Day 4

30 Days Lovestory

Day 5- Friday

"So where were you yesterday? Really. " Sulli asked seriously whilst she got her fork pointing towards my direction. "First of all, you missed your classes- which you never do. And second you never get late in every early  practice so obviously you can't blame me why I'm pretty sceptical about your sudden absences."

I just stuck out my lower lip and shrugged as I continued fidgeting the bowl of salad in front of me.

I have been avoiding her since this morning and I was about to skip lunch by clearing the gym for the practice later in the afternoon but then someone suddenly pulled me dragging me here inside the freaking cafeteria.

"Seriously? A shrug?"


She just quirk her brow before cocking her head to the side and the loud splattering of the stainless utensil made me jolt a little. Oh boy!

I just rolled my eyes mirroring her actions before taking a deep breath. What will I even tell her? Of course I can't tell her that I was with Nichkhun the whole day feeding ducks and stuff. I'm not even sure if she's willing to tell everyone that he's with me, I mean c'mon every single person here will die to be my boyfriend, I bet even those post-straight boys' legs will turn to jelly.

"I was home." I shortly answered as I tried to contemplate something that could trail my lies even Sulli still got her brows quirked demanding me to prolong my explanation so I just munch another piece of lettuce and mumbled something. "LBM. Now what? Do you want me to relate everything I did? From my room up to the bathroom and what I did inside? Well it all started by the coiling of my stomach and then that putrid gaseous air I released, God!" I almost burst out laughing when Sulli mouth's flew open and she got her palm quite hanging in the air.

"Please, just stop!" she cut me off and I internally gave myself a high five for that massive lie in fact I was wishing Sulli to cut me off, that was pretty getting way off my hand.

"Actually I don't mind telling you though."

"No." she shook her head grimacing in the process.

"I mean we're best friends after all, I can even give you tips."

"Just no, please Victoria. Stop." She sternly answered before taking a gulp of her drink. And I just bit my lower lip trying to supress the giggles trying to escape my lips.

We we're on our way to our next class when I felt a clammy hand gripped my wrist causing me to snap my head on the other direction. I knit my brows together when my eyes landed on Sulli's nervous look.

"Sul, you okay?" I asked.

"No." she shortly answered and by that I took a step closer as I tried to look for her eyes.

"Are you feeling okay?" I countered and she just shook her head before letting go of my hand. So I slowly brought it by her forehead checking her temperature and I just sigh in relief when she felt normally warm. "Then what is it?"

At first I don't think I heard her right so I ask her to repeat her question and when she did, my loud cackle filled the almost empty hallway. Jesus Christ! Sulli! Sulli maybe one of the smartest students but she still have this dumbest part of her, and I love discovering it like every single time. "Is that even contagious?" she whispered.

"It is." I stated firmly, right after my lungs let out a loud cackle I immediately composed myself and eyed her seriously.

"It is?" she parroted and I just nodded. I almost tumbled down when I saw the horror written all over her face I can even see that she's clutching her duffel bag as she stare at me with wide eyes.

"Yea." I just whispered before taking another step and placed a wet kiss against her cheeks, like a wet wet kiss. "Very contagious." I ended before spinning around and walked away. I took one last glance and I almost lose it when she got her palm over her cheeks and she's staring on the tiled floor before everything popped out and she immediately dropped her duffel bag wiping the remnants of the kiss against her cheeks. "See you around, " I ended cheerfully before disappearing on one of the rooms.

Okaaaay. If it wasn't the fact that it's already Friday and this'll be my last class for today are the things that has been motivating me all day long then I would just simply sleep in class. Like why am I even taking this subject? Ugh!

I bore my eyes on our teacher who has been pacing by his desk, stacks of books on his hand whilst he reads something on the whiteboard, so I just rolled my eyes.

I even propped my elbow so that I could rest my chin over it but when I was to do so, I felt the tingling feeling inside my pocket. I even tried to supress a yawn before I fished out the phone and subtly eyed the incoming message and an automatic smile lingered when Nichkhun's name appeared.

Bored? -N

I subtly eyed our teacher and typed a quick reply.

You have no idea. I hate class!

A small grin was plastered all over my face just in time our teacher once again faced the class almost catching me staring at my phone like a goof. He just shook his head and continued scribbling making me sigh in relief.

It's been 20 minutes since I typed Nichkhun a quick reply and he hasn't texted me back yet, so I let out a small groan when I tapped my phone on and see nothing. 1 more hour!

"Is there a problem, Victoria?"

I immediately snapped my head and I was pretty shocked when everybody's eyes were plastered on me, did I groan that loud? I just shook my head and whispered small 'nothing' and pretended to flip few pages of my book.

The door flew open followed by our teacher’s voice once again calling my name, at first I thought I groaned again and this time it's pretty impossible. He said that Coach needed to see me by the field so I idly fixed my stuff and slung my duffel by my shoulder I even gave Sulli a shrug before I walked out the classroom.

When I finally made my way out the field, the back of my hand automatically flying by my forehead blocking the gleaming ray of the sun, it's barely 3 in the afternoon and yes the sun is high. I got my mouth slightly open as I scan the whole place, where's Coach?

So I slowly walked towards the bleachers where she would usually sit and scrutinize the field on how the new routine would fit the whole area, and that's why she needs me, as usual. But I'm pretty confused though, usually she would call me and Sulli to help her even though Sulli would just simply sit on the corner and whine about the heat and everything.





"What are you doing here?" I asked as I placed my free hand by my chest. "You scared me." Again tell me how does this man even manage to pop out every single second?

"I did? Sorry. So did you get my message? Well I guess you did." he mumbled with a smug grin, he didn't even let me answer when he started tugging me up to the upper corner of the bleachers and literally pulled me down to sit beside him.

"You didn't reply though." I whispered a small pout playing along my lips. Did I just pout? Hell no!

"I did." he answered confidently and I just knit my brows together fishing out my phone and showed him our message conversation.

He just giggled before pushing the phone back to my hand. "Not through your phone though." he smiled completely looking away.

"You mean… you mean, it was you? You just made all that up?" I cleared.

"Uh, yea?"

"Nichkhun." I sighed. "You can't just do that, you can't just pull me out of my class so that we could hang out or something."

"You said you're bored." he argued.

"I am, thank you for pulling me off that class but… you can't just do that, we'll fail if we would just skip classes like this."

"Fine." he grumbled "I just wanted to spend time with you though." he whispered. And I can't help my face to turn hot and I'm really not sure if I'm blushing or not, I bet we don't blush but I felt like it, so whatever.

"Oh trust me, I wanted to spend time with you too." I tensed at my own words.

"You do?" he asked with that wide eyes and his shy smile creping.

"Yes, I mean at least I agreed to do so." I reasoned. Why did I even say those words? Aside from watching videos of happy tree friends on youtube, I get to admit that Nichkhun is the only person that could make smile and laugh. And I'd love to spend those spare times with him too. Yea, and I'm still wondering about his reward.

"And the reward, right?" he chuckled and I subtly nod in response. Did I just say it out loud? Nope. Guess not.

"So what are we gonna do this time?" I broke the silence. "I mean I already skipped class and all, then I just get to enjoy this, right?"

Nichkhun started shimmying in his seat, his lower lip between his teeth as he fished something out his backpack. "Here." he managed to say when he hands me a piece of paper whilst he ripped a bag of chewing gum. A bag of chewing gum? Why does even Nichkhun carrying wads of candies in school?

"What's this?" I blankly asked before I let my eyes wander the page.

"I found that on the internet, see the title up there…" he said as he pointed on the header which has a title written 'How to Blow a Bubble with Bubblegum' and by that I just gulped dryly. First, we planted trees second we feed the ducks and now? he wanted me to teach him to blow a Damning chewing gum? Hell no! I'm not going to be so shocked when one day he'll just bring me on a zoo and tried me to teach him to talk to giraffes and hippopotamus. As if that's possible, whatever! "I want those really big ones." he added before munching three gumballs in his mouth grinning in the process. he even handed me the bag and I ended up munching two.

"So. What's the first thing to do?" he managed to asked between frantic chews.

"First. Chew the bubblegum until it is soft and smooth. Work it around your mouth. Chew until the flavor and sugar crystals in it mostly disappear and the bubblegum is super soft." I read and he just nodded before popping another piece.

I can't help but grin when he started munching it like there's no tomorrow and the fact that she looks so cute. Why does he always have to be so cute and hot at the same time? he got his hair in light curls whilst wearing a simple striped shirt and jean shorts plus the cutest boots in history. Sometimes I wished that this school doesn't just have to wear the same thing everyday, my wardrobe it's getting pretty neglected.

"I think its soft enough, what's next?"

I just shook my head throwing the thoughts in my head. "Roll the gum into a ball with your tongue and use the roof of your mouth to steady the gum in place while you work the ball shape."

I almost burst out laughing when he almost spit the chewing gum a small amount of saliva dripping down his lips. "Sorry. I'm just really excited." he laughed before whipping the drool by his mouth and stick out his tongue when he already manage to roll the gum into a ball so I just nodded before reading the third step.

"Position the flattened gum behind your front teeth. Push through this flattened piece of gum with your tongue. Keep pushing until your tongue is covered by a thin, stretched layer of gum-" I didn't even manage to finish my words when I ended up laughing. "That's just wanky!" I laughed.

"What's funny?" he managed to say.

"Nothing, nothing." I mumbled as I try to stifle my laughter before continuing.

"Like this?" he asked his tongue stuck out whilst he got the gum stretched perfectly so I just nodded and laughed.

"Pull your tongue out of the layer of gum. Hold the layer between your lips then blow gently so you can feel the air begin to fill the gum and start to push the gum out of your mouth in a bubble shape."

I just watched him in awe as he followed the instruction I just said. His brows knitting in concentration whilst he got his eyes plastered on the growing bubble by his lips.

"Keep blowing as long as you can, or until the bubble bursts." And by that I let out a loud cackle. I didn't know that blowing gum is this wanky, and he just wiggle his brows as he eyed me excitedly. I composed myself when the balloon was practically reaching his nose almost blocking his face.

I even laughed harder when the gum burst with a loud pop, half of his face covered with the sticky pink substance and he ended up groaning his hand flying by his mouth to remove the gum.

"Just perfect!" I teased my hand clutching my stomach.

"Just help me will you?" he managed to say an obvious pout lingering along his lips and I just laughed before fishing the wet wipes inside my back pocket.

I yank a piece and balled it before dabbing it by the corner of his mouth our faces just a mere inches away from each other I can even feel his intakes of air ghosting against my lips. "Blow a gum, huh?" I teased maintaining an eye contact in the process. he just groaned in response before mumbling something.

"It was fun though." he whispered.

I answered with a giggle before running a wet trail starting from his nose pass his lips and I can't help but stop my trail when he unconsciously his lower lip. My breath hitch when I felt my fingertips warmer against the skin of his cheeks, I'm really not sure when his cheek did got so pink or should I say crimson red? There's the light quivering of my fingers as I held his chin tilted, and I swear to God I almost passed out when he slowly gripped my wrist guiding it towards her upper lip.

"Is that okay?" I whispered and he nodded, I can feel his eyes scanning every detail of my face and I tried my best not to whimper every time his eyes connected with mine. I can even feel the breaking of sweat by my forehead, is it Damning hot in here?

"Sorry." I gasped when all of a sudden the blaring of my phone disturbed our trance. Of all times, it rang? Right now?

I hastily get up on my feet and I can still feel the light tingles of Nichkhun's' breaths hitting my lips so I simply closed my eyes composing myself. I literally jolt when Sulli's voice occupied my ears.


"Where the hell are you? Coach has been looking for you; I thought you were with her."

I just bit my lip and spun around my eyes landed on Nichkhun grabbing his stuff by the cold floor as he stare at me with gloomy eyes. I mouthed a small 'sorry' before I faced around and answered Sulli's question and I can't help the low and meek voice escaped my lips.

"I'll be there in a minute." I didn't even let Sulli finish her words when I just slid my phone inside my back pocket.

"Sorry." I finally mumbled as I watched Nichkhun walk towards me.

"It's okay." he smiled sweetly. "I'll see you tomorrow?" he inquired and I can't stop my lips to form a grin before I nodded.

Honestly? I'm pretty enjoying the fact that I'm spending normal hours with Nichkhun and not just wasting my time in some lame things I'd be doing.

"I'll get going." he broke the silence taking a single step towards me and I was pretty shocked when he pecked me on the cheek, I can feel the light burning sensation of his lips against my skin and if it wasn't awkward at all I wanted to lean in his touch and just feel his lips on me. On my cheeks for starters! LOL. "I don't want them wondering and all." he mumbled lowly before giving me a tight lip smile and spun around.



"Are you sure you don't want us to get back out there together?"

"Like together together?" he asked, his brows knitted together.

"Uh, yea?"

He just stare at me wide eyes, and I just quirk my brow to keep him talking.

"Maybe... next time, I guess?" he smiled.

I'll be damn if I'll deny that I'm pretty disappointed that he rejected my offer. Well, maybe he's just not yet ready. OKAY!

"Okay." I ended up saying, my voice a little low and frustrated and I just watched hum descend down the stairs.

Damning Sulli!

a/n: Hi, well I spare a time to update this story, Next update will be soon, well not like the hiatus I made last time, hahaha, , thank you subscribers and how I wish you will comment on the story on how well or how gross it goes. 

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diaaaahhhhh #1
Chapter 5: aaahhh they almost kiss right ?
please update soon
sandara22 #2
Chapter 5: Sulli is a mood spoiler. LOL
I love the interaction between nichkhun and victoria. nichkhun was acting like a kid but that's okay. That makes him so cute. And the way vic act shyly in front of khun was too adorable. Kekeke.....
Can't wait for the next chapter :D
emgphils #3
Chapter 5: I have this creepy feeling that there's something wrong with Khun in this story? Is he sick and gonna die?? I mean, no man in his right mind demand someone to be his gf unless press for time. You have to woo the girl, for crying out loud! Happy ending for them, ok? ~
Chapter 5: i just found this cute story, and i still curious who is Nickhun actually? why Vic keep Nickhun as her bf as secret to Sulli? What's the pact who made by Sulli and Vic? update soon authornim ^^
Chapter 5: I like this chap, khun and vic are way too cute update soon
vicqian #6
Chapter 4: Update soon •⌣•
Chapter 4: Waah so cute story, so nice, i cant wait why nickhun decide to be vic' boyfriend in 30 days update soon
gween97 #8
Chapter 3: I love glee too, yeah cory monteith gone too soon and lea was devastated to..
heartkhun26 #9
Chapter 3: thanks for the update.. I wanna see khuntoria lovey dovey in next chapter, please.. kkk
pandamint #10
Chapter 3: Is Nichkhun dying? That's the only reason I can think of for someone to behave like him. Or have I been watching too many dramas...