to help her or even apologize for his rash action. He was still too pissed off cause of that EDen guy.

After some time of the awkward car ride, they finally arrived in front of V's house only to be shocked. V only getting angrier by the second at what he saw now. There sitting on the front steps was Jimin. "Why is he here?" V mumbled to himself quietly.

When Jimin saw the car pull up he jumped to his feet and smiled. He had been waiting infront of V's house for awhile and he was actually starting to get worried about where V and Yumi could have gone off too.

"Hey," Jimin greeted as V and Yumi jumped out of the car. Yumi smiled and greeted him while V stood with his arms crossed glaring.

"Are you here to help us?" Yumi asked Jimin while V unlocked the door. Jimin nodded with an eager expression on his face," if thats okay... I actually need help with what I'm gonna do too." Jimin stated innocently.

"I thought you were getting help from Yoongi hyung?" V quickly asked with a raised brow. Jimin chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck," o-oh I was but he said he couldn't anymore cause he was busy."

"Thats okay Jimin. You can work with us," Yumi offered with a bright smile. V looked at her in shock and disbelief. He really wanted to yell and tell Jimin to leave but he knew that wouldn't be the best idea. So instead, he would try to manuever out of the situation.

"What can three people do? It won't look right.. Its better if there are only too," V stated hoping that Yumi would catch on and tell Jimin to leave. Yumi thought a bit about it but her way of thinking was far from what V had in mind," your probably right. In that case I'll just go and let you two work on a routine together." She turned and started making her way toward the door.

Both Jimin and V yelled "what" simultaneously. "Wait, maybe we can all work together somehow," Jimin tried to reason before Yumi could actually leave. 

She still continued to put on her shoes as V and Jimin looked back and forth between each other. "It's alright, I wouldn't want to burden you guys into fitting me into your performance. Really, I'm okay with doing this on my own ," or maybe with Yubin; Yumi thought as she put both her shoes on and stood up straighter to face the guys.

"I'll just see you guys at school tomorrow. Bye," she waved and left through the front door. Jimin and V stared after her retreating figure with their mouths hung open. They couldn't believe she really left

They looked back at each other and instantly they shut their mouths and glared at each other. You're definietly not the one I want to work with!

Yumi decided to walk the rest of the way home. As she did her phone started vibrating. She pulled it out to see she had a phone call from Yubin. "Yoboseyo?"

"Are you with V right now?"

"Ani.. I left so him and Jimin could work together."


"Neh, V said three wouldn't look right together so I left."

On the other end of the line Yubin smirked as she shook her head, this silly girl. He only said that so Jimin would leave... Not you.

"Well since your not working with him you might as well come over so we can get started on something together."

"Arasso, I'm actually close by so I'll be there soon."

"See you soon then."

Yumi hung up and sped up her walking toward Yubin's house. She wouldn't admit it outloud but she was actually really disappointed she wouldn't get to work with V. Oh well... I guess it wasn't meant to be.


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I don't even know.. I can't but I will.. I'm not leaving ever again! Promise ^^


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iMJayWalkerz #1
Update soon o>.<o I really love this story ^^b Authornim fighting !! o*^*o
Chapter 33: Update! Plws its so good. thumb up**
OlinCarolyn #3
Chapter 32: V don't walk away from her
Yumi,she already has feeling for V
Chapter 32: don't fall for eden ~
as much as i love eden, he doesn't belong to yumi ~ XD
aww Taehyung ~ ~ ~ don't just walk away so easily ! smh .
loved the updates <3 <3 <3
OlinCarolyn #5
Chapter 29: awwwwwwww,poor Jimin
but it's happen because he hurt yumi feeling, sooo he deserve it
wish,he will found someone else.
Chapter 30: awww Jungkook & Yubin <3 they make me jelly T.T
hue hue hue Sehun being a protective brother ~ ~
awww Jimin !!! you still have me ! ! ! ~ XD
totally loved the updates author-nim! <3 <3 <3
ps. i would love a sequel as long as no is contained in it lol (sorry i'm not a person .-.)
OlinCarolyn #7
Chapter 28: exo magnae become a protective brother :)
ILoveJHope #8
Chapter 28: Ahhh!! i'm so happy you updated! :) I love the the chapter... Oh sehun how cute to overreact <3
KimSuJa #9
Chapter 27: missed this story so muchh!!:( glad ur back!!:)
Chapter 27: OMERGAD YESH ! i cried when it said your account was deactivated T.T i'm so glad you're back ~ i missed this story ~ <3