Wednesday 15th August 2013

            That evening, precisely after the school activities had been done and the student abilities training had finished, everyone choose to spend the rest of the day with lounging around the dorm or the student hall. Student hall is one of the area in the academy where all the students from different dormitory could hang out. It doesn’t mean that they couldn’t hang out in the classroom, it’s just in the student hall, they don’t have to worry about whether they’ve done school assignmnent, team project etc. It’s a free place, where all that you could think of is how to socialize and make friends. While we know, in the classroom, the burden of homework, the teacher, unfinished business with quiz and weekly exam, won’t help with socializing. They will too busy to find a way on how to save themselves from the detention.

            But apparently, lounging around to meet a new friend didn’t implied much in the life of Do Kyung Soo. Being the second rank in the First Year Student Entry this year had gives him some kind of burden. Nope, Kyung Soo didn’t regret it even just a bit. He, otherwise, had gives the  gratitude to his parents and the God that he had been blessed with such a clever brain. And he knows to use it wisely. It’s just Kyung Soo is one of the people who likes to put some standards on himself. When he knows that he had become the second, he out of habit put a standard that he will become the first on End Of Year Exam this year. And the only way to rech the target is to study everything.

            Let’s just say he’s an ambitious person. In life, Kyung Soo never give any chance for himself to slack off. In order to reach the target that he had set for himself, he never take a break. He believes that if he try hard, he will success. This mindset is also the one who bring him to today current situation, him sitting in the corner of the hall, a books of Earth and Its Component: The First Edition on his hands, and a bottle of chocolate milkshake  on his right. He put a full concentrate mode, currently absorbed with how earth is ot only a ground, there also lots of things that make it more extraordinary, the bright student on his batch didn’t aware of his surroundings. Even when there’s someone, a tall boy, with tan skin and characteristic jawline approached him. The said boy is now standing in front of Kyung Soo. Hands on his pocket while his eyes  keep looking to Kyung Soo.

            “ I see you’ve been so busy with your book Do Kyung Soo.” The tan boy speaks. His eyes glancing up and down to Kyung Soo, catching a few of interesting things on his face.  Kyung Soo lift up his face, a bit annoyed with the one who dare to interrupt his own little world.

            “ Do you always have that expression with your eyes?” he inquired. The scowl on Kyung Soo’s eyebrows increased. Really, what’s wrong with this rascal?. Kyung Soo didn’t want to get involved with school number one troublemaker. So, he choose to ignore the existence of the so called Kai or Kim Jong In who stand so smugly in front of him.

            Jong In, sense that the owl eyes ignore him, scoffed lightly. He takes the chair near him and sit near too closely to Kyung Soo. He side eyed the book on Kyung Soo’s hands, a few pharagraphs welcomed him along with the side pictures of rocks and stones. Jong In apprently getting too close with Kyung Soo, until he didn’t realize his warm breath swept the side cheeks of the latter. Kyung Soo sighed deeply, in an instant he slammed the book shut and glare to the one beside him.

            “ Yah! What do you want?” he hissed. From his peripheral view, Kyung Soo could see a few students were looking at him and Jong In. He’s getting so embarrased just by the thoughts of it. Him talking to the number one troublemaker, he got the image to maintain for Godsakes. Jong In watched as a red blush creep on  Kyung Soo’s cheeks. He mentally died from the cute scene, doesn’t the owner realize that he’s just too cute to be true?. From the looks of it, Jong In knows that Kyung Soo is an oblivious person.  

            He smirks, “ I want to getting closer with my EXO member. Is that wrong?” He put the innocent face. Something he proud of for no one, I repeat, no one has ever reject his innocent face. Kyung Soo looks so flustered when he see that. But Jong In wants to getting closer with his not so long ago declared member of EXO?. He dare to bet his books collection if Jong In wants to do that.

            “ Yeah and I’m not an Earth controller.” Put some sarcasm in here.

            “ Is that a sarcasm I heard?... Really Kyung Soo, you can do better than that.” He put his arm behind Kyung Soo’s back. Kyung Soo’s eyes follow the movement of the arm, and he glare again at Jong In.

            “ You dare to touch me and you die.” His words were menacingly sharp. A normal human maybe winced at Kyung Soo’s words but come on, we talking about Kim Jong In here. Instead of wincing, he just throw his head back and laughed. The Earth Controller rolled his owl eyes, he had enough with Jong In. He takes his books and choco milkshake and making his way out of the student hall. He better find another hiding place, more safe and guaranteed that a certain Teleporter couldn’t find him. He heard a shout calling his name, the next event is really surprised the life out of him. He feel the black mist surround him and some pull throw him back. Kyung Soo sure he would fall, but surprisingly he didn’t feel anything. Everything happens fast, he couldn’t even take a breath. When his consciousness taken a better side of him, he blink his eyes. The first thing that come to his vision is a white ceiling. This white ceiling is not like the ceiling on his dorm, that’s why his inner self shout at him that he’s not at his dorm this time. He blink again, and he hear some whispers near him.

            “ Do you think he’s fine?”                                              

            “ He need to adjust first. After all, it’s his first experience.”

            There’s a whack sounds and someone complaining it’s hurt, “ Why do you have to teleport him?”

            “ But hyung... He won’t hear me.” He knows that voice. It’s the voice he heard in the student hall previously. Kyung Soo adjust his vision, his head ache a bit. He collect his energy and help himself to stand up. A hands help him followed by a face of a lifesize doll. It’s Lu Han, if he’s not wrong.

            “ Be careful. You still wobbling.” Kyung Soo winced but he tried his best to smile. He see he’s standing in center of the room,well more like a dorm. It’s Lu Han’s, where he could see the frame of pictures posted on the wall. It’s all had Lu Han faces on it. And he see one, two, no, the rest of EXO Squad are in there too. He furrowed his eyebrows, he didn’t quite catch this situation.

            Joon Myeon, sense the younger confuseness, decide to step down and explain.

            “ I’m sorry if it’s confusing you, Kyung Soo-sshi. But you currently in Lu Han’s sunbae dorm. And I apologize for what Jong In did to you.” A small shout of it’s not my fault and a loud smack plus Jong In’s painful cries revive Kyung Soo’s memory. So, the black mist is Jong In’s teleportation power and he’s in it. So that’s mean he’s getting teleported to Lu Han’s dorm. He throw the best glare he could make to the culprit, who choose to stand in the corner of the room.

            “ It’s okay, Joon Myeon hyung. I’m sorry if I had made all of you worry.” He give a sincere smile to the rest of the members. Lu Han cooes at the cuteness in front of him. After make sure the first grader in good condition ( Kyung Soo never wants to teleport again) , Joon Myeon stand up in the middle of the room and clapped his hands. Chan Yeol and Baek Hyun stop from their little light and fire play, to give their leader full attention. The maknae line also do the same.

            “ I guess everyone is already here so let’s just starts our meeting. First, Jung Soo-sshi told me that if we want to work together as a team, we have to getting to know each other first. I’m sure some of you have already introduce each other two days ago. So today, let’s just getting know each other’s power.” Joon Myeon took a glance to Kris. The Dragon carrier nooded in agreement at what Joon Myeon said. A proud smile comes to Joon Myeon’s face. He looked around to search the first person who wants to volunteer to do the first introduction, but no one raise their hands. The shyness still lingering in the air, apparently. If no one wants to, why not him as the leader to volunteer first?. He open his palms, and pour a drop of water he takes from the nearest glass he found. The silence engulfed the boys, they getting curious of what their leader wants to do. The drop of water on Joon Myeon’s palms move, but instead of falling down to the ground, the drop of water floats in the empty air, it follow the movement of Joon Myeon’s. When Joon Myeon’s hands move to the right, it also goes to right and otherwise. The boys then watch as the drop of water multiple itself to a few bubbles of water. It moves so elegantly and so alive. The water now makes the formation of a ring and it surrounds Joon Myeon’s waist.

            “ Here is my power. I can control water. Since I was born, water has become my bestfriend. My family call me SuHo as in the Water Guardian.”

            Se Hoon, the maknae, raise his hands,” Hyung, can you make the water formation out of nowhere too?”

            “ Sadly I can’t, Se Hoon-ah.It takes a higher knowledge and a self control to make water out of nowhere. My mentor had taught me the basic only, saying that experience that will teach me better.” He close his palms and the water is gone to it. Lu Han seems like couldn’t keep his jaw close when he see Joon Myeon, he’s not really know the Water Guardian’s family line and also their power. But what he see is awesome, it’s like the water is talking to Joon Myeon or is it otherwise?. However, he clapped his hands enthusiastically. The third grader and the oldest one, Kim Min Seok comes second. Without his big framed glasses, he look much different. Min Seok looks younger, even younger than  Zi Tao and Jong In combine together. Before perform his power, he apologize for the future discomfort the members will face later. It makes them curious of what the Baozi ( thanks to Lu Han who’s mention it loudly ) will do.

            In silence, Min Seok concentrate. Zi Tao is the first one to notice the change in the weather around them. He nudge Lu Han to turned down the air conditioner because it has become really really cold right now. The latter than told him that he didn’t turn on the air conditioner. Chan Yeol and Kris shivers, as fire controller and hot blooded creatures carrier, they of course couldn’t contain cold well, it don’t need a genius to guess that it’s Min Seok’s works. Between the shivers and teeth chattering, Min Seok sit calmly. He seems unaffected by the cold wather. Yi Xing see that the floor starts covered in ice, the cracks of ice roamed to the wall, it covers Lu Han’s photo colllection even his Manchester United banner. Not more than a minute, everything covered in ice. As  fast as they covered in ice, then it takes not more than a minute too to gone back to normal. A relief comes from everyone’s, Jong In said that he almost consider to teleported to his dorm or somewhere warm and sun shines brightly if Min Seok didn’t turn down his power. The owner of the Ice power bow down in shyness, he even apologize for a few times.

            “ In my family, they called me The White Blizzard. I control the weather, but I control the ice most. I’m sorry if I cause the discomfort, sometimes I forget to tone down the ice.” Min Seok or Bao Zi, as Lu Han insisted explained. The third one is Chan Yeol. The tall and lanky boy move to the middle, he seems so shy when he see everyone look at him.

            “ I’m Chan Yeol. My ability is I can control fire as well as the Phoenix.” Several gasps comes from the room. The blush getting apparent on Yeol’s cheeks. He then asks for a candle from the dorm owner. Lu Han gives him the requested candle, and Chan Yeol start to put his finger on top of it. Seconds later, from his finger, there’s a small lit of fire and it light up the candle in an instant. Baek Hyun clapped happily, and the rest of them followed too. Only Kris seems so reluctant to do this.

            “ Ehmmm.... Chan Yeol hyung,” A reluctant voice of Zi Tao were heard,” I heard that you are a Phoenix carrier. Is that true?” There’s a sound of –ahhhs and –oohhs between them. All of them then put their full attention to the said boy in front of them. Chan Yeol,who’s never become the center of attention, feel blush creeeping up on his cheeks. He nodded, too shy to speak right now. Between all of the stare, he could feel Kris’s eyes piercing right through him. And boy, those stare could become the death of him someday. Chan Yeol scratch his unitchy heads, he always knows that this is the side effect of become the carrier of Phoenix, people will stare, some of them with amazement, some of them with judging stare, and half of it is disbelieve. That’s the main reason why his family didn’t want to him to be known when he enter the academy. Quite disheartened, he is actually. Because it’s an academy where he wants to explore his talents (not fire controller, he talks about the other talent), and his father wants him to become the shadow. Just talking with the teachers and the Principal, if he could. In the first year, it’s a burden. Chan Yeol suffered from this rule, he even beg to his sister to persuade his father to loose the rule a bit, just enough for him to breath. But, unfortunately, his father knows how to crushed down his hope. Well, all of you must be thinking Chan Yeol’s father is a one cruel and dictator man. No, Chan Yeol could proudly say that he have the best father in the world. He had guide him to cooperate with the Phoenix, exist on Father’s Day, and the most democratic one in the Park family. Maybe he couldn’t bare with the thoughts of Chan Yeol’s background as the Phoenix carrier and how the younger one has to cope with the judging stare.

            A loud coughed awake them, the Dragon carrier seems not happy with the attention they gave to Chan Yeol.

            “ Guys, stop staring at him. He’s not an experiment object!” Kris said loudly. It’s enough to tear way all the stare, also enough to make Se Hoon and Zi Tao whimper in scared.

            “ It’s okay, hyung. They didn’t mean any harm. I’m okay with it.” Chan Yeol gave him a small, comforting smile and moved back to his seat ( which is Lu Han’s bed). Didn’t want to waste any time, Joon Myeon give the next chance to the second eldest in the room. The said boy stand up with lots of cheerfulness coming from him, he gave a bright smile and introduce himself.

            “ My name is Lu Han. As you know, I’m your senior, “ he glance at Jong In, who gladly snickers at him, and continued, “ For my power, I need a help from someone.” The pretty boy take a look around at s, then stop at the one who sit on his Manchester United carpet. Min Seok gulped, he couldn’t miss the way Lu Han’s eyes twinkling. And something told him that it’s not a sign of a good things. With  a hesitant steps, Min Seok and stand up next to Lu han.

            “ Now, Min Seok-sshi, I want you to think about something. Imagine of a place or a person, anything. Just don’t tell me what it is. Picture it on your mind.” Min Seok nodded albeit his heart told him not to. He closed his eyes, and picture a white sandy beach, somewhere along Hawaii, with a sun shines brightly above him. It’s only him on that beach and he take pleasure so much from the loneliness he had. All of it continues until he beware of a shadow behind his back.

            “ So, this is your dream place? Hawaii?” A smirk came from Lu Han and after that he feel his mind were in haze for a minute. The next thing he recognize when he open his eyes is Lu Han’s big doe eyes and his hands on his head. The doe eyes then turned into moon shaped when he see that his assistant has regain his consciousness.

            “ You have quite a vivid imagination, Min Seok-sshi. I could feel the sensation of the wind on the beach. And the fresh air.” Min Seok got speechless for a minute or maybe more, he sure he didn’t put Lu Han on his imagination, then how that deer boy could approached him there?. Lu Han put down his hands from Min Seok’s head, and turned around to face s.

            “ My power is Mind Controlling. I could do some telepathy or enter your brain and messed up with your mind.” Lu Han strong introduction got them flabbergasted. Sure, this boy in front of them mean no harm from his face, but his words enough to remind them that he’s not someone that’s easy to play with. With a cute smile, Lu Han ended his intro and goes back to his place ( Min Seok  sit a few yards from his right away).

            “ Kyung Soo, you go next.” Joon Myeon slap Kyung Soo’s back lightly. Only to make Kyung Soo widenend his big owl eyes in relevation. With a light pace, he move toward the center. He look around and suddenly feel this rumbling feeling and thumping hearts from inside of him. Kyung Soo, although he have a special power, he’s not the type to show his power in public. His brain is his ultimate weapon, and his power comes next. So continuously he will show his brain rather than his Earth control. He fiddled with his fingers,

            He take a deep breath and focus more on his feet. There’s a thumping pulse surging through his body, start from his head, its going to his arms, his heartbeats pulsing, a few breaths and-----

            “ Gosh, Kyung Soo. When I want you to introduce your power, doesn’t mean that you can tumbling down everything in my bedroom.” Luhan scolded the first year grader who choose to sit in the corner, guilty creeping on himself. The rest of the boys is busy fixing the bedroom, apparently Kyung Soo, instead of shake the ground a bit, he succesfully tumbling down Lu Han’s bedroom. The owner didn’t feel so happy about this. After much tidying, Lu Han shouting ( more like bossing around), and an apology from the suspect, everyone gather around for the next intro. Jong In quite successfully had calming down Kyung Soo, the result is the owl eyes now attached to his side. Tao is the next one, he shyly step to the center of the room and glance around. His fox like eyes  then glue to one person, a kid with an round face and a small eyes, the red blood hair is sticking up on his hair.

            “ Could you please help me?”. Baek Hyun looking around, confused. He point to himself while mouthed –me- towards Tao. Baek Hyun seems a bit hesitant, but with a push from Chan Yeol, he moved and stand beside the taller one. He curiously look at Tao, the taller one have something on his sleeve, and Baek Hyun a bit terrified. He never knows this boy, and also his power. It could be something dangerous or dangerous. Yup, he put no other option than dangerous. He has seen the other power, and a bit terrified at the thoughts of his power compared to them. Tao turn to him, his hands move to hold Baek Hyun’s shoulders, the latter cringed. Well, it’s not rough, but he could sense that this kids is more stronger and more taller than him.

            “ I need your assistance. You see a flower vase beside you? Okay, when I gave you a signal to throw it to my face, then don’t hesitant to throw it. To my face. Okay?” In normal time, Baek Hyun would raised his brows and ask the other participant about his ridicolous request. But, this is not a normal time. This time he put his life in almost dangerous situation. Who knows what kind of power Tao have?. Timidly, he nodded while inside he faint in panic. The others were look at both of them curiously, torn between want to laugh at Baek Hyun’s rigid expression and want to concentrate to the intro.

            Baek Hyun take the flower vase, Lu Han’s voice booming in the background ( a warning or a cry of he’s losing his flower vase) , considering the weight on his hands, the flower itself is not that heavy but of course it could cause some damage if it thrown to the face or any body part. What if it really hurting Tao at the end?. The image of this young boy with a tainted face and a gloomy future taunt him in a second. Nevertheless, he still throw it. He feels so nervous that he didn’t wait for Tao’s signal. It’s just flew more like thrown from his hands. The next scene seems like happen in a slow motion. A surprise Tao, he lifted his right hands, and Baek Hyun need to recheck his eyes for this, but the vase stopped in the middle of the air. Literally.

            All of them has their mouths and eyes wide open. The vase didn’t break Tao’s face (much to Jong Dae dissapointment) and there’s no things need to be a scarifice for the power demonstration (much to Lu Han’s relief). Baek Hyun froze on his feet, the frozen vase is like three cm from him, he raised a hands to slightly touch it but a warning comes from Tao.

            “ You can’t touch it. If you touch, you froze too.” Tao said. He pull down his hands and the vase falling down safely on his hands. He put it back on its original place and everything seems back to normal. Baek Hyun let out a breaths that he unconcsiously holding for the last few minutes.

            “ Thanks, Baek Hyun sunbaenim.” He give his most sweetest smile Baek Hyun swore he could get blind from the radiance. Still trapped in speechless, he turned around and back to his seat respectively. Chan Yeol asks him about his condition, pale face, a silent mode, it’s enough to tell that he’s quite shaken with the event before. Tao, unaware of his senior condition, still standing to continue his intro. One could say that this boy is love the attention his senior gave him.

            With a stuttered Korean, he said, “ My name is Zi Tao. But all of you can call me Tao.” Cue the –aww sounds came from Lu Han and Kyung Soo. Apparently both of them has come to the agreement and now cuddled closer, Yi Xing laughed at the sight of piss of Jong In. Se Hun replace Tao’s place after that. He requested that he need one things that heavy to be put in front of his feet. And also the window to be fully open. Lu Han got a privilege to do this, while muttering a few incoherent things, one of that is how bratty Se Hun is, he do the task . The air is a bit chilly in the nighttime, so the owner of the room has to turn off the air conditioner for a while. He approached Se Hun with the –are you satisfied now- expression and put the most heavy things he could find in his rooms, which is his Algebra for Third Year books.

            “ Really, an Algebra?” Se Hun snickered towards the older. Lu Han just muttered brats before he move back to his seats. Se Hun try to lift up the algebra books, and man, those books were heavy. Se Hun cringing at the reality though of him learning with that books as his reference in the third grade. But however, he let it pass. The third grade is still a future, and he has a present to attend now. The wind breeze slightly in the room, the others do shiver a bit, Se Hun didn’t in fact. The wind flow at him, more like dancing from the top of his hair to the bottom of his feet. He sense that the wind become one with him, he lift up his hands, and put the wind on his palms . The circular motion he create were dancing beautifully, he play it on each palm before he take it to the next level. He move the wind on his palms towards the algebra books that laying motionless on the floor under him. The wind surround the book before it lifted the book to the empty air. He moves the wind to the left, so the books. To the right, and also the books goes to the right. Everyone seems in awe when they saw this. As for Se Hun, he quite proud of what he did. After he feel he show enough to his senior, Se Hun put down the book down, and order the wind to leave the room. The wind surround him again, before went slowly towards the window. It also close the window silently.

            “ I’m a Wind controller. My favorite is Eastern wind. It always calm me down.” He said. Everyone is doing this I-don’t believe- kind of expression. They were really impressed by the maknae. Who knows that Se Hoon can controlled his power well. Usually the student on the first grade still didn’t have any control enough on his/her power. Se Hoon might be the exception for the case.

            The second grader, Baek Hyun goes next. He actually feels a bit nervous with all of this intro thing, from the first day he’s aware that he’s not an ordinary boy, the family and his closest friend have a diificulties to accept the fact. His brother always keep a safe distance from him on breakfast, same with his father. His mother have learn to tolerate it, nevertheless he could see that sometimes she will keep her distance away. The condition also happened with his friend. Well , he couldn’t say that they are his bestfriend for life. But at least they always there everytime Baek Hyun wants to do crazy things together. Guess his perception of friends a bit different then. They succesfully avoid him, like a plague. And as cliche as it is, they even dare to call him as freak. Man, he thought he only saw that at some awkward teenager movie. Reality check, it happened to him.

            So when they heard that Baek Hyun accepted the  invitation from the academy, they gladly sent him with a big smile on their face. Their rejection towards him and his ability has cause Baek Hyun to not fully enjoyed the power. He didn’t change at all but there’s this angry kind of feelings whenever he use his power and he rewind how his closest one reaction. So , standing awkwardly in front of eleven people, which some of them is his senior, he couldn’t stop his bony fingers to stop shaking. His palms sweating, also his forehead. He could make out Chan Yeol’s voice cheer him up in the background, but it seems so so far away he could barely make it.

            He give a stiff smile before he turned to Luhan,” Lu Han hyung, mind if I turn off the light?”.

            Though he grumbled about him being the owner of the room and not getting any respect from the guest, he still stand up to turn off the lights. Lu Han swithed off the light panel and the room getting dark, only a small light from the moon outside become the source of light now. Apparently, the darkness is not their bestfriend. Its proven from several groan coming from the boys ( Lu Han feet bumped with a table, Jong Dae hit Min Seok with his elbow, Tao mistakenly hold Joon Myeon instead of Se Hoon).

            “ Baek Hyun, just doing your intro. I’m not a friend with darkness.” Jong Dae rubbing his face, a result from Min Seok hit. His elbow actually hit Min Seok on his most precious body part, his glorious cheeks. See that the rest of didn’t dwell enough on darkness, Baek Hyun put his palms up towards the boys. A small light coming from his palms grows bigger by the time he channel his energy full to it.

            “ Who’s turn on the light?”

            “ I am not.”

            “ Hey, it’s baekkie~~ oops.. I mean Baek Hyun.”

            Everyone turned their heads ans squinting their eyes, they see the lights coming from something or someone for precisely. There’s Baek Hyun standing, still awkwardly but there’s a bit confindence on his eyes when he see that they didn’t say anything.

            “ Baekkie, is this your power?” Chan Yeol squint his big eyes.

            “ Ye.... yess... My power is Light. Apparently.” He said. He sense that he show enough light, so he turn off his light and turn on the panel light. The room now is clearly bright and all of them sighs in relief. Min Seok instantly look at the mirror and gasped when he see his precious cheeks. He rubbed the red spot, credit goes to Jong Dae’s elbow.

            “ YAH! You brat! This is all your fault.” He pointed at Jong Dae, makes the latter seems  had cause the most unforgivable crime ever in human record. Jong Dae feigned innocence and point himself.

            “ Me? Me? What did I do?” His seemingly perfect innocence turned Min Seok in frustation. He almost at the point of ripping the other apart with his own hands. His cheeks is like a treasure for him, call him weird but it’s true. And his cheeks always remain flawless. But now, there’s a red spot in there. And it’s perfectly round.

            “ Waow, you look like chinese doll.” Lu Han poke his cheeks. Min Seok wince from the pain. Damn, who knows that a tiny kid like Jong Dae have a pointy elbow?. And Lu Han find it amusing about the Chinese doll, he told the others about it. Now all the attention were on him and his cheeks. Not to the Baekhyun (he secretly in relief about this).

            The attention of Min Seok’s bun like doll then were short lived for Kris is already standing in front of them. His tall appereance attract the attention so much, you don’t even want to take a glance even a bit. Kris, used to the attention he got from the other eleven, act coolly and start his intro.

            “ Hi there,” he gives a small wave,” I’m Kris and I think all of you already know that I’m a dragon carrier.”

            “ Do you even turn into a dragon, Kris-shii?” Chanyeol question turn the quiet room into a mess of laughters. All of them were clutching their stomach due to the ache. While everyone still basking in laughter, the questioner blinking his eyes rapidly, didn’t have any clue about the effect of his question. Kris rolling is eyes and trying his best to not roar at s. He glare silently to Chanyeol. That kid is unbelievable, how can he asked him such a question like that?. Kris slightly wants the earth to swallow him and never returns him back to the earth again.

            He cleared his throat loudly, an action that successfully make them quiet again. He glare and glare, until he could feel that his eyes could produce a laser beam. He puffed out his cheeks, try to calm down and look at Chanyeol.

            “ No... I’m not turn into Dragon. You should know that for you a Phoenix carrier.” He make sure that his tone is cold and his words is biting the deep core of the Phoenix.

            Chanyeol looks taken aback by Kris’s answer.He pout before bowed down his head. The Dragon carrier is too scarry and cold. Also arrogant. He scowl inside his heart, waking up the Phoenix from her sleep. The Phoenix now is busy calming his heart down.

            Kris couldn’t help to smack himself inside his head. Or is that the Dragon. There’s a line of ‘you are the most stupid person” along with “ I won’t talk to you if the Phoenix is angry with me.” He sighed, the Dragon didn’t make any effort to help him. He casually guilt trap him right now. He then continued with his intro, showing the others that he have a Flight power. A minute ago, they laugh but now, they are struck in amaze. The Dragon purred inside his chest, adding more proud feeling to himself. From his peripheral view, he see one person didn’t look at him like the others. The said Phoenix only smile bitterly and dwelve more in conversation with Joon Myeon.

            Jong Dae comes after Kris. He smile smugly before he open Luhan’s window. The said owner didn’t feel so much happy about this. Something about he hates his room has become their power experiment. But sadly, no one care about it. The boys is busy dwelling in curiousity about Jongdae’s power.

            The Scorpion carrier put one of his hands towards the sky, staring intently and what comes next is something all of them coild never forget. A series of thunder comes rumbling in the sky.

            Thunder in the night of summer.

            And as fast the thunder came, the fast its gone.Jongdae put down his hand s and the sky turn calm again. There’s no evidence or anything.

            ‘ I’m a Thunder controller. I also can control the weather, but thunder is my speciality.” Jongdae throw them what he thinks as charismatic smile, yet in the eyes of others it’s more like a troll smile. Luhan wincing his eyes, this boy better be have a nice personality. He mean, they didn’t have to dwell with the second Jongin, right?. They pointed Jongin as the next person, but he refuse nonchalantly. Saying that he already show it when he pick up Kyungsoo back then. Much to their dissapoinment. So, it’s left with one person. He who all this time sit silently.

            All eyes turned to Yixing. The Healing boy glance innocently, he couldn’t quite understand why everyone look at him. Like they’re ready to eat him alive.

            “ W.....what?” he stutter.

            “ Don’t what us. It’s time for your intro.” Luhan said almost ingly.

            Poor Yixing just gulped when he see the senior act irritatingly. He nodded, much to himself. Just to make sure that he is okay and he didn’t have to feel so nervous. Yixing stand up, facing the others and doing something unusually.

            He held his small knife, a silver pocket knife that he always carry around. Much to his dissapoinment, his power is not like any others. He couldn’t defend himself much if he get in troubles. So, this small pocket knife is his treasures. At least, no one has been harmed by his knife all this time.

            The boys look curiously at Yixing. This second grader Changsa boy is quite myterious. He didn’t talk much, laugh much or much to Baekhyun and Chanyeol dissapoinment, play much.

            Yixing slice his fingers a bit with the pocket knife, followed by series of gasps by the others. They goes frantic for a while, until Yixing, the victim himself, shout to made sure that he’s okay.

            “ Guys, I’m okay. I need this to show you something.” He said calmly, although blood seeping out from his slice fingers. He could see Kyungsoo’s eyes got bigger and wider when he see the blood. He nodded reassuringly to the younger one and Kyungsoo believe him in an instant.

            Yixing takes a deep breath, put a small pressure to his injured finger. Feeling an energy flows from his hands to his finger and...

            “ See... It’s heal.” He showed  his fingers, and there’s no sign of blood or small scratch happened a few minutes ago. It seems like Yixing’s finger never injured before. It’s clean and heal.

            “ I’m a healer. I don’t know where’s I got this ability, but yeah..... That’s all... I guess.” A prominent blush appear on his cheeks. He sense that someone put his arms around him and talk excitedly.

            “ Yixing, welcome to the team,” It’s Joonmyeon and his blinding smile.


That night, in the dormitory room no 1912, a new bond of friendship has begun. And a new bond of power finally meet each other.


A/N : DOUBLE CHAPTER~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *throw confetti* *light up bonfire*.... here's the double chapter for you guys... For my lovely reader and subscriber.... XDXDXDXDXDXDXD!!!!!!!! If you have any question please ask me... I'm all open for any questions.....

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Chapter 5: BAP♡EXO♡ We are one, Yessir!!!
Chapter 5: omfg!! bap as bada$$ boys /dies.
idk.. wut to say
seollikpopian #3
am shaking like crazy in here
Chapter 4: Wae couldn't they have just kissed!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg Thanks you!
update soon^^
Chapter 4: Ugh! I thought they will kiss. '^'
bunny0401 #6
Chapter 4: kyaaa! my feels.
ugh. and i was thinking that they would kiss but
why kris? whhhhyyyyyyyyyyy?
why do you have to ruin the moment?

anyways good story though
Chapter 4: Man did I want to smash their faces together...
Chapter 3: omfg!!! I'm laughing like retard throuout the chspies... lol Lewlew.. & Chenchem..... lmao..
Chanyeoola n Ktis.... baby steps u n u
ChocoAikocream #9
Chapter 3: awww, i really like ur story ,Kris and Chanyeol is need long time to go hahaha , it will be better if HunHan be there x3