Chapter One


“Alright I have to go, but I’ll see you two soon, okay?” Woohyun said as he kneeled down outside the open door.


The two little boys immediately attached themselves to him by wrapping their arms around his neck. They began to tell him not to go and how they would give him their dessert if he stayed. They always did this, though, and no matter how much Woohyun wished he could have stayed with them, he just couldn’t.


“Sorry boys, you know I have to go home. But I’ll be back in two weeks, okay?” Woohyun bounced a little to try and cheer the two four year olds up, but they just held on tighter, like they did every two weeks. “Come on guys, it’ll be okay. You’ve just got to listen to your mom until then. Be good boys for her, can you do that for me?”


“Yes, Appa!” The two boys nodded in obedience.


They were just so adorable that Woohyun couldn’t help but hug them again. He hated when he had to leave them, but being a celebrity this day in age involved a lot of work. It would have been easier if Woohyun and their mom were together, but they actually broke up before they knew that she was pregnant and refused to get back together just for the kids. They knew if they did that they’d be unhappy and they didn’t want their kids to live in an unhappy environment.


“You’re still here?” his ex-fiance’s familiar voice came from deeper in the apartment. Seconds later, famous model Shin Hyejeong appeared in the doorway. “I thought you were just dropping them off today.”


“I am just dropping them off,” Woohyun kept his arms tightly around his kids.


“Well if you want you can watch them for a few minutes, if not I have to wait for Jimin to get here.” Hyejeong said as she checked out her appearance in the mirror she kept by the door. She currently had her hair perfectly curled and her makeup done for a y effect, which most likely meant she was going out for a date. She did that a lot, it was one of the reasons that she and Woohyun weren’t together anymore. Something about being in a long term relationship bored the model, so she would end her relationships after a few months when she found someone new to pursue.


“It’s almost nine thirty at night.” Woohyun pointed out. It seemed late for a date to start on a Sunday night.


The woman shrugged, “Do you think I look alright?”


“Yeah, you look fantastic.” Woohyun smiled up at her. They weren’t on bad terms with each other after the break up, but that didn’t mean he approved of her life style. She was constantly dating people, bringing them back to her apartment after only a few dates, even if they weren’t serious. But it wasn’t the dating he found to be problematic, it was the fact she introduced these people to their kids and let them get attached before finding someone new. “Boys, tell your umma how pretty she looks.”


“You’re really pretty, Umma.” The smaller of the two answered his father’s request instantly, without even looking at her.


The slightly taller one turned and smiled brightly, “Wow Umma, you look really pretty! Is Joon hyung coming over again?”


“No, this time I’m going to meet Joon at the restaurant.” Hyejeong smiled down at him and ruffled his hair.  She then looked at Woohyun again who turned his attention to the smaller, and slightly sleepy, twin. “I hear you have an album coming out next week. You sure you can take the boys in two weeks?”


“Of course.” Woohyun answered immediately, “Everyone in my company knows about the set up so they take care to make things easier for me.”


“Really?” Hyejeong seemed to think about it for a minute before her phone rang. Immediately she reached for her phone and answered it, “Hello? Oh Joon, you’re off work already? You have to give me a minute my baby sitter isn’t here yet. Yeah, I know the place. Okay, see you soon!”


Seconds after she hung up the slightly bigger of the twins ran over to her and hugged her around her legs, “Umma, do you have to go?”


“Yeah baby, I promised Joon I would.” She ruffled his hair. “But Jimin is coming, and I bet she’ll bring Jonghun.”


“I love Jonghun hyung!” He smiled brightly and began to tell his mother a story from the last time the man came over.


But the slightly smaller twin didn’t even look at his mother. Instead, he kept his arms wrapped around his father’s shoulders, “I don’t want to stay here. Can I go home with you, Appa?”


“Oh Soryong, I’m so sorry,” Woohyun held him tightly. He was the main reason Woohyun didn’t approve of all the people Hyejeong dated. The older twin, Daeryong, dealt with new people in a great way because his personality was outgoing, but Soryong was shy and didn’t trust new people. Actually, Soryong didn’t even talk to new people. “But in two weeks I’ll come back and we’ll do something fun, okay?”


“We always do something fun.” Soryong pointed out with a bright smile. “I love you, Appa.”


“I love you, too, Soryong.” Woohyun kissed him on the forehead.


“Me too! Me too!” Daeryong ran back over to his dad and hugged him, “Appa I love you!”


“I love you, too Daeryong.” Woohyun chuckled and gave the older twin a kiss.


The famous idol sighed as he stood up. He didn’t want to leave his children, but he had to. This was their real home and even if their mom was a little ditsy and constantly dating.


“Okay boys, time to come inside,” Hyejeong ushered the boys inside. “Wave bye to your dad.”


“Bye Appa!” they waved before Daeryong ran into the house with Soryong on his heels. They were constantly like that, though, Daeryong jumping into the situation with Soryong following behind.


“So you’re sure it won’t be a problem in two weeks?” Hyejeong raised a well manicured eyebrow at him.


Woohyun nodded, “I’m telling you, it’s never a hassle to have the kids.”


“Good.” She smiled. “See you soon.”


The idol gave the model a quick wave before heading for the elevator. There was something weird about how Hyejeong kept asking about his schedule, after all he worked all the time and had released albums before, but she never asked so much before. But he just shrugged it off. Now that the kids were safe at home, he could go visit his boyfriend, who he hadn’t seen for the past three days.


In only ten minutes, Woohyun was pulling his car into the parking garage of a fancy apartment complex. He was excited to see his Sunggyu. They met a few months ago at some gala hosted for reasons Woohyun couldn’t remember anymore, and he immediately fell for the singer. Something about Sunggyu was just infectious and Woohyun couldn’t stand to be apart from him for too long. However, even though their relationship was getting more serious by the day, Sunggyu had yet to meet the twins. It wasn’t that Sunggyu didn’t like kids, he actually was constantly begging Woohyun to introduce them.

It was actually Woohyun who refused to introduce them because he was worried how the twins would take it. What if they became attached to Sunggyu, but then one day, they decide to break up? The twins already have enough stress on their lives with only seeing their dad for three days every two weeks and a couple full weeks each year for a small vacation, they didn’t need to be worried about whether Sunggyu was staying or leaving.


After parking the car and riding the elevator to the top floor, Woohyun quietly used the key pad to type in the code and snuck into the apartment. He did his best to quietly take his shoes off, but a voice interrupted him.


“You know I can hear you, right?” Sunggyu’s voice floated to Woohyun from the kitchen.


“You ruin everything.” Woohyun called back with a pout and decided to just kick his shoes off. He then made his way to the kitchen and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist from behind, “Smells delicious. What are you making?”


“Just some pasta.” Sunggyu shrugged, “How was your weekend?”


“It was great!” Woohyun gave Sunggyu a kiss on the cheek before walking over to the counter and jumping up to sit on it. “They came with me to the recording studio on Friday. I thought they’d be bored, but those boys are fascinated with sound boards. Almost a little too curious, though, I was afraid the producer was gonna bite their heads off for messing with the knobs.”


“Sounds great.” Sunggyu looked at Woohyun with a smile, but from his tone of voice, the younger knew that the older of the two was not happy.


“Sunggyu, you know I’m not keeping them from you for no reason.” Woohyun pouted, trying his best to look absolutely adorable so his boyfriend would stop being upset with him. “I’m just worried about them. According to Daeryong, Soryong won’t even talk to Jonghun who’s been in his life for at least three months.”


“Which means that once I do meet them, it’ll be even longer before they like me and will talk to me.” Sunggyu whined. “It’s just you’re such a big part of my life, but I can’t be a part of the most important part of yours.”


Woohyun got down from the counter and hugged Sunggyu as tightly as possible. “Just a little longer, Gyu. It’s not that I don’t want you to be a big part of their lives because I really, really do. It’s just they’ve gone through meeting so many guys from their mom that I don’t want to put them through that, too.”


“Do they even know you’re gay?” Sunggyu suddenly questioned, pulling away from the younger.


Woohyun didn’t reply. He had thought about telling the kids that he was gay, but he wasn’t sure how they’d react. Did they even realize being gay, or actually biual in Woohyun’s case, wasn’t “normal”?


“Get out.” Sunggyu took the pasta off the stove and threw it into the sink.


“Gyu just wait.” Woohyun wrapped his arms around Sunggyu again, “I-“


“No Woohyun, get out of my apartment before I call the cops and tell them you’re trespassing.” Sunggyu shoved his boyfriend towards the door. “Leave now.”




“I’m getting my phone.” Sunggyu began to leave the kitchen.


Woohyun knew that Sunggyu was serious, so he with his most apologetic face, said “Alright, I’ll go. I’m sorry Gyu, I really am. It’s just hard for me to think of anything in my life when I’m with them. I just get too caught up with happiness because I get to see my kids again. I’m sorry, and if it makes you feel any better, I’ll tell them all about you next time I see them.”


And with that, Woohyun left the apartment.


Instead of driving home, however, he left his car at Sunggyu’s apartment complex after grabbing a wig and hat to use as a disguise, and walked to the nearest park. He should have told the twins about him liking men. Sunggyu was a big part of his life now and he should have introduced everyone. But the last time he was getting serious with someone he loved, he dove in head first only to have her break up with him a week after he proposed. He was just scared, was that such a bad thing?


For hours Woohyun walked around the park, being mad at himself and trying to convince himself Sunggyu wasn’t going to run off with some model from Japan like Hyejeong tried to do before she realized she was pregnant. But it was difficult since Sunggyu was his first serious relationship since her.


The sound of his ringtone made him stop walking and check his phone. It was a message from Hyejeong telling him that he needed to go home, right now.


Afraid something happened to one of the twins, Woohyun ran back to the apartment complex where he left his car and sped across town, making the normally half an hour drive in just under twenty minutes.


Quickly, he ran to the elevator and kept pressing the button until it came, got inside, and then kept pressing the button for his floor until he arrived. He nearly ran out of the elevator, but froze when he saw a bunch of boxes in front of his door. “What’s going on?”


“Woohyun?” Hyejeong was sitting on some of the boxes nearby, the two twins asleep on the boxes next to her.


“Hyejeong, what’s going on?” Woohyun was confused, but relieved that the twins were alright.


The mother of his children stood up and sighed, “Well, I’ve been asked to do some modeling abroad and also, since they’ve been born I’ve been wondering why so much of the responsibility was shifted onto me. I mean, I’ve had to care for them a majority of the time since they’ve been born because your career took off. Mine can’t do that because I can’t leave home for more than a few days. But I really want to do this modeling in Japan, it’s so much money and it’ll be a great opportunity for me, and well, it’s your turn.”


“My turn?” Woohyun was shocked. She was just going to drop them off like this and then leave while they were still asleep.


“You said earlier your company was very understanding about the twins so I assumed it’d be okay.” Hyejeong shrugged.


“Well I don’t think I have much of a choice, do I?” Woohyun wanted to be angry at her for dropping them off with him like this, but the thought of actually living with his kids excited him. He had been dreaming about this since they were born, but being able to provide for them had always outweighed his dream because he knew the company would get annoyed if he always tried to rearrange his schedule because of the kids.


Hyejeong shook her head, “No, you do have a choice. Jimin and Jonghun said they could take the twins, but you’re my first choice obviously. I just can’t bring them to Japan with me, I won’t take them away from you like that.”


Woohyun walked over to her and hugged her tightly, “I’ll take them. Thanks for not bringing them to Japan with you.”


“Obviously.” She laughed and pulled away, “So should we get all this stuff into your apartment? I think it’s everything they need.”


“You know they have stuff here, right?” Woohyun chuckled. The both had clothes and toys at his place for when they came over.


“Well I had a feeling you’d say yes so I asked them if they lived with you, what would they want to bring. This is all the stuff they wanted.” Hyejeong replied. “There’s clothes, toys, movies, blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and Daeryong even raided the kitchen.”


“Yeah he complains that I don’t have the right snacks.” Woohyun laughed before walking over to the sleeping twins and lifting them up carefully so he had one in each arm. “Can you open the door for me?”


After Woohyun laid the two boys down on the bed, he suddenly realized that he’d have to tell Sunggyu about this even though he didn’t feel ready to introduce his boys to his boyfriend. After all, Sunggyu was beyond angry at him and introducing the kids to him now would only be in reaction to that, not because it was the right time. Maybe he’d keep them living with him a secret from Sunggyu a little longer until they got over this fight.

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haha is it bad i'm almost done with Chap 4 here? I may be too excited to be back lol


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Chapter 5: Authornim,,, update pleaseeee T^T
zuttoissho7 #2 reader here! woogyu and kids are so cute. i hope you'll still continue this author-nim. Fighting!!
Aigooju #3
Chapter 5: Author-nim.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
green-tea123 #4
Chapter 5: Ohmygod. You need to update this as ASAP author-nim. You`re such a cliffhanger don`t you know that? Please please please. I marked this one as one of my all time favorites. I can't wait for the next chappie Hihihi.
Chapter 5: This is so good and so cute ^ ^
omg i like this story
please update soon!
new reader here :)
inspiriteLement #7
Chapter 5: I really love this...the kids are so cute and adorable...update soon please...
Chapter 5: Aww that's soooo cute <3
I like your story so much B-)
Please update soon :-)
Aaahhh this is the cutest thing I've read in awhile ;__;