Round 4

Wonkyushipper07's Wonkyu LAS Entries.

This baby also won seconf place :DD 

This was the challenge: The prompt for Round #04 is a paragraph! The remaining authors have to write a short story that continues after this small piece. The genre we highlight this round is: FAMILY. Like other rounds you are free to use whatever length (between 500-1500 words) or rating, but the your part must fit the first piece! This creates 6 different stories using the same introduction.


“Siwon! The kid wet his bed again!" 
The man held back a sigh hearing Kyuhyun’s frustrated and mostly desperate wail from upstairs where he was gathering laundry. It was just too early for this. With a forced patient smile he took the pan of eggs from the stove, walking over to the long table where a large group of children sat waiting for their breakfast. And not very quietly.


If I Pray Hard Enough, PG, 1241 words.


“Siwon! The kid wet his bed again!"

The man held back a sigh hearing Kyuhyun’s frustrated and mostly desperate wail from upstairs where he was gathering laundry. It was just too early for this. With a forced patient smile he took the pan of eggs from the stove, walking over to the long table where a large group of children sat waiting for their breakfast. And not very quietly.

He was still not quite sure why they were doing this. It was something noble and cute, he won’t deny it, but he was afraid that it would drive his boyfriend crazy.  Because the so called evil Cho Kyuhyun had only 3 weaknesses: Video games, wine and… children.  

“Do you think I’ve done something wrong?”

Siwon smiled at the incredible view a group of excited kids devouring their breakfast.  “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s something normal; he will stop wetting the bed eventually.”

“But it has been a week already!!”

Siwon concluded that it was something hereditary.  Why? Simply because of the place they were staying right now.  Kyuhyun’s sister also has so much love for children that when she heard that the orphanage she was volunteering at would close she didn’t doubt about buying it. In a hurry for help she called Kyuhyun and he convinced Siwon as well.

“Kyu… calm down!” he hugged the nervous man, noticing how his tensed shoulders slowly relaxed.

“I will give him two more days but if he keeps wetting the bed… I’m taking him to the doctor.”

Siwon just rolled his eyes, already used to his boyfriend’s antics. Kyuhyun continued his labors as siwon refilled everybody’s cups with orange juice. He double counted all the kids at the table and quickly realized that someone was missing.

And it was no other than Minho.

 Minho was the shiest of all the kids. But for some reason that first day when kyuhyun and siwon walked in he stuck to kyuhyun’s leg and never let go of it. He cried the first night they had to leave and cried again when he saw kyuhyun coming back the next morning.

When Minho got his first offer he refused to get out of his room to see the couple.  He hid and cried and only calmed down when kyuhyun hugged him. Nobody has been able to adopt him. Kyuhyun got attached to him and Minho slowly opened up to his ‘omma’. 

He shared his candy with kyuhyun and read books for him. After the showers he would only let kyuhyun dry his hair and siwon got stuck with all the other kids because kyuhyun loved Minho’s soft black hair and later Minho would comb his omma’s hair too.


If Siwon told kyuhyun that he couldn’t find Minho… hell would break loose.

 He paced around trying to remember the last time he saw him. It was last night, right before they turned off the lights. Siwon walked up and down the stairs at least three times already. He checked the patio where the kids were playing and every single bedroom too but he just couldn’t find Minho. He double check the house twice, thrice… he was starting to shake. 

“Minho!!” he yelled around the house with no answer. Where could this kid be?!! He asked everyone, he walked around the house again and no signs of Minho.  He would walk around the patio one more time and if he didn’t find him he would tell Kyuhyun.

He did find him alright; he was hiding behind some bushes.

 “What happened, champion?” Minho was sitting with his knees up and his arms crossed resting on them.  By the small sniffs Siwon knew that Minho was crying but his position was a sigh that he didn’t want anyone to see him. “Did someone say anything to you? You know you can tell me…”

 “A-ahjussi, y-you said that… if I p-prayed hard enough to God he would… hear me…”

“…that’s correct.” Siwon didn’t exactly remember when he said such words but he always talked about God to the kids.

“I think God doesn’t like me. I p-prayed every night and nothing h-happens!!”

His little eyes were watering one more time and Siwon felt so sad for the little child. “What did you ask for?”

“I can’t tell!!”

Siwon thought carefully of what he should say. He wanted to keep Minho’s faith intact but at the same time how could you tell a kid that sometimes their wishes couldn’t happen. He took a deep breath and looked up at the bright blue morning’s sky.

“I think it’s not the right time for your wish, Minho.”


“You see, God does listen to you and he likes you too but he answers when it’s the right time to do it.”

Minho stayed quite, analyzing this new information, but something didn’t fit in yet. “Ahjussi, you say that God likes me but I still think he doesn’t…”


“Because I asked for kyumma and ahjussi to be my family. If he doesn’t want it to happen now, then he doesn’t want me to be happy, therefore, he doesn’t like me.”

Siwon was so shocked at Minho’s statement. He had never heard him say more than 5 words to anyone except Kyuhyun but here he was, giving this kind of ‘logic’ to Siwon. Of course they both loved Minho so much but the idea of adopting him never came in a conversation. How much this poor little boy must have suffered? Waiting every day for kyuhyun and him to finally take him.

At Siwon’s lack of response Minho totally misunderstood his answer, “you don’t like me, do you? That’s why you won’t take me?” he started to cry again and siwon snapped out of his trance and hugged the boy tightly against his broad chest.

“I’m so sorry minho.”


Imagine Kyuhyun’s expression once he found out that Minho was supposed to be missing. He turned very pale and then his face got on fire.


He stomped all the way to the patio but he stopped cold at the sight in front of him. Siwon and Minho were entwined in a tight hug, Minho was crying and Siwon was comforting him.

“What the heck is going on??!”

At the sound of his omma’s voice, Minho sprinted at his direction. Kyuhyun waited for him with arms wide open and carried him, jumping around and making Minho laugh in glee.

“You scared me so much!!” he kissed Minho’s cheek and turned to Siwon. “Can you explain this situation?”

Siwon smiled and replied, “I guess we are having a new family member soon.”

Kyuhyun looked at Minho and Minho nodded back. Then it was kyuhyun’s turn to celebrate and run towards Siwon in a group hug.

“You don’t know how much I’ve waited for this,” said kyuhyun.

“Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”

“I was afraid… that you didn’t want Minho…”

“How could I not? He is our son… will be officially as soon as possible.”

“You hear that Minho??!!  You will be officially my baby!!”

They hugged and kissed some more, looking like the happy family that they were always meant to be.


A month later, Kyuhyun tucked Minho once again but this time in his own bedroom at their house.

“God answered my prayers omma!!” exclaimed Minho, “he finally did!!”

“Oh God, no, you sound like Siwon already. Get up!! I’ll show you some video games!! ”

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Angela17 #1
Chapter 3: Owmaygawd.. Can't breath.. Soooo sad..
"Please give me back my Siwon" criiiiiieeessss....
Chapter 2: woooowww ... I think its time to write about this girl
richan24 #3
Chapter 2: What was this all about? Siwon died in order to protect Kyuhyun?
Chapter 3: If I remember correctly I voted for this one :D
Chapter 5: What did kyunnie do that make leeteuk want to catch him??
Chapter 3: I voted for this story and this is like one of my favorite, honestly when I read the ending I almost flips a table err. This is so angsty and cute at the same time, but why siwon is dead ahT^T and congratulations for winning second place!
Chapter 4: Woah i read all in one go...congrats on second place...fighting...
I've read these all but it'll be easier to read them when posted like this ^^ Before when I read them I didn't know you had written them!
Congrats btw on doing so well!
Saravy #9
Chapter 4: That last line!! It was hilarious! LOL

Congrats on second place and moving to the next round.^^