Chapter Three


By the time lunch hit just passed one, Hoya and Woohyun were both feeling more exhausted than usual. Not only did they have to keep up with Woohyun’s schedule, but they ended up spending a lot of time soothing Soryong or containing Daeryong’s energy. If they weren’t shooting a picture for a magazine, they were buying Soryong a snack or threatening Daeryong with no dessert. And all Hoya could think was how this was no his job. He wasn’t being paid to babysit two four year olds he was paid to babysit Woohyun.


“We need to find them a daycare.” Hoya sighed as he placed a roll of kimbap in front of each child before handing Woohyun a bowl of Jajangmyeon. “I mean, really. Do you know how hard it is to try and schedule in appointments when Daeryong is trying to escape and Soryong cries whenever I leave the room if he can’t see you?”


“Be quiet.” Woohyun glared at his manager. He didn’t appreciate how Hoya was talking about them as if they weren’t there. “We’ll figure it out soon. It’s not like I had a month’s notice they’d be staying with me. Let’s just take everything one step at a time. Don’t be so stressed. Besides, all we have is one little photo shoot later for my album and then it’s time to go home.”


“You’d better be good at your photo shoot.” Hoya sighed before he started to eat. “I swear I’m five years older than I was this morning.”


“Stop exaggerating.” Woohyun laughed. “Now let’s all hurry up and eat so we can get to the shooting location.”


“Appa, can I picture too?” Daeryong asked, his mouth half full of food.


Woohyun chuckled, “Do you want to be famous too? Then you can take lots of pictures and be just like Appa.”


“I be Appa when I grow up.” Daeryong stated, fully determined, before taking a bite of his kimbap. “And Sory can be Grumpy Hyung.”


“I no want to be Grumpy Hyung.” Soryong pouted, “I be with Appa.”


“Are you gonna take care of Appa when I get old?” Woohyun smiled, he was surprised that was what Soryong wanted to do when he grew up. Most kids wanted to be famous or athletic or a super hero.


“Yep. I cook all the food for Appa!” Soryong stated just as determined as his brother.


“Sounds lovely,” Hoya rolled his eyes. “But let’s all hurry up and eat so we can get to the photo shoot location.”


The boys listened to the manager, for once, and competed to see who could be the first to finish their lunch. And once they were done with that, they obediently sat in the car quietly as Hoya and Woohyun had a conference call with the person in charge of his album to talk about what kind of photos they wanted. It was only once they reached the location, a large warehouse located along the coast about an hour and a half out of Seoul. The twins obviously weren’t pleased sitting in back of the van with nothing to do for an hour and a half, but did their best to find something interesting outside of the car until they drifted off.


“Ok kids, we’re here.” Woohyun hung up the phone and turned around to look at his boys. The two kids were completely out of it, asleep like they were tucked into their beds. “They’re so cute. Do we really have to wake them up?”


“Unless you want to leave them in your car, yes.” Hoya rolled his eyes and reached for Daeryong, “I call the easier one. Good luck getting rid of him once he wakes up.”


Woohyun sighed, Hoya should be nicer. After all, Hoya wouldn’t have such a nice job if it wasn’t for Woohyun. He’d probably be managing some moody diva if he hadn’t gotten stuck with Woohyun. But, there was nothing he could do so he just picked Soryong up gently and hoped the kid wouldn’t wake up.


Too bad for Woohyun, the second he was lifted, the child started whimpering and held on tightly to the singer’s neck, “Are we home yet, Appa?”


“No, sorry kid.” He carefully walked his kid through the crowd of people to the area he’d use to get ready. “But Appa has to work so I’m gonna put you in the dressing room, okay?”


“No!” Soryong tightened his grip on his dad’s neck when he saw all the strangers around them. “Appa stay with me!”


“Woohyun!” The photographer called, “You have ten minutes to get ready.”


Woohyun sighed, why did all the bad things have to happen to him? “Sory, Appa has to work. Why don’t you lay down on the couch with Dae?”


“Dae is sleeping.” Soryong pointed to his brother, who was in fact still asleep on the couch where Hoya placed him moments before. The manager definitely knew the kids’ personalities well enough to know Daeryong can sleep like the dead and a tired Soryong is a clingy Soryong.


“Come here.” Woohyun sat down in his makeup chair and planted Soryong onto his lap, “Stay here and don’t move. This is the only way you can stay with Appa right now, okay?”


“Okay!” Soryong excitedly cuddled into his father’s chest, occasionally poking his cheek after the stylist added a layer of BB Cream. “Why Appa get painted?”


“It makes me look good.” Woohyun poked his son in the cheek, “Do you want to get painted?”


“No.” Soryong shot the makeup artist a suspicious look.


“Then just sit still.” Woohyun ruffled the kid’s hair.


By the time Woohyun's hair and make up was ready, Daeryong woke up and was begging the artists to do his make up too, since he wanted to be just like his father.


“No Dae, these people are working and-“ Woohyun began, but was quickly cut off by the newest of his stylist team.


“It’s alright.” The girl, Choa, cut him off. “It’ll be fun.”


“Are you sure?” Woohyun was surprised, a lot of the artists he met would protest about how they’re not there to entertain his kids and that their skills were being insulted by implying they had nothing better to do then draw on a child’s face like a clown.


“Of course,” Choa smiled brightly. “Come on Daeryong, let’s make you into a star just like your Appa.”


Woohyun got out of the seat, holding onto Soryong who was still clinging to his neck, and let Daeryong sit down. “Sory, why don’t you join your brother while I go work.”


“No.” Soryong tightened his grip like he always did when his father threatened to set him down.


“Yes.” Woohyun decided to try being firm with him. “In exactly one minute I’m going to set you down because I need to work. If you throw a fit or try to hang on, no dessert for you.” He then stood in front of Daeryong and leaned over so they were eye level, “Be good. If you need to go to the bathroom tell Hoya, no running off without telling anyone, you’re not allowed to get lost again. Got it?”


“Yep!” Daeryong nodded.


“And be nice to Choa, she doesn’t need to do this for you, she’s doing this because she’s nice. So be good and remember to thank her. Now scoot over a little bit.” Woohyun lightly pushed Daeryong to one side and set Soryong next to his brother. Luckily, the smaller twin took his father’s warning seriously and didn’t cling to his father. That made Woohyun smile, “Alright, be good boys. I’ll try to finish up really quickly.”


Then, after placing a kiss on both boys’ foreheads, the singer ran over to the costume lady to change.


But right before Woohyun got to the small area where they made a make-shift changing room, his phone went off. Since he was in a hurry, he didn’t look at the caller id before answering, “Woohyun here.”


The line was quiet for a few seconds before a familiar voice spoke up, almost silently. “Woo?”


“Gyu.” Woohyun gasped, “I’m so sorry, I never meant to-“


Wait.” Sunggyu cut him off. “This isn’t the conversation for a phone. Let’s meet up later and we can talk about everything.”


“That sounds good.” Woohyun felt relief start flooding through his veins, “I have a photo shoot outside of Seoul right now, but I should be home in four hours or so. I’ll talk to you later.”


Yeah.” Sunggyu responded, sending a new wave of fear through Woohyun. Sunggyu was generally more of a talkative person when he spoke with Woohyun, he rarely replied on one word like he just did. The older was over their little fight, right?


“I’ll see you later Gyu.” Woohyun sighed, hoping for the best. “I love you.”



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haha is it bad i'm almost done with Chap 4 here? I may be too excited to be back lol


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Chapter 5: Authornim,,, update pleaseeee T^T
zuttoissho7 #2 reader here! woogyu and kids are so cute. i hope you'll still continue this author-nim. Fighting!!
Aigooju #3
Chapter 5: Author-nim.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
green-tea123 #4
Chapter 5: Ohmygod. You need to update this as ASAP author-nim. You`re such a cliffhanger don`t you know that? Please please please. I marked this one as one of my all time favorites. I can't wait for the next chappie Hihihi.
Chapter 5: This is so good and so cute ^ ^
omg i like this story
please update soon!
new reader here :)
inspiriteLement #7
Chapter 5: I really love this...the kids are so cute and adorable...update soon please...
Chapter 5: Aww that's soooo cute <3
I like your story so much B-)
Please update soon :-)
Aaahhh this is the cutest thing I've read in awhile ;__;