Round 1

Wonkyushipper07's Wonkyu LAS Entries.

This was ranked 9th place. hehe

This was the challenge: The prompt for Round #1, as has been decided in the poll, is:

"Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly."


 Will you stay with me? PG-13, 1284 words.


“Come here!”


“Come on, Kyu! It’s hot and I’m hungry. Don’t you want some ice cream?”

The little game has been going on for half an hour already. They were on a date at the park, it was a beautiful Sunday and there were a lot of couples sitting around and eating or simply laying down and basking in the sun. Siwon and his boyfriend kyuhyun were walking hand in hand until kyuhyun saw a baby squirrel picking up food and had to run after it because it was simply adorable.

Although he didn’t catch the little animal, it started the series of ‘peek-a-boos’ games that consisted of kyuhyun hiding behind the big oak trees and giggling when siwon “found” him. It was fun and cute at first, but siwon was getting tired and kyuhyun only looked hyper by the minute. They were supposed to go for lunch an hour ago and all this running didn’t help.

“Wonnie! Let’s hide in the maze!”  Siwon heard his lover but didn’t really pay attention to him.

“Kyu, honey, it’s getting late. We need to eat… kyu? Kyuhyun!!”  It was too late; the last thing he saw of his boyfriend was the curls of his fluffy brown hair bouncing inside the entrance of the rose labyrinth.

This boy is going to kill me one of these days. Siwon thought but followed his boyfriend inside the intricate maze, all the while hoping that they would find the exit.  He followed kyuhyun’s giggles and the smell of his familiar cologne, his worries increasing as they got deeper and deeper.

“Honey, it’s time to go back”

“First you have to catch me!”

“This is not fair! Ouch!”  Unfortunately he tripped over a branch, losing sight of the boy. “Kyu! Where did you go?!” running with a slight-twisted ankle is not easy task and now he had no idea where his lover could be.


“Kyu, we need to go back! I’m serious now!”

“Catch me first!” answered the giggling boy.

“Are you angry at me? Have I done something? Baby, I didn’t mean to! I… I’ll buy you all the ice cream you want if we go back now.” Walking and turning and passing by the same bunch of yellow roses twice, Siwon was going crazy and now he couldn’t hear the sweet voice that guided him. “Ok, we can stay but keep talking baby or I won’t find you.”

“Wonnie… can I ask you something?” to the left, yes, I have to turn at the red tulips.

“Yes, baby, whatever you want…”

“Do you love me?”

Siwon stopped cold. This wasn’t what he expected.


“Do you love me Choi Siwon?”

“Of course. Why are you asking?”  To the right, there was a movement behind those bushes.

“I was curious.”

“I can understand that…”

“When did you fell for me?”  His voice was closer but why haven’t Siwon been able to find him? It shouldn’t be so difficult.

“Do you really want to know?”  Silence. He must be really curious. “Remember when we first saw each other? Right here on this park? You were sitting by the fountain, reading and smiling to yourself. The day was perfect and you look adorable under the sunlight. I fell for you in that instant, when you turned the page and your smile got a bit brighter, your cheeks blushing with happiness. You bring me happiness, kyu.”

“How come?”

“You are very curious today.  It’s just you, nothing else.  I don’t know how to explain it. You are the best part of my day. When I see you, no matter how bad the day is, it all gets better with you by my side. When I see you happy, I am happy.”

It was surprising that they haven’t gone out of the maze yet but siwon knew there was a reason for all this, for the questions and the walking, there was something bothering kyuhyun.

“Wonnie… if I let you catch me, would you promise me something?”

“I would promise even if I don’t.”

“Would you… stay with me? Always?”

“Baby, where is this coming from?”

“Promise me!”

Sigh “I do, I love you kyu. I will always be next to you.”

Then siwon turned in the next corner and there he was, waiting for him with tears in his face. He quickly held him in his arms and ran his hands over his boyfriend’s smooth hair. “What’s wrong? This is not you kyu.”

“I have to go. My father… is sending me to China to study.”

 “For how long?”

“I don’t know, wonnie!” he hugged siwon tighter with more tears running down his cheeks. “I don’t want to leave you! I love you wonnie, please don’t break up with me.”

“Why would I do that silly? Just because you are leaving for some time doesn’t mean we have to break up. There is a thing call long distance relationships, honey.”

“b-but I won’t be here and we won’t hug and kiss and you are going to find someone cuter than me that will be next to you a-and... you’ll… leave… me…”  more crying, siwon couldn’t believe that he was hearing this from his almost one-year-long boyfriend.

He held his lover’s face with both hands, making the younger look directly at him. With both thumbs he cleaned the tears and pecked his puffy red lips. “Don’t you ever dare say again things like that again. I don’t care if I have to wait an eternity for you, I’ll always be here. We will call each other and video chat and sent letters… whatever it’s necessary.  You know, if someone should be scared here that would be me. There will a lot of handsome guys going after you out there and I won’t be there…”

“No, no, no!! Wonnie, I promise I won’t pay attention to them. Only you! I love you only you! They are all stupid and they don’t have dimples and they don’t hug me like this.” And then he hugged siwon, burying his head in the older’s chest as if this would be the last time he rest his head there. “My wonnie is mine, and I’m yours.”

Siwon had to smile at his innocent boyfriend who was scared of something so simple. He was sad that he wouldn’t be able to see him every day like he was used to already but this was a very good opportunity for kyu.

“When are you leaving?” siwon asked, hoping he had time to go out with kyu a few more times.

“Next year. There are a lot things to do for me to go there.”

This time siwon really laughed “you are leaving next year and you are starting to worry now.”

Kyuhyun broke the hug at the mention of these words, crossed his arms and pouted profoundly. “Don’t make fun of me; I really don’t want to leave you!!”

“Aww, sweetie!”

“Don’t ‘sweetie’ me!”

“Is this why you did all this? Getting us into this trap of roses so you could tell me this?”

“I didn’t know how to tell you…”

“Where is the exit anyways?”

“Over there.” Kyuhyun pointed at an aisle that led to left turn and what turned out to be the exit.

They walk out hand in hand, with big smiles on their faces and kyuhyun sticking to siwon’s right arm.

“I still can’t believe you did all this to make me say I won’t leave you.” Say siwon, kissing the top of the younger’s head.

“One can never assume anything. Will you buy me ice cream now?”

“Whatever you want, kyu. As long as you don’t leave me…”


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Angela17 #1
Chapter 3: Owmaygawd.. Can't breath.. Soooo sad..
"Please give me back my Siwon" criiiiiieeessss....
Chapter 2: woooowww ... I think its time to write about this girl
richan24 #3
Chapter 2: What was this all about? Siwon died in order to protect Kyuhyun?
Chapter 3: If I remember correctly I voted for this one :D
Chapter 5: What did kyunnie do that make leeteuk want to catch him??
Chapter 3: I voted for this story and this is like one of my favorite, honestly when I read the ending I almost flips a table err. This is so angsty and cute at the same time, but why siwon is dead ahT^T and congratulations for winning second place!
Chapter 4: Woah i read all in one go...congrats on second place...fighting...
I've read these all but it'll be easier to read them when posted like this ^^ Before when I read them I didn't know you had written them!
Congrats btw on doing so well!
Saravy #9
Chapter 4: That last line!! It was hilarious! LOL

Congrats on second place and moving to the next round.^^