Chapter Two


“So we have a problem.” Woohyun called his manager bright and early in the morning, about two hours before his first schedule of the day. The sun was just rising and despite only falling asleep an hour or two before, Woohyun was awake. He wasn’t sure if he’d give his manager a heart attack if he just showed up to the variety show set with the twins, but he didn’t want to chance it.


“What did you do, now?” His manager, a very handsome man known by the name of Hoya, yawned. Woohyun’s phone call had woke him up from a blissful dream about a world where he didn’t have to act as Woohyun’s babysitter.


Woohyun chuckled awkwardly as be began to pace in his living room. Hoya was going to kill him. “So you know how I’m a great investment for the company and I bring in a lot of revenue and without me you wouldn’t have a job-“


“What is it Woohyun?” Hoya cut him off. “Stop rambling and tell me what scandal you started.”


“Hey, that doesn’t count! This isn’t a new scandal.” Woohyun defended himself. When he was younger and the whole mess about him and Hyejeong came out, he got yelled at a lot by his manager. That scandal included so much like dating, getting married, breaking up, getting pregnant, and they were only twenty at the time so a lot of people thought they were too young. So now, after he managed to come back with more fans than before, Woohyun believed he shouldn’t get yelled at for things relating to that scandal.


“This isn’t new?” Hoya sounded more awake now. “What did you do, Woohyun?”


“It wasn’t me!” Woohyun whined. “It’s just, well, Hyejeong is leaving the country and now I have the twins all the time.”


Woohyun could hear Hoya’s sharp intake of breath before yelling, “Are you fuc-“


“Shut up!” Woohyun covered the phone for a second so Hoya could finish his bad word. “There are children here! Don’t use that kind of language!”


Hoya let out a groan and the celebrity could practically hear his manager roll his eyes. “Are they on the phone with you or something? They can’t hear me.” He then let out a sigh, “But really Woohyun? She’s leaving the country?”


The idol made a sound of agreement before sighing, “I don’t know what to do, Hoya. Three days is completely different from the rest of their lives. How do you even do things for kids like go to school? Are they ready for school yet?”

“You’re so helpless.” Hoya sounded annoyed. “Just give me five minutes and I’ll be there. Please try not to cause any scandals while you’re waiting.”


“It’s not my fault!” Woohyun shouted, but it didn’t matter, Hoya had already hung up.


“Appa?” Daeryong walked out into the living room, rubbing at his eyes. “Did Umma leave already?”


“Oh Daeryong, did I wake you up? I’m sorry” Woohyun picked up his son and pressed a kiss on forehead, resting the child on his hip. “But don’t worry, Umma didn’t leave for Japan yet. We’re gonna see her again before she leaves.”


“Good,” Daeryong rested his head on his father’s shoulder. “I don’t want Umma to leave. I want to live with Umma and Appa.”


Woohyun couldn’t help but press another kiss to the boy’s forehead. He knew how much his sons wanted a normal family, but Woohyun knew that if he and Hyejeong were still together, they wouldn’t be happy. The time apart since their break up had led to Woohyun meeting Sunggyu, and Sunggyu made Woohyun happier than he had ever been with Hyejeong. The only thing that made Woohyun happier than Sunggyu was the twins.


Though the thought of Sunggyu made Woohyun want to ram his head into a wall. What was he supposed to do now? He knew that Sunggyu wanted to meet the twins, and now that they were living with Woohyun it seemed like the perfect time. But Woohyun didn’t like being pressured into things because of circumstances. He wanted the three most important people to meet at the perfect time. Now was not perfect, not when he had to figure out how to function.


“Appa!” Daeryong yelled in his dad’s ear. “You listen?”


“Yeah, I’m listening.” Woohyun set the child down on the ground, even though he hadn’t been listening. He had been too caught up in his thoughts. “What do you want for breakfast?”


Apparently, breakfast was close enough to what Daeryong wanted because the child happily pulled his father by the hand into the kitchen to see what food they had. “Appa busy so cereal!”


“Do you remember Hoya?” Woohyun asked as he got Daeryong’s cereal from the cupboard. Even though the boys were twins, Woohyun’s pet peeve was treating them like one person in two bodies. So whenever they came over, they’d all go to the grocery store where the boys were allowed to pick out whatever fit their individual taste.


“Grumpy Hyung?” Daeryong asked, though his eyes were only focused on his cereal bowl.


Woohyun laughed at the nickname, “Yeah, Grumpy Hyung. He’s gonna come over soon and he might be a little grumpy because Appa woke him up. So try to be a good boy an-“


“Dae!” Soryong’s shrill cry pierced through the apartment, making the four year old and his father run to the boys’ bedroom.


The littler twin was sitting in his brother’s bed, holding onto his favorite red stuffed animal that Woohyun got him for his first birthday. Daeryong had a blue version of the same dragon that he used to bring with him everywhere until it lost an eye. Now it was only for his bed.


“What’s wrong Soryong?” Woohyun sat down on the bed and let the four year old climb into his lap.


“Dae not here.” Soryong dropped his stuffed animal in favor for reaching his arms towards his brother.


Daeryong, who was use to his little brother being clingy, happily climbed into Woohyun’s lap as well. “It okay Sory. Hungry?”


Soryong nodded excitedly and turned to Woohyun. “Carry?”


Woohyun laughed and lifted the two boys into his arms as he made his way back into the kitchen.


Not long after Woohyun got a bowl of cereal for Soryong, Hoya burst into the house without knocking. The manager stomped around the apartment until he found the idol in the kitchen with his two kids. “This wasn’t a horrible joke? Please tell me you’re taking a joke too far. My heart won’t be able to take something like this.”


“Boys, say good morning to Grumpy Ajusshi.” Woohyun laughed at the look on his manager’s face.


“Good morning Grumpy Ajusshi!” Daeryong smiled brightly while Soryong quietly waved from his comfortable spot behind his brother.


“It’s Hoya Hyung, remember?” Hoya softened immediately when he saw the twins. They were adorable and seemed to really like him when he had to watch them while Woohyun was busy with his schedule. “I thought we were friends, Dae.”


“Appa said it first.” Daeryong smiled mischievously.


“Well your appa and I have to talk so you two just eat your breakfast.” Hoya grabbed Woohyun’s sleeve and pulled him into the living room. “Okay, so you weren’t lying-“


“Why would I lie something about this?” Woohyun rolled his eyes. Hoya had very low expectations for him sometimes. “She came last night, I wasn’t expecting is at all. She had all their boxes here and it was either they stay with me or go live with our friends just because Hyejeong didn’t want them to miss the time we spend together. How am I supposed to send them to live with someone who isn’t their family? It was either this or they go to Japan and I never see them again.”


Hoya sighed. “It’s okay, we can make it work. And I bet even Sunggyu will be willing to help=”


“I’m not sure about that.” Woohyun awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. For a little while, waking up with his children there distracted the idol from the fight he had with his boyfriend the night before.


“What did you do?” Hoya rolled his eyes.


“He wants to meet the twins.” Woohyun collapsed on the couch and ran his fingers through his hair. “I hate this kind of pressure.”


Hoya immediately grabbed his phone and sent a quick text message to Woohyun’s best friend. Sure Hoya knew a lot about the idol because he was his manager, but that didn’t mean they were best friends. And once the idol’s best friend was on his way, Hoya went into the kitchen to check on the twins.


Minutes later, a very good looking man walked into the apartment, walked over to the couch, and hit Woohyun on the head. “What did you do?”


“Shut up Myungsoo, I’m not in the mood to be picked on.” Woohyun shoved his friend away.


But Myungsoo wasn’t going to be ignored so easily. He stepped in front of his best friend, turned the older man’s chin up and glared, “Look at me! I am still in my pajamas because your manager texted me saying you’re an idiot. What did you do?”


“I got into a fight with Sunggyu over meeting the twins.” Woohyun admitted. Myungsoo wasn’t someone to ignore.


“Why don’t you just introduce them?” Myungsoo sat down on the couch next to his best friend.


“For the same reason I didn’t get married when I knocked up Hyejeong.” Woohyun tried to explain. “I don’t like being forced to do something I’m not comfortable with. I want to have them all meet, but when I think about doing that now I just freak out. I know it’s more convenient because they’re living with me now-“


“What?” Myungsoo was shocked. This wasn’t something he was told earlier.


“Oh yeah, Hyejeong’s going to Japan for some modeling thing so the boys are living here.” Woohyun explained.


“So now it’s the perfect time.” Myungsoo stated. “Why are you fighting it?”


“Don’t you think the boys have enough big changes in their life right now?” Woohyun pointed out. “They just got moved out of their home and I’m gonna have to find a daycare or something since I have a lot more work than Hyejeong and now they’re going to know that their dad is gay and dating a guy they’ve probably seen on tv. Don’t you think that’s a lot for them?”


“You sure that it’s them you’re worried about?” Myungsoo pondered. “Are you sure you’re not just afraid he’ll break up with you or something?”


Woohyun turned to his friend, surprised. “What?”


“Last time you did something serious, you got dumped.” Myungsoo had always been brutally honest, ever since they were kids. “Meeting your kids is more serious for you than meeting your parents, so you think you’ll get dumped again.”


Before Woohyun could protest or even comment on Myungsoo’s words, the pitter patter of little feet caught their attention. And in seconds, one of the twins ran into the room.


“Soosoo Hyung!” Soryong shouted and ran over to his father’s best friend.


“Hey Sory,” Myungsoo lifted the boy and set him on his lap. “Where’s your brother?”


“Changing.” Soryong rested his head on Myungsoo’s chest, “We go work with Appa today!”


“How exciting.” Myungsoo ticked the boy, making him giggle and kick his feet.


“Appa?” Daeryong appeared in front of Woohyun, fully dressed in jeans and a shirt with his favorite character on it. “Why sad?”


“I’m not sad.” Woohyun lifted the twin on his lap. “I’m just tired, I spent all night moving all your toys into your room. Are you excited to go to work today?”


“Yeah!” Daeryong smiled brightly before turning to his brother, “Sory, go get dressed.”


“Okay.” Soryong slid off of Myungsoo’s lap and ran for his bedroom.


“Dae come play with me.” Myungsoo pulled the twin off of his father’s lap then gave Woohyun a look. “Woo, just think about what I said to you, okay?”


“I will.” Woohyun sighed, letting Myungsoo carry the twin away so he could have a minute to think. Maybe Myungsoo was right. He was more worried about himself than he was about the kids.


However, he didn’t have much time before Hoya came in and pulled Woohyun to his feet, “You can think in the car and at the salon. We have to go now.”


“Where are the twins?” Woohyun got up and stretched his arms, he knew he wouldn’t have much time to think about it during his schedule, he had two children to entertain.


“Getting their shoes on, and Myungsoo already left.” Hoya informed the idol. “Now come on, we’ve got to go before we’re late.”


“Give me one second.” Woohyun asked, “Just bring the boys downstairs, I’ll be there soon.”


Once he heard the door shut, Woohyun let out a deep breath to control his roaming mind and took out his cell phone. He dialed Sunggyu’s familiar number, and was relieved when it went straight to voicemail.


“Hey Gyu hyung, it’s me. I’m sorry about last night and I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but I just needed a little time to think clearly. I don’t want to fight with you and I don’t want you to be mad at me, and I know if we talk right now we’ll end up yelling and hurting each other without meaning it. But I have something big to tell you soon, once we both have cooled down and are ready to talk, let’s talk. I’m so sorry for upsetting you, I’m just starting to realize I’ve been lying to myself about some things I guess and it’s probably something we should talk about face to face. So call me when you’re ready, I’ll be waiting. I love you.”





ahhhh Tasty comeback! i'm soooo excited~~~~

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haha is it bad i'm almost done with Chap 4 here? I may be too excited to be back lol


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Chapter 5: Authornim,,, update pleaseeee T^T
zuttoissho7 #2 reader here! woogyu and kids are so cute. i hope you'll still continue this author-nim. Fighting!!
Aigooju #3
Chapter 5: Author-nim.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
green-tea123 #4
Chapter 5: Ohmygod. You need to update this as ASAP author-nim. You`re such a cliffhanger don`t you know that? Please please please. I marked this one as one of my all time favorites. I can't wait for the next chappie Hihihi.
Chapter 5: This is so good and so cute ^ ^
omg i like this story
please update soon!
new reader here :)
inspiriteLement #7
Chapter 5: I really love this...the kids are so cute and adorable...update soon please...
Chapter 5: Aww that's soooo cute <3
I like your story so much B-)
Please update soon :-)
Aaahhh this is the cutest thing I've read in awhile ;__;