Morning in  EXO Academy only peaceful until 7 o’clock. At 7:15 o’clock, the real chaosness has starts. Students were seen running to every class they have to attend at the first hour, some of them were a bit late and some were seen doing their own activities. Overall, it’s always fun at the morning. And these kind of view is one of the things that Park Jungsoo enjoys every morning. From his window, he could see the huge field and three dormitory. His eyes, if bored with all the paperwork, always look at two objects. He found peacefullness and relax everytime he looked at the green field.

                Same with today, he has standing up in front of the window at 7 o’clock. See the sun had already shining on the sky and the first hour of lesson had begun.

                A creak of door echoing on his office, he turns to see one of his teachers, Kim Youngwoon’s head apperead on the doorframe. Along with a wide smile.

                “Good morning Principal.” Jungsoo nodds and says his greetings too. Youngwoon enter the office casually, his eyes roaming around the inside of the office, ”So I heard you calling me and the others.” His tone shows  a bit proudness when he realize that he is the one who came first. Well, everyone knows about his admiration towards the Principal. It’s since their school days until now.

                “Yes, I’m calling you, Youngwoon-ah. Or should I call Kangin-ah? Jungsoo see a red blush appear on both sides of Youngwoon cheeks. The nickname is one of the part of their teenage era and Youngwoon always secretly likes it when everyone call him that name. for Kangin means ‘tough guy’, “Today, I want you to share your experience with Do Kyungsoo. What kind of students he is?”  

                “Well what should I say about Kyungsoo. He is a good and extremely kind boy, not once he absent from our lesson after school. When I first met him, he already knows about some technique, like lifting up a few rocks, create a small earthquake, create a few shape from the earth.”

                “But there is one thing that bothered me sometimes. Do Kyungsoo... He always act like he didn’t have a power at all. I mean. It’s alright at the lesson. But outside, he.... he choose his brain more than his powers.”

                “Doesn’t it good? I mean he could definitely combine those two.”

                “I know I know... But he choose to use his power at the most critical  situation. At first I thought he’s a bit arrogant, but day by day, I choose to respect his choices and didn’t talk about it.”

                “Thank you Youngwoon-ah. Well, I have a request for you and I hope you didn’t mind it at all.”


                “..... Zi Tao is the most brilliant student I’ve ever known in my whole life.” A certain Chinese man sit firmly in front of Jungsoo. His sharp features contradicts with his soft voice and also soft articulation. Jungsoo smiles at the answer of his question.

                “ And why is that?”

                “Well for one, he already knows to stop time when I first tutored him. It’s quite good too, remembering that he’s the beginner. His martial arts are quite good also.”

                “ I see that he is your favorite one.”

                “Of course. Who couldn’t like such a diligent student like Zi Tao?” Jungsoo nods in confirmation. Han Geng seems satisfied enough with his answer, “He’s such an obedient boy. At first, I thought it will be hard to teach him. But then he cooperative enough with me.”

                Jungsoo lean back on his seat, “So Han Kyung-ah, I want you to do me a favour.”  



                “It’s quite hard at first to mentor Kris especially his Dragon. What his name it is?.... “ Jungsoo watched one of his colleagues tried hard to remember the name of the Dragon, the one his students owned.

                “It’s Ren, Yunho-ssi. Please remember that.”  

                “Ouw yeah. Ren it is.” Yunho takes a deep breath to sigh, Jungsoo concludes it’s in desperation,”The Dragon is the most difficult one to handle.”

                “I guess you refer to Kris’s incident years ago?” Yunho’s face twist in discomfort, however he still nods in affirmation. The incident still so crystal clear on his minds, it’s the first time he fail so much to train Ren, “ I still don’t know what’s the reason of why Ren decide to acting up like that.”

                Jungsoo waves his hands, it’s a past and past shall never be an obstacle in the present moreover the future again, “Let’s just not talking about that. So any kind of story you want to share?”

                “Kris himself is a bit difficult too. Maybe because he’s been born with a  weigh of Dragon carrier and also his family name, so he try to make himself perfect. Almost perfect if he at least try to be more understanding and more open with the people around him.”

                “Yunho-ah, thanks for sharing. I know it’s been hard to train Ren and teach Kris at the same time. But I need you to do something for me.”  



                 The next mentor’s name on the list he has is Cho Kyuhyun. He sighs, Jungsoo not sure that this small talks will goes smoothly like the others. The thing is, Kyuhyun is the most difficult person to understand or maybe it’s just him and his personality that loves to make it difficult. And based by the experience he has with the younger one from a few years ago, he would have a hard time to deal with the genius maknae.

                “Jungsoo hyung, you know that I don’t like to have another student under my wings.” Jungsoo could feel a sharp prick piercing through his soft heart. Kyuhyun didn’t waste any time of his to reject his request. He even add those sickening little smirk, his favorite trademark since the day one he knowows him.

                “But but…. Kyuhyun-ah…. Joonmyeon-sshi power will increase if he works together with Minseok-sshi,” He explains, a bit pleading if he should. He grumbled, why Kyuhyun have to be so much stubborn like this? Didn’t he realize that this is for his own self too?

                Kyuhyun stay silent on his seat, a judging look plastered on his face,” And whose Kim Kibum is this? Is not the diva one right?”

                “Well, as relief as I am, it’s our Kibum. Kim Kibum. Not the diva one.”  Kyuhyun nods in silence, if it’s the older Kibum than he would consider it.

                “So I need to teach Kibum’s student too?” Jungsoo shake his head softly. A look of satisfied comes across Kyuhyun’s face. And by the sight of it, Jungsoo knows Kyuhyun agreed to his idea. When Kyuhyun is out from his office, Junngsoo purposely looked at his watch. Twenty minutes, he shrugged, it’s not bad. Usually it takes a day or two to persuade that maknae. 


                Joonmyeon very first thought when he was chosen as one of the leaders is does he could make it? It’s not he’s afraid; mind you he’s been a leader since his parents applied him on his prep school year. And the list goes on and on from there. But being a leader of ten young boys with a power much more powerful than he is has caught his self consciousness. At first he would like to suggest another person to be on his position but Principal Park has rejected him softly yet assertively.

                “That’s why I choose Kris so he could help you on this team. Try to work it out with him okay?”

                Try to work it out maybe become the number one reason of why he make a way to basketball field where the basketball team practiced right now. He can’t help to be so nervous; perhaps it’s Kris and his overly intimidating charisma. And also he’s bit jealous, Kris has this tendency to make people hear him instantly and do whatever he say. Not he’s not like that, but he needs a several times so people could listen to him. Sad right?

                His shoes stepped upon the white line of the sports ground, it’s located on the left side of the academy, near the short hills where Biology class usually study. He looked at the back, the sun almost going down; the red hue in the sky is the sign of it. He saw a few member of basketball team make their way outside, smell of sweat lingering in the air. He stepped aside, the tall appearance of the basketball player permanently threaten him. It’s not like he hate his current height (it’s the height of an average man), but he wonders how on earth they could have a height like that? Do they keep drinking milk over and over again?

                Joonmyeon is too busy dwelling with one of his life problems that he doesn’t see Kris is standing behind him. The Dragon carrier watched at how Joonmyeon jealousy stare at his team members, maybe the latter wants to join the team but he didn’t pass. He shrugged, it’s not his business. Right now he needs his soft bed and pillow and sleeps for as long as he likes. He walked passed Joonmyeon, believing that Joonmyeon came just to see their practice. But when a soft grasp on comes to his wrist, Kris now certainly that Joonmyeon have something to do with him. He turned around, a frown apperead on his smooth forehead and he accidentally forms a scowl on his mouth.

                This sight of a pissed off Kris is making Joonmyeon’s heart quivering in fear, “I need to talk.” Suddenly the thought of talking and sharing a heart to heart leader’s moment seems so painfully unconvincing to him. It’s getting worse when he sees Kris just standing there and no words coming from him. He cleared his throat, deep down inside he regret to have Kris as his teammate. The Dragon Carrier is hella scary and intimidating, and why do Principal Park put them together? He never make any acquaintances with Kris and he gladly say it’s their first time to meet each other. He wonders if he got Minseok or Kyungsoo instead off Kris. However, his imaginary self assured him that those two were not a good option, based on what? He obviously didn’t know.

                “Let’s talk at the bench.” He follows the taller one to the nearest bench, and taking a seat a few meters from him. Kris who saw this couldn’t help but frown over Joonmyeon’s antics, “And why do you sit so far? You say you want to talk, right?” With a slouched shoulders, Joonmyeon move from his spot and sit next to Kris, but he still keeping distance (safe enough if Kris decide to burn him later).

                “Well what’s then?” Kris asks before gulping down his mineral water. Joonmyeon fiddling with his fingers, just how this man beside him is so timid like this? He’s timid too, but not to the point he wants to shut down the world and stay silent forever.

                “I just want to congratulate you first. For being a leader. I think you really fit for that position.”

                “Are you trying to giving me a full leader position? Because I got the impression you are.”

                Joonmyeon shake his head wildly, “No, you misinterpreted it. That’s only the opening words.” Kris nodded at what Joonmyeon said. He’s quite satisfied when he sees Joonmyeon’s face. Don’t get him wrong, he’s like to play around too, it’s just he’s not good at being funny. That’s all.

                “So, what I really want to say is I hope we could work together, as teammate and also as leaders.” He raised his shaky hands and gives Kris a sign for a handshake, which were welcomed by Kris with a small smile on his face.

                “I hope so too, Joonmyeon-ssi.” Joonmyeon notices how Kris’s face turned 100% kind if he smiles, but he save that thought and block himself to saying it outloud. They are still at the step of acquaintances, not a good friends or even best friends. So, it’s not polite if Joonmyeon said that. They separated their ways when the moon has shown itself on the dark sky. Joonmyeon feel so relief to know that Kris is agreeing with him, he turned back to his dorm with an ease smile on his face.



                Bang Yongguk is known as the personal assistant of Jung Ryu Won, the ambassador of South Korea for Germany. His face always appeared in every occasion and that’s why lots of people known him. Being a personal assistant also has its own benefit, such as free pass to every government office and could access the information in the name of South Korean Ambassador name.

                Just like what he’s doing right now. He stepped out from his black Bentley and look at the high-Tec building in front of him, its Frankfurt Botanical Museum. A twenty floor glass building who’s a creation of a famous botanical scientist in the world on their mission to save the rare botanical plant from extinction. He smirked, with a confidence steps he walked towards the entrance. A Germany officer greet him at the front entrance, asking what’s his purpose for coming today. Yongguk shows his ID and say,” I want to meet Professor Choi Siwon.” The officer then takes him to the fifteenth floor, to the office of Choi Siwon, his parent’s old best friend from the academy.

                The lift stops at fifteenth floor and Yongguk walked out from it. Before the lift door closed, he throws one last glance towards the passed out officer on the floor. He smirked and continues his little walking; with a hawk like eye he watched the condition around him. There’s no one around, especially an officer. Choi Siwon absolutely is a loner, he thought. He turned at the right corner and opens the door handle of the brown office door.

                “Hyung-ah, you’re late.” The first sight that comes to his vision is Professor Choi Siwon lying helplessly on the floor and a hyper Junhong is sitting on top of him. He saw Himchan, his right hand and Daehyun sitting on top of the tables while Youngjae lean near the window. Jongup is using his telepathic power to make Professor Siwon stiffed. He looks at Himchan, and the latter just shrugged carelessly.

                “I already told him that we have to wait for you, but he won’t listen and almost using his power to fly out from here.” He said. Yongguk nodded and crouching down at Siwon’s eye level. The latter eyes widened in surprise and in recognition.

                “Yongguk-ah.” Siwon said in disbelief. He never met the boy since twenty years ago, on the day of the funeral of Yongguk’s parents. And now he meets him, the boy looks so different from he what he used to be. His eyes are now filled with emptiness and the glare is hard. There’s no life in there. Sure he had seen these boys when he appeared beside Jung Ryu Won as personal assistant, but the cold aura is replaced by a more reserved looks. Is that only a façade?

                “Nice to meet you too, Uncle Siwon-ssi.”

                “Howww…. Howww?” Yongguk chuckled darkly when he see Siwon goes speechless. The Professor must be tricked with his image as the PA of the ambassador then. He’s quite satisfied by the thought of it, a good actor he is. He signals Junhong to get off from the Professor and for Youngjae to give him a rope. Junhong pout, he’s quite happy with where he is and also the game they’re playing right now, he placed himself beside Daehyun and hugging the older one. After have the rope on his hands, he gives signals to Jongup to let go his control on Professor’s body, not before he put Professor on his grip locks. Siwon groaned when Yongguk twisted his hands and put his power on it. He knows the boy is strong, stronger than any human being but he never knows Yongguk before twenty years ago, his power definitely has improves a lot.

                “What? How I have changes?” A sinister smile appears on his face. The kind of smile that makes your heart wither with fears. Yongguk forcefully makes Siwon sit upright, leaning on his table, “Power. That’s all I can explain to you for now.” Siwon could only looks at the man in front of him with a cautious eyes, his mind is running to find any reasons of Yongguk’s behavior but failed. He couldn’t find any clue about it. 

                “And what’s with me? What do you want from me?” He gritted his teeth in pain when a mild shock attacks his brain. Seems like he’s electrocuted and there’s a thousand needles pierces him. He groaned in pain when the pain become unbearable, “ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!”

                Yongguk turns to Jongup, the one he knows who created a small electric shock on Professor Siwon’s brain. He signals the quiet boy to stops and gives a silent code to him.

                “You will see later, Professor Siwon-ssi. For now, I suggest you to just follow what I says or” he glances at his five comrades,” I won’t hesitate to order my friends in here to torture you. What you’ve been experiencing before is only a little example.” Siwon’s could only shut his eyes, the shock has stops but the twinge is still there. He slumped on the floor; all of his energy has left. His wings have been broken by the Medusa’s eyes earlier so he couldn’t think any way to run away from Yongguk. He hears Yongguk calling one of his partners called Youngjae to pick him up.

                “Bring him to our base camp. Make sure no one see both of you, okay?” Youngjae picks the limp body of Professor Choi Siwon from the floor and teleportated immediately at the spot. A white mist becomes a proof that Youngjae has finally arrives safely.

                “Now Daehyun-ah, it’s your job. But before that, Junhong-ah,” The bright pink hair boy happily bouncing to Yongguk side,” I need you to travel half around the world and disguise yourself. I have a package to be sent to an old friend.” With a happy ‘yeppppp’ Junhong fly away from the building while bringing something on his hands. Three of them watch Junhong until he turned into a tiny spot in the sky.

                “Do you think he could make it?” Himchan asks him, a glint of hesitation appear on his purple eyes.

                “Don’t doubt him, Himchan-ah. There’s a reason why I scouted Junhong as one of our members.” He gives Himchan a timid smile and a firm pat on the shoulders. The purple eyes now turns green, a sign that Himchan is comfortable enough with him, “ Daehyun-ah, I expect to meet you at my house right after you crashing up this building, okay?” The voice of banshee nods boldly. Yongguk and Himchan then walk out from the building; while slowly the museum went crashing down with a voice of high pitched voice resonance in the air.

                A black shadows looming from afar, a black cloak is covering his face. He stands quietly at the corner of a random building, unmoving yet his white eyes watching the scenes happen before him. Taemin watches as the leader of their target, Bang Yongguk and his right handman, Kim Himchan escape from the museum with Yongguk’s black Bentley. His white pupil then catches another sight of a young man walks out with a content feeling on his face, the man looks left and right, maybe wondering if there’s anyone seen him.

                “Well though luck boy. I definitely record everything including your face.” He sneers.



                The black eagle landed swiftly on top of the high gate of EXO Academy. Its eyes are moving to the left and right, catching a few things and save it on part of his minds. The front of the gate is quite deserted; well, its night time so the eagle didn’t expect anyone wondering around the front yard this late. The eagle fly low a bit before lands on the ground, the eagle then turns itself into a young boy with a soft like features and a blue hair perches on top of his head. Junhong looks around, slightly cautious if anyone sees his transformations before. When he sure no one’s around, he puffed his cheeks in relief. It’s his first serious mission assigns from Yongguk and he don’t want to fail it. The leader has trusts him. This fact has make Junhong happy, he at least wants to do something for his groups, the fact that he is the youngest and also the new addition didn’t quite helping. And he also didn’t like how Himchan always find a way to intimidate him. He sighs, what’s wrong with that temperamental Medusa’s eyes?

                Junhong quietly walks to the front yard of the Academy. He’s a bit surprises to see the big red brick building. Along with the three white building surrounds it, he instantly recognized it as the dormitory of the students. He sees a few doors and confuse himself about the entry. He try the first door, but it’s locks. With a heavy heart, he moves to the second but it’s also locks too. He looks carefully at the third door, he has imagines things on his head and it’s not a good one. Why he becomes so negative at times like this? He grab the handles and turns it to the the right. A loud voice stops him suddenly right when he’s about to enter the room.

                “ Yahhhh!!!! You can’t go in there.” A loud stomp and SMACK! Junhong couldn’t help himelf to wail.


                Lu Han press the cold ice pack right on top of Junhong’s head, he looks at the boy who have a bright pink hair and a soft features. Sadly, those features is now taints by the unstoppable tears. He sighs, how can he trap in a situation like this? He carefully see the boy’s outfit, he wears a casual shirt along with a black jeans. His face seems Korean yet he sounds so foreign to Lu Han. It’s been five minutes and  the crybaby can’t find any way to stops his tears.

                “ Yah~~ I says I’m sorry for three times. Why can’t you stop already?” More whine and more tears. He sighs again, it’s because that lisp boy, Oh Sehun. If he doesn’t need any help on his homework then he won’t be in such situation like this. His mental image literally screaming ‘ kids criminal’ over and over again on his minds. He stay silent and keep pressing the ice packs on Junhong’s head, “ What’s your name?”

                Magically, the crying boy answer him, he catch a word ‘ Zelo’ spoken from the crybaby. He frowns, what’s in the world that name derives from? Now he’s sure that boy is a foreigner.

                “Are you lost? New student?” Lu Han see the boy nods weakly. Weird, he doesn’t hear any news about new student recruitment but he shruggs it off. He’s not a student council, just saying.

                “Tell me which one is your dorm. I’ll take you there.”

                The cry boy then gasps and looks at him in disbelieve, “I’m lost. How the hell I know the way back home if I’m lost?” Lu Han nodded and smile apologetically. He keeps comforting the cute boy whose now turns whining to him. He looks at the time, the clock has shown 10:45 o’clock. And he has the morning meeting with his mentor tommorow. If he still sit in here and not knowing what to do, then tomorrow it’s his turn to cry and whine to his mentor. He takes a breath, stand up and take the boy hands on his grasp.

                “Come on. I’ll take you to my dorm.” Lu Han see the boy give him a soft pleading glance, like there is something he want to ask to him, “ What?” Lu Han raises one of his brows while taps his shoes softly. He doesn’t have any much time and the boy didn’t help him at all.

                “ Why do you help me? Himchan hyung always scolding me and telling me the harsh words. But why do you helping me?” Lu Han remain silent; why he help that kid? He’s not a person who wants to get easily with stranger. But his reflex contradict a lot with his intuition. He throw a calculative glance to Zelo.

                “ Well listen here kiddo. I don’t know who is this Himchan you telling me about but I’m not him. So, don’t asks me such a questions like that.” He huffed and turned around. Back to his dormitory. A few steps behind, he hears a small yet hesitant steps and Lu Han knows the strange boy follow him. Both of them walks in the middle of the night in a comforting silence. The walk to his dorm is not that long; it’s only ten minutes straight. Lu Han takes the pink haired boy to his own room. Unfortunately, he has a single bed and no roommates.

                “I could sleep on the floor.” Zelo volunteering himself when he see the uneasiness on Lu Han’s face when both of them arrive on his room.  Lu Han stare at him in disbelief. Is he serious? A guest volunteering himself to sleep on the floor? Really?

                “No no… It’s me who will sleep on the floor. You are my guest and also my junior. How can I let you sleep on the floor?” After much argument from both of them, finally Zelo as the guest accept to sleep on the bed while Lu Han sleep on the floor. The clock has shown twelve o’clock at midnight when both of them prepare to go to their respective dreamland.

                Lu Han check the pink haired boy one last time before he sleeps. The boy has left such an impression to him; he could see that the boy is still an innocent one and a kind one too. The type of boy that makes you want to protects him for the evil things in the world. Lu Han bit his lips; Zelo looks like he’s sleeping now. Is it okay to check the boy?  With a hesitant carves on his mind, Lu Han raise his left hand an inch higher and direct it towards Zelo. He closed his eyes and fully concentrated on reading the boy’s mind. His mind enters the foggy and hazy part of Zelo’s brain before he enters another part that called under consciousness. Lu Han see a vision of a black haired boy with a fragile and weak body. The boy stood in front of an orphanage with a longing expression on his face. He clutches a small purple teddy bear and a small briefcase was put under his feet.

                “I’m sorry, Junhong-ah. This place is not a good for you. I hope you found a good place in there.” Lu Han could sense something prick on his heart; there’s no enough justice on the scene before his eyes. How the orphanages can let a ten years old orphan fighting alone in the real world, with no guidance or someone to protect him. Lu Han feels a bubble of anger rising up on his chest. Wish it’s not only a part of Zelo’s past then he certainly will defend the little poor boy. He watched as the boy cry in silent and walked away from the orphanage.

                Lu Han prepare himself to move to the next memory of Zelo’s past but something blurry appeared on his view. He could hear a few people speaking some random language and a few blurry faces, but he couldn’t see it clear. Everything has become blurring and Lu Han knows one thing; Zelo’s has consciously remove his past and block it so no one could see it. A sudden force pulls Lu Han back to his own mind. Eyes wide and a cold sweat appear on his face, not only that but a lots of question starts appear too. What’s happen with Zelo or Junhong after he left the orphanage? Or why he should left that place? Moreover, why Junhong remove his past from his mind? There’s must be something happen in someone’s life to make them remove his past; something traumatic or even horrible. The kind of event that makes you shivers in fear every time you remember it. That’s a strong reason, if Lu Han could say.

                He huffed in frustration, that Junhong boy is still a mystery and wish he could learn about him more. But the little reminder of his head about Principal Lee announcement about team meeting in the morning keep going back and forth on his head. Lu Han turned to the right, he should sleep. If he late, hell will breaks loose tomorrow morning. Lu Han closed his eyes and immediately drifted to the dreamland.

                The digital clock on Lu Han’s study table had shown one o’clock in the morning. The small lump of blanket on top of Lu Han’s bed move silently. Junhong see that Lu Han had sleeping and he made his mission.

                “I’m sorry, Lu Han-ssi. You’re so kind but we’re not on the same road. Keep protect this academy and we’ll meet soon.” He stares affectingly at the older boy. Even though the time is short but Junhong had see of how Lu Han had been so kind to him. Maybe in another life he could pay back the older one kindness but not this time. This time he has to do his job as Zelo, one of Yongguk’s trustful members. He carefully opens the window and turned himself as the black eagle and swiftly flying into the air. He throws one last glance towards the sleeping boy and flies away.



                That morning, a screech from Ryeowook had successfully waking up the entire academy who still sleeping. Still on his their pajamas, all the students running around to the source of the scream. Ryeowook, the poor secretary, is standing in front of the statue of the Phoenix who’s now covered in animal blood and there’s a small death bunny on top of its head. The sight had made all the students also screech in panic and fear. The entire academy has the same sync thoughts of what’s been happening right now. They’re in danger and have no clue of who it is.

                “Everybody move out the way! Principal is here.” The students instantly make way for Principal Jungsoo. The Principal has the alarmed look on his face and he walks in rush. Beside him, there’s a middle age man with the complexion of a beauty clad in a foreign uniform. Jungsoo looks at the sight of the academy morning terror, the death bunny and the animal blood.

                “Principal…” A shaking Ryewook voice out his fear to the Principal, “How can they?”

          Jungsoo shake his head slowly, “I don’t know. They has sent their warning,” He turned towards his right where the unknown man standing, “Youngwoong-ah, what do you think?”

                The said male sneer before he changes his gaze to the Phoenix, “After all this time, our Yongguk still so affectionate towards the bunny.” He caress the Phoenix’s feet, (a few students grimace because of it), “ and I would love to meet him again.”



a/n : Achhhhhh~~~~~ finally I update this story again. After I struggle so much with the writers block and also my desire to make such a good plotline for all of you to read... Pfiuhh~~~.... *wipes sweat* So I present all of you with BAP as the antagonist character in here. And we will see Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Daehyun and our Junhong more in the future chapters. 

a/n: Talking about Junhong, he seems hiding something right? Even our mind reader, Lu Han couldn't read him... There's still mystery to it and I'll reveal it later.... xixixixixixixi!!!! for now, enjoy the chapter and give any piece of your opinion okayyy?????? XOXO >/////<

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Chapter 5: BAP♡EXO♡ We are one, Yessir!!!
Chapter 5: omfg!! bap as bada$$ boys /dies.
idk.. wut to say
seollikpopian #3
am shaking like crazy in here
Chapter 4: Wae couldn't they have just kissed!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg Thanks you!
update soon^^
Chapter 4: Ugh! I thought they will kiss. '^'
bunny0401 #6
Chapter 4: kyaaa! my feels.
ugh. and i was thinking that they would kiss but
why kris? whhhhyyyyyyyyyyy?
why do you have to ruin the moment?

anyways good story though
Chapter 4: Man did I want to smash their faces together...
Chapter 3: omfg!!! I'm laughing like retard throuout the chspies... lol Lewlew.. & Chenchem..... lmao..
Chanyeoola n Ktis.... baby steps u n u
ChocoAikocream #9
Chapter 3: awww, i really like ur story ,Kris and Chanyeol is need long time to go hahaha , it will be better if HunHan be there x3