
Singing in S.M.'s New Collaboration Song... With You

    Leina’s POV:

  Songs can mean so much more than just a piece of music and words. To different types of people, they can have different meanings and have different effects on them. Some songs can heal; others can break. Some can bring happiness as others bring sadness and sometimes even despair.

  As for songs like this in my hand right now, they could mock people and be specifically ironic.

  “So, as we wait for Mr. Lee, how about we warm up our throats first?”

  The song is about heartbreak. It’s in both a male and a female’s perspective, describing their pain of not being able to touch his/her loved one, the torturing, wonderful memories of his/her loved one, and just endless, endless depression.

  Just like the situation I am in. Just like the situation Baekhyun is in.


  I thought Kyungsoo’s not recognizing me would have been the thing that shocked me the most. I thought Baekhyun telling me that Kyungsoo was just faking the I-don’t-know-you thing would have been the thing that shocked me the most.

  I never expected it would actually be Baekhyun’s confession.

  “You… what?” My voice turned into a whisper. “V-Violet? B-but… don’t you protect her like your own dongsaeng?!”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do, Leina.” Baekhyun made a sound between a laugh and a sob. “I’m trying to make it look like I only care for her as my little sister. I was actually succeeding a year ago, you know.”

  And then he told me, after I shook my head. He told me everything about their past, from when he and Violet had first met in a hallway, to Sehun – who hated her at first –, him, and Violet got casted in the same movie, to Violet’s true identity – the daughter of Scott Enterprise’s chairman which ‘I didn’t know that!’ – to, eventually, Violet rejecting Baekhyun’s confession because she and Sehun had fallen in love with each other.

  It was such a fascinating story, I almost thought it were a movie itself, but then I saw his face, and my heart suddenly felt heavy.

  “But… you still love her?” I cautiously asked. “Even after…” I let the sentence hang in the air.

  “I promised her that after she rejected me, we would still be friends as before. I promised her that nothing between us would change.” Baekhyun stared into the sky. “But honestly? It’s impossible. It’s impossible to go back treating the girl you once loved so much the same. It’s impossible to feel the emotions rush out and push them down every time you see the girl you love kiss another guy without feeling the pain. Moreover, when that guy is one of your best friends? I can’t…” he bent down and put his face in his hands.

  I started to panic and felt tears welling up in my eyes. “Baekhyun sunabaenim – “

  “I can’t stop loving her!” Baekhyun exclaimed, the tears clearly to be heard in his strained voice. “I’ve tried so many times to look at her just as a cute, wonderful hoobae, but I can’t! I can’t stop feeling jealous of Sehuna, I can’t stop thinking about her whenever I’m alone, and I can’t – “

  His sentence broke off as his tears betrayed him and started pouring out, hitting the grass by his feet. He didn’t finish his sentence, just kept crying and shaking silently.

  I ignored the heavy feeling in my heart the dangerously felt like pain and jealousy, rubbed my hand against his back, and silently cried with him.

 [Flashback End]

  Why did I cry? I don’t know, either. I hate it when people cry, but when Baekhyun did yesterday at the park, my heart tugged in a way I’ve never felt before. Maybe it was because of the way he was shaking, making me understand he didn’t want anyone walking by know he was crying. Maybe it was because of the look in his eyes when he talked about Violet, the feelings so genuine it lit up in his eyes.

  No matter what, the pain I felt when he cried was almost unbearable.

  I don’t realize I’m staring at Baekhyun until his gaze meets mine and he makes a funny face, as if asking ‘What? Is there rice on my face?’

  I blush – why?! Why would I blush?! – and look away, getting ready to warm up my throat just as Kyungsoo has suggested.


  Baekhyun whispers my name so softly I thought I imagined it. I snap my head up. “H-hm?”

  He doesn’t respond. Instead, after making sure I’m watching him, Baekhyun takes one glance at the boy behind him, glances back at me, and winks. And just like that, I understand what he’s about to do. Starting to panic, I shake my head, but it’s too late.

  “You know what, guys?” Baekhyun claps his hands together and smiles. “I’ll go look for Jason Lee since I need to talk to him about something, so see you guys later!” He then rushes out and closes the door with a click.

  Leaving Kyungsoo and I in the same room, alone.

  The both of us awkwardly staring at each other.

  Byun Baekhyun, I am definitely going to strangle you.



    Author’s POV:

  He knows. He understands.

  But still, he can’t control his rational side.

  Violet is supposed to be Baekhyun’s past. At least, in the love department his hart holds. He knew that the moment she rejected him last year at the aquarium, and he knew that her heart would never be his when he saw the way she looked at Sehun at the press conference last year.

  All he can do is help Violet in the dark and pray that he can move on. Pray that another girl would walk into his life and shine more brighter than Violet.

  But even if there was a new girl – Leina – ,her heart’s already taken, too. Ironically, by another best friend of his.

  He starts to wonder why God is being this cruel to him.

  Baekhyun doesn’t realize where his feet has taken him to until he stops in front of the door and hears a jumble of female laughter.

  Her laughter.

  “Here for Violet?”

  The new male voice startles Baekhyun and he spins around. When he does, he doesn’t hide his surprise to see a handsome-looking boy leaning on the wall with his arms crossed, smirking at him. “Who… who are you?”

  He knows the answer before he hears it. “Jason Lee.”


[Author's Note] OHKAI. The boring parts are over now I swear. So many of you might be asking why I had to put such a NO-ONE-WANTS-YOU character like Jason... but I dunno, maybe becoz then there wouldn't be Violet and Sehun interactions anymore in this story? And then I would feel like this is missing something or something? LOL OMG. But seriously, he's gonna have interactions with Leina too, and then... hehe something would happen and he would be gone forevah. YAAAAAAAAY.




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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 16: Your writing style is amazing and I love your sequel but I always feel bad for those Who didn't get the girl like kyungsoo. 'make a trilogy'
coolestgirl #2
Chapter 9: When you said Jason I immediately thought of dream high and wooyoung
Chapter 16: omg. did you know i finished this and Starring in SM's New Movie....With you???? LIKE GAHHHH THE FEELS TT-TT and looking at the clock...i think i finished both of them in less than two hours 0_o (i read fast, especially when i get addicted lolllllz ) even though these aren't the typical 40+ chapter stories, your stories get me hooked like automatically.

ahhhhh now that im done with this what else am i going to read /sobssssss ASDFGHJKL
thank you for this wonderful sequel :D
XiuAine #4
I really love the way you write..it's unstoppable to read..i only got hook on fanfics because ig your work..Thanks.
authentic22 #5
Chapter 16: she ended up with baekhyunn... TAT hahaha
Chapter 16: Aww~~ I absolutely love this story *sniff*
My tears are coming out already *sniffs again*
I guess Jason Han did a good thing then haha
GOMAWO FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iLoveYuh #7
Chapter 16: IT'S SO LOVELY
/ugly sobbing
This story is so cute! I really enjoy reading this and I'm glad that they all have a happy ending. :D
Chapter 16: What I think is, you should totally continue with Kyungsoo's side of the story!!! :D
iLoveYuh #9
but what about Kyungsoo...?
Chapter 15: YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEIR BACK AND THERE'S ANOTHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was crying