Chanyeol walked down the hall of Third Year Dormitory with a slumped shoulders. The meeting before went well and Chanyeol feels so happy to have a new friend. Especially a friend like Byun Baekhyun.The latter is the most humorous person he ever meet. And all of their conversations matched up really well. Chanyeol wonders why he never met Baekhyun before. Remember that they’re on the same grade.

        Talking about the meeting, not only happy, but Chanyeol also feels sadness. And ridicolously, it came from one person. Kris Wu.

        Chanyeol remember the urge to ask Kris when he doing his intro. And the ask he did. There’s nothing wrong with his question, that’s what he repeat on his minds all the time. And if Kris is a normal person, he will answer nonchalantly with a shrug and said no, he didn’t turn into a dragon.

      “ I only want to talk to him.” He murmured silently. It’s almost eleven and Chanyeol need an escapades like sleep to forget about what happened back there. When he’s busy walking also regret everything, something purred loudly on his chest. It makes a warm sensation on him.

      “ Phoenix-shii... what’s wrong?” He rub the place where the Phoenix, the bird of fire were sleeping. But he got no answer. Instead, the purr is getting warmer and warmer until the heat almost burn his shirts. Chanyeol, sense something wrong, goes running to his dorm immediately. He need to talk to the bird, or... No, he shakes his head. He won’t loose control of his Phoenix at school. He has been taught to control it for the rest of his life, and he won’t waste it. The pressure on his chest is getting heavy, the front shirt of his is darkened, and there’s small lite of fire on it. The warmth fire spreading on his chest. More warmth and warmth...

      The last thing he remember is how he still faraway from his dorm and a pair of winged creatures.



            Somewhere in Russia...

            The black haired man walked silently between the dark alley. He step forward, very certain on his steps. Making an impression that he’s familiar with the dark alley around him. His black coat blew softly by the chilly wind of Saint Petersburg, nevertheless it didn’t make him turned back from the road he’s been walking on. He walked forward,  turn left and right, enter a small door that’s very invinsible for other’s eyes and walk downstairs to a basement.

            A chocolate door with a small sign of ‘keep out for outsiders’ hanging on it. he smirk slightly when he see that sign, someone like to use a unlogical humour sometimes. He open the door and throw his coat around.

            “ Nice to see you at this hour, Yongguk hyung.” A tall kid with an appereance of blue hair and a soft like features welcome him in front of the door. The tall kid embrace him although he knows that Yongguk won’t return it.

            “ Yah~` you still so cold.” He whine and gice Yongguk his ultimate pout, but the latter just laugh casually and pat his head softly.

            “ You know that I don’t do that, Junghong-ah.” He move forward form the latter embrace and goes deeper to the room. With Junhong trailing behind him. He nodded several times to the people he know and ignore the one who try to sugar talking him. Yongguk didn’t even steal glances at them. He walked to a small table at the center of the room. All of the eyes look at him, captivate by the charisma ooze out from the leader.

            “ What’s wrong? You never came out at time like this.” His personal assistant slash his bestfriend, Kim Himchan asked him. His sharp stare gaze piercely at Yongguk, while try to maintain the noisiness the group created.

            Yongguk sneer, his fierce face getting more fierce under the dim light, “ I have something to discuss.”

            Himchan just nodded understandingly and turned to the group, “ Yah! You piece of ! Shut your mouth before I turned it into stone.” The said threat enough to make the group of black of coated man shut their mouth and stood in silence. All of them didn’t dare to look at Himchan. God knows what the piercing eyes man could do if they didn’t follow what he said. Yongguk signaled Himchan and nodded in satisfaction.

            “ Listen carefully. I heard an info from outsider. Apparently, someone named Park Jungsoo, or some called as Principal Park had recruited twelve young boys to fight us.”

            A big laugh roar between the groups. The news from Yongguk seems so ridicolous on their ears. Some even clutching their stomach for laughing too much. Himchan tap Yongguk’s shoulders lightly.

            “ Are you sure?”

            “ That old man really dare to do this. Twelve young boys?” Yongguk scoffed. He, at first also didn’t believe about what kind of news he heard from one of his informant. But damn, he couldn’t believe it. Twelve? And they’re still young boys, not even graduate from the academy.

            “ I guess Principal Park is too scared of us.” Junhong giggled. Followed by a smack on his head.

            “ Junhong-ya! If you want to play, this is not the right time. Cut it out before I stoned you.’ Himchan widened his eyes, and there’s a little purple light on his eyes. Junhong stiffened, and pouted. He turned to hid behind one of his brothers back, Daehyun. Himchan smirk when he see this. Yeah, like that voice of banshee could save you if I turned you into a stone, he thought. Yongguk ignore this little fight and focus more on the news.

            What’s that old man wants to do? Twelve young boys with an unknown power. His intuition said that they are not an ordinary boys. There’s something more on Principal Park’ s sleeve. And he have to find out. There’s no way he getting blind about it.


In EXO Academy, Third Year Dorm, Room no 611

            The first thing that welcome Chanyeol sight is a blue ceiling and a softness of a white bed. A sweet smile comes to his face, the ceiling with decoration of a few white clouds looks so real. There’s something about the ceiling that makes his heart goes so peaceful, like he could fly and never coming back down. Chanyeol raised his hands a bit, so his fingertips  could touch the ceiling from his view, when his mind decide to goes back to the normal state.

            He is not on his room. His room didn’t have a blue ceiling. His room didn’t have a white single bed and moreover, his room didn’t have a Kris Wu signed poster on top of the  headboard.

            He wakes up as fast as thunder. His mind goes frantic. Where am I is the only phrase he knows by now. Chanyeol checks his clothes, he’s still fully clothed and he didn’t feel any pain or discomfort. So he conclude that he still safe from what he’s been scared of.

            Next he checks the Phoenix. It had calmed down and were back to sleep again. However Chanyeol still curious about what happened with his Phoenix. She never goes like that before. Okay, there’s a many times where she threatened to burn Chanyeol if he didn’t good enough to become a carrier, but both of them know it’s only a joke .  So, the accident last night were a big puzzle for him. But never mind about that, Chanyeol decide to push back the accident, he have something urgent right now.

            Slowly, Chanyeol hoped off from the bed ( something inside him regret this) and wondering around the room. At first, he examined the poster. There’s Kris with EXO Academy basketball uniform, standing tall and awkwardly next to his teammates. There’s a MVP medals hanging on his neck. And while his teammates smile proudly at their captain achievement, the captain himself just smile reservedly. Chanyeol shakes his head, a big question of how on earth this person get a captain position is he’s this reserved were swimming around on his head. He just start to checking the book on the tables ( there’s a drawing on it, so he’s curious) when the door opened wide and the person who he conclude the owner of this room apperead.

            Chanyeol could see his Phoenix wakes up and singing in happiness, while he paled and  hope that the earth could swallow him or the wind could blow him anywhere on this planet. Anywhere but Kris’s room.

            “ I see you already wake up.” Kris break the ice. Noted : awkwardly. He silently close the door and stood in front of it, not knowing what to do next. He didn’t predict that Chanyeol wakes up at this kind of hour. His plan of become his unknown savior is gone now.

            “ Yee... Yesss... I... I.... “ Chanyeol sure he never stuttered in front of anyone. So why now?. At the other side, the warm feeling comes back again. And the more he’s getting closer with Kris, the more stronger the feeling is. An awkward silence engulfed them. The Dragon courage him to talk with the tall lanky boy in front of him, but his conscience forbid him to do so. Kris condition not much different with Chanyeol’s. He still feeling so bitter about the incident in Luhan’s room, but he can’t denied the wanting feeling to talk or even hug Kris.

            He huffed his cheeks, sooner or latter he have to deal with the basketball player. So why he didn’t do it right now?.

            “ May I ask you a question?” Kris slightly taken aback , a minute ago he saw a nervous and stuttered Chanyeol. But now he’s different, more confident and annoyed. He cleared his throat, a bit not feel okay with this side of Chanyeol. However he nod, while not forget to give arrogance trademark aura.

            He fixed his position, now unsure of what kind of question he wants to ask Kris, “ May I know how you inherit the Dragon?” Damn, that’s not what he wants to ask. He originally wants to know why Kris act cold and arrogance to him. For as long as he know, both of them never met each other. So the chance of getting annoyed is small, even close to not exist.

            Kris unconsciously raised his eyebrows, and here he thought that Phoenix boy wants to ask something more.... emotionally related topic. He laughed causing the boy in front of him pouted.

            “ Ya.. ya...yah! Why do you laugh?” A red spot on Chanyeol’s cheeks appeared. A very prominent blush that makes him look cute on Kris’s opinion.

            Kris relaxed himself, huff and puff his cheeks to earse the giggling sensation on his chest before.

            “ Can you have another question? Because the one you asked before is really lame.” He sneered. Chanyeol grumbled, there it is. Kris arrogance self apperead. He thankfully glad that he didn’t feel grateful towards Kris when he save him before. If the arrogance he got, then better be fainted on the cold night then saved by him. Chanyeol felt so offended with the older acts, so he decide to go back to his dorm. He stomped his feet, a bigger pout still formed on his lips, and reach for the door when he feel a strong grip on his wrist. He turned around to find Kris next to him, not more than a few centimeter. In the back of his mind, he pictured an image of what will happen if he move a bit closely, close and really close.....

            “.... Yeol, are you listening?” The deep voice of Kris wake him up from his wild imagination. His cheeks goes ridicolously hot, and the blush goes darker as he thought of the image. The mental image enough to scared him off. And Kris’s grip didn’t help the fact that he so uncomfortable with this. He shifted his eyes and met with Kris’s chocolate brown eyes. The time seems stuck when the latter also stare at his eyes. Both of them were lost on each other. For Kris, there is this an electric feeling that pull him, so strong that he can’t escape from it. And part of him just want to get lost in Chanyeol’s eyes. The grip on Chanyeol’s wrist softened, but not with his eyes. Kris’s eyes bore into Chanyeol’s face, he could see the latter’s eyes, his porcelain face, his straight nose, and his red rosy lips. The lips. Kris didn’t realize his face had move inch per inch until it almost touched with Chanyeol’s. The only thing that separated them is only a breath comes from their mouth.  

            “ You do realize that we almost kissed, right?” A breathless whisper comes from Chanyeol. His brain is full of hazy and foggy cloud,that made him couldn’t think clearly. Kris doing some movement that apperead like half nodding. Same like Chanyeol, his brain were also hazy. His mind couldn’t think of another thing except the boy in front of him right now, and how enchanted his beauty is. Kris and Chanyeol were so drowned in each other that they didn’t realize the heat and a little flame they created by their approximately closeness. The flame goes from both of their chest, slowly but sure goes down to their hands and meet in each other fingers. The closeness between them were almost nonexists, when Kris’s heat reached maximum and it slightly burn Chanyeol’s arms.

            Shocked by the slight burn he feel on his arms, Chanyeol gasped in shock and immediately distance himselves from Kris. He raised his left hands, and eyes wide opened when he see the marks in there. It were so visible on his white pale skin. Kris’s reaction were not different too. His eyes wide opened, a small gasps comes from him. Magically, after Chanyeol distance himselves from him, the heat has gone and situation between them went back into normal.

            No one talks, it’s only a puff of breath comes from them. Kris is too petrified to explain, and even if he explain, he sure he didn’t know what to explain besides apologize to Chanyeol. A huge discomfort and troubled appeared on Chanyeol’s face. The marks has gone but not with the shockness.

            For the first time on his life, Kris didn’t know what to do. He keep silent, even when he see Chanyeol running of to the distance, back to his dorm.


A/N : For all Krisyeol lover out there......I present you a fluffy Krisyeol scene.....^-^~~~~~~~ Thanks for subscribe, comment and reading guys!!!!!! 

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Chapter 5: BAP♡EXO♡ We are one, Yessir!!!
Chapter 5: omfg!! bap as bada$$ boys /dies.
idk.. wut to say
seollikpopian #3
am shaking like crazy in here
Chapter 4: Wae couldn't they have just kissed!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg Thanks you!
update soon^^
Chapter 4: Ugh! I thought they will kiss. '^'
bunny0401 #6
Chapter 4: kyaaa! my feels.
ugh. and i was thinking that they would kiss but
why kris? whhhhyyyyyyyyyyy?
why do you have to ruin the moment?

anyways good story though
Chapter 4: Man did I want to smash their faces together...
Chapter 3: omfg!!! I'm laughing like retard throuout the chspies... lol Lewlew.. & Chenchem..... lmao..
Chanyeoola n Ktis.... baby steps u n u
ChocoAikocream #9
Chapter 3: awww, i really like ur story ,Kris and Chanyeol is need long time to go hahaha , it will be better if HunHan be there x3