Round 3

Wonkyushipper07's Wonkyu LAS Entries.

Now we are talking about! this baby won SECOND PLACE!! :DDDD 

This was the challenge:  The prompt for Round #3 is a picture! :D

I choose picture 2~ 


Make A Wish, PG-13, 1464. (Character death.)

Picture: 2

He found an old looking fountain one day while walking around the park and realized that there were many coins in it.

“A wish fountain…” he thought.

He stood in front of it, reached into one of his pocket and took a quarter out.  He slowly closed his eyes and turned it in his fingers, making a wish. As he throws the quarter into the fountain his eyes opened and a sigh escaped his lips.

That’s when he started to take his daily detour every morning through the park when he walked home. It might seem childish, but it had become a routine. If he didn’t make his daily wish he felt… incomplete, so he always saved a quarter for it hoping that one day it would come true.

His break point came at the one year mark.

 It was a beautiful morning and the beginning of spring. He angrily walked straight to the fountain, watched how the flow of the water made unique circular shapes every time a drop fell on the small pond. Then he threw his briefcase at said fountain.

 “I come here every single day and yet nothing has happen. I’m sick tired of this! I have spent too much money on you!” obviously the fountain couldn’t respond to him and somehow it made him even angrier. “Well, since you don’t work, I want you to return to me all the quarters that I gave you!”

He pulled his sleeves up, took his shoes off and jumped inside. He knew he was going to be late for work, not five minutes but probably hours, and he didn’t care about it. People walked by his side and didn’t care either so they left him alone, until…

 “Excuse me… I really think you shouldn’t be there,” somebody said, probably a guy from the deep voice. He ignored him. “Sir, I really really think you should get out of the fountain. Sir, are you listening to me?”

“Why don’t you walk away like all the others?” he took a corner of his shirt and lifted it up, using it as a sort of basket to hold the coins.

“Please don’t act so belligerently towards me.”

“Act what?”

“Angry. I’m just trying to help you; you know that when the cops come you are going to be in big trouble…”

“And why do you care?” he finally looked up to this weird stranger with such a fierce desire to make him get out of the fountain. The blinding sunlight of the bright morning didn’t allow him to get a good look of his face but with the kind of suit that he was wearing and the similar suitcase in his hand he knew that he was in the same territory as him. “Look, I’m sorry; I just want my money back. When I get all of my coins I will get out. You don’t have to worry.”

“Sir, I believe a few coins are not worthy of getting yourself in jail…”

His face reflected the shocked of hearing such words from a stranger. How dare he talk like that to him? He stood up and looked directly at the man’s face. “Are you underestimating the value of my coins? That’s 365 quarters for your information and this didn’t work so I have the right to get what’s mine back.”

To say the stranger was handsome was an offence, because this man was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. He couldn’t begin to understand how he had gotten his attention. Oh right, he was fishing in a fountain.

The stranger smiled at his response and answered, “I think you are overrating your luck, Sir.”

“Shut up and walk the away before I punch your chiseled nose.” He went back to his task, trying to ignore this annoying man who seemed to only want to bother him.

“I’m just trying to help you…”

“I don’t want or need your help, thank you very much. I know what I was getting to when I stepped inside the fountain.”

“But it looks like you need help, I mean who would…”

That’s it; he had enough of this man. “What do you know about me, uh? Nothing! So cut the crap and leave!”

“I’m not going to leave you alone in a situation like this!” when the stranger saw that the boy was having none of it he decided for another strategy. “If you get out of the fountain, I’ll leave. I know there is a reason for you to be doing this but you have to understand that this might not be the right way to do it.”

The boy stood in silence for a while thinking of something. “Do you want to know why I got in this situation?”

“If it will get you out of there…”

“My life… it’s pretty boring, okay? It’s always the same and… ! Why am I telling my life story to a stranger?” he sat at the edge , giving his back towards the stranger, expecting the other to leave and getting surprised when he sat next to him.

“I know how you feel like,” he said, and put his hand on the boy’s wet shoulder, “but there’s a better panacea for you than making wishes to an old fountain.”

The boy looked at the stranger’s warm black eyes, feeling something strange but that he couldn’t decipher. “A what?”

When the stranger smiled again, the boy at last noticed those deep magical dimples. “A panacea, a remedy! The Lord Jesus Christ can make your life full and exciting. Just give your all to him and nothing will bring your down.”

The boy should have known better. So this was the reason why the stranger wanted to help him so much. He probably thought he was a ‘lost soul’.

“Well,” the boy said, “I can see where the power of your eloquence comes from. If you really want to help me so badly then get into the fountain with me.”


“Get. In. The. Fountain.”

“I know at least a hundred reasons why I shouldn’t get in there! Didn’t I tell you…” a pair of lips on his interrupted his train of thought. They were soft and full and he couldn’t remember any of said reasons.

“Please, I’ll get out faster.” One look at those doe eyes and the stranger was sold.

He took his shoes off and immediately got in with the boy. One by one they counted the quarters until only one remained to complete the 365. There was one last near the center and they both had their eyes on it, reaching for it at the same time. Hands touching, they made eye contact under the artificial rain that the fountain created. The boy flushed deeply, letting go of the coin like it was on fire. The stranger chuckled and gave it to the other.

Both of them were soaking wet but neither could care. The stranger came closer and touched the flushed of the beautiful boy that had caught him. “What was your wish anyway?”

They boy flushed deeper, if that was possible, and murmured with his head low. “I wanted something exciting to happen to me.”

The stranger couldn’t resist himself and kissed the boy again, his tongue running slowly over the boy’s lower lip, asking for permission that was quickly given. All the coins fell to the bottom of the fountain one more time as the couple decided to embrace instead of hold them.

 It was quite a sight to see two young men kissing passionately inside a fountain.

“Is this exciting enough?” asked the stranger, as he came up for air. The boy nodded. “What’s your name?”


“Hello, Kyuhyun. I’m Siwon…”

“… and hello, Kyuhyun and Siwon. I’m Shindong, the cop that is nicely asking you to get out of that fountain right now.”

Siwon took him out on a date, after paying the fine to get them out, and they became a couple.




Kyuhyun walked to the same park with a small smile on his face as he remembered all the things that happened in such a short amount of time. The snow that fell was sticking to his face as the wind blow in his direction.  He found the fountain and his heartbeat increased. It was completely covered in snow with just a small space left opened to throw coins.

He stood in front of it, reached into one of his pocket and took a quarter out.  He slowly closed his eyes and turned it in his fingers, making a wish. As he throws the quarter into the fountain his eyes opened and tears escaped. 

“You gave him to me… and now I want him back. Please, give me back my Siwon.”


my favorite story so far :")


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Angela17 #1
Chapter 3: Owmaygawd.. Can't breath.. Soooo sad..
"Please give me back my Siwon" criiiiiieeessss....
Chapter 2: woooowww ... I think its time to write about this girl
richan24 #3
Chapter 2: What was this all about? Siwon died in order to protect Kyuhyun?
Chapter 3: If I remember correctly I voted for this one :D
Chapter 5: What did kyunnie do that make leeteuk want to catch him??
Chapter 3: I voted for this story and this is like one of my favorite, honestly when I read the ending I almost flips a table err. This is so angsty and cute at the same time, but why siwon is dead ahT^T and congratulations for winning second place!
Chapter 4: Woah i read all in one go...congrats on second place...fighting...
I've read these all but it'll be easier to read them when posted like this ^^ Before when I read them I didn't know you had written them!
Congrats btw on doing so well!
Saravy #9
Chapter 4: That last line!! It was hilarious! LOL

Congrats on second place and moving to the next round.^^