Late Night Chat with a Drunk Krystal

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Long chapter. Don't read unless you're really bored. I decided to write a long chapter since it's been a while since I updated x)   *************   Krystal   It wasn't really that hard to find Myungsoo in the club. Everyone else were dancing like crazy in the dance floor. Only the ones who mainly came here to get drunk are drowning themselves with beer by the bar. And of course, Myungsoo is there. She was actually expecting him to have Sungyeol by his side, but she saw Sungyeol dancing like mad in the middle of a dance circle, clearly wasted.   Krystal rolled her eyes and felt secondhand embarrassment when she spotted Sungyeol trying to twerk on the dance floor with other women.   Right when she was behind Myungsoo, she hesitated, not knowing what to do. There he was, right in front of her, just resting his head on one arm, lifting his head up occasionally just to chug down a glass of beer that would be refilled by bartender. The sight of Myungsoo being like this just frustrated her. She was so angry that she decided to kick the leg of the stool he was sitting on, causing him to fall down.    ".." He whispered under his breath, trying to get up. "Who the do you think you are to-" Krystal immediately grabbed him by the collar to help him get up, sitting him on another stool. "Seriously?! Seriously, Myungsoo!? This is how you cope with your problems?"   He looked shocked for a second, then he started to laugh a bit, "how the.. H-how the hell did you find me? Oh, you're good. You're really good at this." He was chuckling lightly, pointing his index finger at a random area, probably meant to be gestured to her.   "I just have to find the area where idiotic bums hang out." She said sarcastically. And well, she did figured it out thanks to Kai, who is sometimes an idiotic bum.   "Is this about Lizzy?" "Oh!" He exclaimed. "You're really good at this! A-Are you.. Are you psychic or something?" "Yeah, Myung, I'm psychic." Krystal said sarcastically. "I can also tell that you're not drunk."   His goofy smile faded slowly, and then his expression turned into a sadistic image as he ran his hand on his soft hair.   "What's wrong, Myungsoo?"   She can see his eyes getting watery, and it just hurts. It hurts to see him like this.   "...Is this about Lizzy?"   Myungsoo remained only remained quiet.    "If you don't want to tell me about it, I understand." "Good, cause I don't want to talk about it."   God damn it, does he really have to be this private?   "I don't like to share personal stuff, you should at least know that by now." His expression completely changed. Myungsoo was so sad before but now his expression turned into a stoic, serious look. But Krystal knows that it's just a mask. That it's his way of not letting anyone his true emotions.   Before she could protest about him not telling her anything, he mumbled, "Drink with me." "I don't drink." She immediately replied. "It's just for a bit, we can leave right after." "No." Krystal crossed her arms. "Why do you want me to drink with you anyways?" "Since you're here, you should drink too. I came here to get drunk and I am not leaving until I am." "You're acting like a child, Myungsoo." She scolded. "Besides, I might get drunk too and that's not a good idea."   She watched him chug down his bottle. Frustrated, she then grabbed his bottle from his hand, gaining a frustrated groan from Myungsoo.   "Just drink, Krystal, and we'll leave. Besides, you shouldn't get drunk just by drinking one or two bottles of soju." Krystal pouted at his offer. "Just drink with me, please? It's been lonely drinking by myself. I pinky promise that we'll leave right after." Krystal slightly smirked, remembering something. "I thought pinky promises are just full of bull." Myungsoo sighed. "You know I don't mean that. Come on, please? Drink one bottle or two, Krystal, you won't get drunk. Trust me."   Myungsoo   Well, he was wrong. Turns out someone can get drunk just by drinking one or two bottles of soju. By now, Krystal was slurring her speech and talking nonstop.   "Do you know that Ddulli has this r-ridiculous flower printed sweater? It glows in the dark! How ing cool is that?!" Krystal asked in astonishment, slurring her speech as she talk.   Myungsoo sighed, face palming. "I can't believe you got drunk this fast."   "Hey! I am- I am not drunk! You know what, maybe you're the one who's drunk!" Krystal yelled at him. "And see? It's a bottle and a half! See? I finished the first bottle!"   He can sense Krystal shaking around the beer bottle in front of him.   "And I am- I am halfway on this one. See?" Myungsoo can hear the sound of liquid swirling inside the bottle.    But seriously though, who gets drunk after only drinking that much? Then again, this is her first time drinking.    "Do you know what I hate?" Krystal asked randomly. Myungsoo sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "What?" "Your nose." She then started laughing. "It's like, demented looking! You look like.. You look like an elf from the side." Myungsoo scoffed. "That doesn't even make sense."   Krystal went on and on, babbling about nonsense things. Myungsoo thought that DrunkKrystal acts like a drugged up version of Sulli.   "Hey, Myungsoo, what about you? What do you hate?" She whispered to him, sounding a bit serious this time.    Without any hesitation, he quickly mumbled, "Everything."   "...And why do you hate everything?" "Because everything hates me."   "Yah, who's-who's this Everything guy? Why does he hate you?" Krystal asked, sounding like she's pouting while furrowing her eyebrows. "Let's- let's go beat him up! Why do you hate Everything, huh?"   Her whole question asking about what he hates just triggered something on him, all his hidden emotions.   "Because everything . And do you know why everything ?" He asked her, feeling his temper rising. He's been keeping things bottled up for too long. "The fact t-that, that some big guy up there, or whoever it is, decided to punish me by making me blind. Of all things that could happen to me in a car accident, it just had to he blindness. You know, I could've just lost an arm or something. But, , they decided 'let's make him blind'"   "I don't know, Stupid, I like having two arms. Its nice to hug people with two arms. And besides, it's not bad being blind. At least- At least you can... Um.. Not be scared watching scary movies!" Krystal exclaimed, clearly drunk as she slurred most of the words in her sentences.    He only scoffed at her nonsense words. "Come on, Krystal, do you really think it's easy to live like this? To be blind? There's nothing left for me in life, my life is ruined. I should've just died during the accident."   "Yah..." Krystal whined. "Stop talking like this, Stupid." She's now hitting his chest so lightly that it's almost like she's caressing it.   Myungsoo shook his head vigorously. No, it would've been better off if he's dead. What's the point of living life like this, just suffering in life knowing you can't live normally anymore? Being dependent your whole life? What kind of a life is that?   "No I should've just died, Krystal! It wouldn't matter anyways, no one would care!"   "I would- I would care, Myungie." Krystal said assuringly as she patted his shoulder.    "You wouldn't even know me, Krystal. And even if you did, you wouldn't even be friends with me. I was complete before all of this mess." Myungsoo sighed as he messed up his head slightly. ".. This is full of bull. Is this my punishment?"   "I might not- I might not know you before all this, but I'm sure at least some people liked you."   "No, no one does, okay? Even if there's by a chance that someone will love me, it just doesn't work! And do you know what I hate the most, Krystal? What I really hate is that nearly everyone who I love the most, are the ones who hurt me. That I always get the short end of the stick. That the people who make me so happy are also the ones who can make me feel so ing sad like this. Everything in life has been so lately that I can't handle this anymore. I just feel so ing frustrated at myself, you know? I feel so ing frustrated."   He messed up his hair once again, now making low sniffling noises as he tried his best not to cry.   All of a sudden, he felt her arms circling around his body, pulling him close as she cuddled him in the folds of her arm. Myungsoo was taken by surprised that he didn't know what was going on. Then he realized that she was giving him a hug.   He blushed a bit, but he didn't push her away. Krystal's hug made him feel warm and cared for, and he really needed that right now. The action was too sudden that he didn't know whether or not to return it.   "It's okay, it's okay, Myungie. Don't thi- don't think bad about yourself, hm? You just need a hug. I give the best hugs, you know." She mumbled against his shoulder.    They stayed like that for a while. He can feel her warmth transfer to his body, making him feel relieved. Her hug was comforting.. And nice. Just nice. He doesnt know how to describe it, really. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it made him feel something.    He was about to hug her back but then Krystal pulled away. Myungsoo felt lonely at the sudden lost of contact with her, making him crave for her affectionate touch.   "Are you sad, Myung?" Krystal asked as she patted his hair gently. "Who made you sad? Hm?"   Her comforting action only made Myungsoo feel weak, not strong enough to hold everything inside anymore.    He sensed her suddenly leaning near him, whispering in an excited tone, "let's go beat up whoever made you sad! I can- I can fight! I beat my dad in wii boxing once!"   Myungsoo shook his head.   "Co-Come on, Myungie, you know Sulli knows karate. I know, hard to believe, right?" She said while laughing. "She's been learning since she was six, her belt is almost yellow now!" Myungsoo only heaved a long sigh.    "Wha- What did Lizzy do, hm?" She asked, sounding like a mother trying to coax her child. Her voice was now gentle and soft as she combed his hair back with her hand. "I know I said that I won't force you to tell me anything, but you know what? I'm reallyyyy curious what's with you and Lizzy. Like, Curious George, curious."   Maybe it wouldn't be bad to share a few things with Krystal. He figured that maybe she's too drunk that she won't remember what he'll say.    "Lizzy was... My childhood best friend and my first love. I guess you can say I was crazily in love with her. She was everything I wanted. But.. Things happen in life that we don't expect, right? Long story short, she had to move to UK, I felt angry, we broke up but still kept in touch, and I'm still in love with her."   "But that's not the reason why you're sad, is it?" Krystal mumbled.   He shook his head slowly. "No.."   Suddenly, he felt her hand touch his. He retreated it back from surprise, but she grabbed his hand once again and enclosed it with her fingers. "You- You can.. Wait, what's the word.." She mumbled, getting lost. "Tell! You can- you can tell me, Myungie. I'm here for ya, you kno
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I've been busy so it'll take a while to update this D: But I'm currently working on a Myungstal oneshot regarding Myung's rumor that I plan to release soon^^


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icecream-lover #1
I love this story soo much author nim and I really hope you update it soon please don't abandon it it's soo good #weneedanupdate ❤️❤️
Skyinside #2
Chapter 18: Its really you dont countinue this story anymore author, its really long since your last day update, about years ago. :'(
Chapter 18: Daebak! Your story is awesome. Its so different. I hope you can update soon. Please dont abandon this story. The story is so interesting. I really wanna know what happen next. I want more sweet moments of myungstal. Jebal authornim.. Dont let it hang just like that..
sathena3 #4
Chapter 17: Just realized that this, my favorite Myungstal ff, hasn't been updated since 2013. :( I can still hope for an update soon... right?
sathena3 #5
Chapter 18: Wow! This story is really amazing- drunk Krystal is hilarious! XD Please don't leave us hanging for too long... you are a great writer.
IntanMasduqi #6
Chapter 18: waiting for authornim updated
Chapter 18: L's aura lololol
Update soon pleaz new reader here
mwohae #8
Chapter 18: the story is just amazing >~< i need an update asap
chocobar21 #9
Chapter 18: I'm new here, I just subscribe this story and this story is amazing. I really like it :) please update soon ;)