Round 2

Wonkyushipper07's Wonkyu LAS Entries.

This was ranked 5th place! I was getting better! XD 

This was the challenge: The prompt for Round #2, as has been decided in the poll, is:

Two Steps from Hell - Protectors of the Earth



Between the chaos, two meet, PG-13, 1146.

The night was calm.

A slight breeze moved the pine trees in the forest and the full moon illuminated the group of people that were waiting for the leader’s order.

Everyone was nervous.

This was their master’s opportunity to prove himself. He was the youngest son of the first lord, he didn’t have to do much, but the lord’s brothers had to talk about him and now he was involved in this situation.

Nobody dared to make a sound.

From the distance, an orange glow made way to the sounds of music and laughter. The people from the colony were having their annual festivals of the full moon harvest. Innocent people, who were unaware of their destiny, were enjoying their last moments of happiness.

He looked majestic.

Their master was sitting on his horse a few feet away from the low rank soldiers and next to his second in command for this mission, General Lee. Everything was planned carefully. They knew the lord of the colony had the information of their approaching. Inside the castle a new strategy was formed from the whispers heard by the walls. Their lord couldn’t fool them. This mission was made to be successful.

They were waiting for a message.

An archer came forward to General Lee and whispered something in his ear. The General nodded in acknowledgement and sent him off to his duties. He took a last look at the beautiful blue moon that was soon to be turned red.

“The carriage has been intercepted, my lord. It’s time.”

The young master turned around to look at his soldiers. Under the moonlight his black armor gave him a mythical look. They all sat straighter on their horse saddles.

“Listen to me once because I won’t repeat myself. As we enter the colony, look for any men that would make good slaves, pregnant women, and if you would like any concubine, suit yourself. Besides that, kill everyone… The royal family is mine.” He kicked his horse which stood up in his hind legs, neighing at his owner and ran off.

“You heard the lord! Are you with us?!” exclaimed General Lee.



The fire rose and the blood ran.

With a swing of his sword he guided the men. They quickly entered the colony and the revolt started. People running, screams and pleads of salvation were heard. The young master didn’t pay attention; he was determined to get to the palace. The army of the colony’s lord surrounded them but it was a fight in vain. Their people were prepared for anything and before long more corpses were rolling on the dirt. Meanwhile the bonfire that burned their tributes to the moon danced with the wind, as if the chaos excited her.

The golden doors opened…

The young master came through the front doors of the palace, killing a few on his own, and stepped off his horse. He walked around, looking at the place. It was a great building indeed. A total waste if they were to burn it like his father wanted. He will keep it; someone in the family might want it in the future. The lord was in his nightwear kneeling on the ground held by two of his soldiers. All the staff of the palace was cornered against the left side wall. So easily conquered…

“You thought you could protect your people but look at you,” said the young master, “you look pathetic.”

“I know your orders. Kill me and take my people, my land, and my fortunes. I don’t care. My most precious possessions are not here. You may harm my body but my soul will rest in peace.”

“Noble words for a noble man. Such a shame your bad luck was caused by jealousy that wasn’t meant for you but that you still have to pay.”

“Finish your work and leave. Stop making my people suffer.”

“But you see, it’s in my orders to take your ‘most precious possessions’ with me.”

The colony’s lord laughed at the young master’s words. General Lee took his sword and rested it against the lord’s neck. “You will never find them!!” he yelled.

 The young master squatted in front of the lord and smirked. “I beg to differ.”

And he saw him.

The front doors opened one more time and ten of his soldiers came through holding three people. At the sight of them the lord cried in desperation.

“Bring the princes forward” said General Lee.

Their driver was killed in site. The younger prince cried loudly. He fought against his holders for freedom, he was slapped and kicked but he still fought. His cries for his father were the only noise in the room.

“Let him be” said the young master and the prince ran forward to his kneeled father and hugged him tightly.

His long hair was down and with a few leaves tangled in it, his clothes were dirty and ragged and his right ankle was bleeding but he didn’t stop soothing his father and crying in his shoulders.

“What have they done to you?!!” he cried, over and over.


The prince stood up and looked directly at the young master. “Who the do you think you are to come to our colony and do this to my father?!”  a surprised gasp escaped from many people but the daring prince still spoke up “I ing hate you and I hope you rot in hell” he walked a few more steps and slapped the other.

Soldiers held him right away and the General’s sword moved from his father’s neck to his.

“Don’t kill him!! For God’s sake, kill me, kill me but don’t kill my precious Kyuhyun.”

 The young master hadn’t move. His head was still askew from the slap. He laughed. “Tied him up and put him on my horse.”

His man followed orders, fighting against the young prince who fought every last second until he was thrown over the master’s horse.

“Bring me his brother…”

“No!!! Please!! Heechul!! No!!” screamed Kyuhyun from the distance.

To him was presented a boy with darker hair but same delicate face features than the one screaming profanities at him. His eyes were wide open and in his fast breathing was reflected an equally fast heartbeat from fear. But the young master wasn’t that cruel…

“He will be a good slave. Take him with the others.”  The last time he saw the older prince’s pretty face it had tears rolling down.

He looked around. “Do as I said before, I’m not interested in anybody else here.”

All his men bowed.

The young master sat on his horse with a new passenger who was suddenly very quiet. He turned around to the front doors and the soft light of sunrise. He could proudly come back to his land.

“Kill the lord.”


That’s how they met. 


Also... dont tell anyone! I am planning to write a full story based on this. BUT NOT NOW!!! dont get too excited!!! somewhere in the future.... maybe.....

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Angela17 #1
Chapter 3: Owmaygawd.. Can't breath.. Soooo sad..
"Please give me back my Siwon" criiiiiieeessss....
Chapter 2: woooowww ... I think its time to write about this girl
richan24 #3
Chapter 2: What was this all about? Siwon died in order to protect Kyuhyun?
Chapter 3: If I remember correctly I voted for this one :D
Chapter 5: What did kyunnie do that make leeteuk want to catch him??
Chapter 3: I voted for this story and this is like one of my favorite, honestly when I read the ending I almost flips a table err. This is so angsty and cute at the same time, but why siwon is dead ahT^T and congratulations for winning second place!
Chapter 4: Woah i read all in one go...congrats on second place...fighting...
I've read these all but it'll be easier to read them when posted like this ^^ Before when I read them I didn't know you had written them!
Congrats btw on doing so well!
Saravy #9
Chapter 4: That last line!! It was hilarious! LOL

Congrats on second place and moving to the next round.^^