The Book Of EXO Ships

Zhang Yixing, or "Lay" as some like to call him, was a huge part of the dance club at their high school. He was one of the best dancers, only second to Jongin. (Though they argued about that a lot, jokingly of course, but it was about fifty percent of all their conversations.) Hip hop dance was something he could not live without in his life. In addition, piano was a natural god-given talent, it seemed, to him, and singing was up there on the list of "All-Time Amazing Things Lay Can Do" (oh so "cleverly" named by deer-boy Luhan). He was born for the entertainment industry. 

Wu Yifan, or "Kris", was an artist. Painting was his specialty, though he wasn't half-bad at still-life sketching or sculpting. He was working on profiles and portraits, but that was coming along nicely, and his life was based around a white canvas and a set of 24 horse-haired, white brushes that cost him over $120 at some art store three blocks away. He was a quiet and dedicated boy, the kind of person to barely be able to keep up with a conversation without some help. Not exactly antisocial, but definitely not one in a big crowd. 

Lay can't keep still, and Kris can do nothing but. 

Kris and Lay have been going out for about ninety-nine days and two hours, (not that Lay was keeping track or anything), but with every tick of the clock, his heart leaped. Kris had promised something exciting and Lay had no doubt it was another piece of amazing art. He had several works hidden in his room -- two paintings, a small sculpture that he used for a paper-weight, and some smaller things that he kept in his drawer. They're an unlikely couple, the reason being, well, the before-mentioned.

"Meet me after clubs end at the entrance. We can walk back together." Lay read the note in his head and carefully folded it back up to put in his pocket. It was perfect. Kris had art club, and he had dance, and the two ended only fifteen minutes apart. 

Lay walked into the studio to see Jongin already there. Apart from their dance-rivalry, they were best friends, so Lay high-fived him on the way to the back wall to put his stuff down. "Hey Jongin."

"What's up?" Jongin asked him as he plopped down onto the wooden floor. Sweat dripped down his forehead and neck, and he reached over to grab his water bottle and take a swig. 

"Nothing," Lay smiled secretly to himself. He probably should have considered that Jongin could see his reflection through the mirror as he took off his jacket.

"What's the grin for?" Jongin gave him a suspicious smirk. "The boyfriend again?"

"It's nothing." Lay gave him a light punch on the shoulder. "Should we go through the routine from last time?"

"Wait, wait, wait! I want to know now." He saw through Lay's plan to change the topic much too easily. 

Lay buried his face in his hands in embarrassment. "I don't even know. It's our 100th day together, okay? There's some surprise," he said, his voice muffled by his fingers.

"Well, what do you think it is?" Jongin rose from his spot and stretches his arm behind his back. 

"I really don't know. A sculpture maybe? A painting?"

"Ah," Jongin nodded and got into position. "Let's begin?"

"Yeah." With that, Lay danced away his thoughts.


"Hey you," Kris greeted him with a light peck on the cheek. Lay felt himself redden.

"Hey, how was your day?" Lay smiled, but in his head he was thinking, Am I sweaty? Do I smell bad? Oh god, I hope I don't smell bad. He was beyond nervous about their 100th day date. Mainly because he was leaving all the plans to Kris and he had no idea what to expect.

"Good, and it's about to get better." He put his arm around Lay's waist.

"Oh god, you're so cheesy please stop."

Kris laughed. "Let's stop at the park on our way back?" He asked.

"Sure," Lay replied. Was this is plan? A park date? Simple and cute, he liked it.

"I set up some stuff there."

Oh. So...not a park date?

Lay nodded absentmindedly.

They arrived at the park shortly after, and Lay let Kris guide him to where they should be. Kris took his hand in his and pulled him gently towards the big willow tree in the middle of the field. Its long, loose branches and leaves swayed in the breeze, and created a curtain around its massive trunk. The space behind it was private hidden from public eyes. Kris pushed aside some of the branches to let Lay "in" first.

Behind the screen of leaves, Lay found a picnic blanket on the ground, and Kris's painting supplies set up next to it. He sat down on the blanket, not quite sure what to do. "What's all this?" He asked as innocently as he could.

"I wanted to paint you." Kris flashed him a smile. "I hope you don't mind. I wanted a portrait of you to keep in my room."

"How sweet." Lay's smile showed his right dimple and flushed cheeks.

"Do you mind if I position you for the portrait?"

"Not at all." Wasn't it normal to?

Kris walked up to him and told him to sit naturally, with his legs to a side. He knelt down and cupped Lay's chin with his hands, their faces mere centimeters apart. His thumb slid down the boy's jawline slowly, leaving a trail of warmth. 

"This is going to be hard," he whispered. Lay shivered at his touch.


"Because it's impossible to capture this much beauty with only paint and my limited skills." He leaned forward and kissed Lay softly. 

Lay felt his heart melt and pressed their mouths harder together. "Flattery gets you nowhere, Yifan," he said.

Kris smiled into the kiss. "Sometimes," he released their locked lips only to whisper, "Happy 100th. I love you."

"I love you too," Lay said as he placed his hand on the back of Kris's neck. They kissed again secretly hoped there were many more anniversaries to come.

But for now, they are eternity.

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Chapter 16: I Iike this Xiuhan too.. It's Luhan at his most emotional state. My Xiu is very sweet and earnest too. I am smitten again!
Chapter 3: Awww.. that kiss! Is a little too soon? But cuteness all over. I like this kind of Kris! Nice one dear...
Madhatter_pey #3
Chapter 8: I love stories with tao as the y beast he is. *drool*
Hayleywill #4
Chapter 21: Can I have the link please!!
Bless you for writing these stories
lachouettebaguette #6
TaoHun. Please. There is such a shortage of good TaoHun I cannot even. I NEED MORE TAOHUN (please? pretty please?)
Chapter 17: I just want to say that your stories are great! I like how you write and how the story flows, it's nice :)

I only have read the ships with Chen in it hehe, well he's my bias after all. I like how you portray him in all the 3 stories ^^

Now I'll go read other pairings hehe
Chapter 15: Are these on wattpad?
They seem familiar.. O w O
leedino #9
Chapter 11: Lol, the name ing makes me feel uncomfortable. Lol its Kinda a weird otp name...