Korean School

It's Me La

Previous Chapter: The minivan stopped in front of a church with a sign reading “Welcome to Dong Ju’s Korean Church”. Jessica’s last thing on her schedule was Korean school. 

Bold: Dialogue being spoken in Korean


There were very few things Jessica knew about her pre-adopted life. One was that she was Korean by blood and two is that her birth name is Jung Soo Yeon, which is what everyone calls her at Korean school. Her adopted parents loved the idea of putting Jessica in Korean school because not only was she able to learn about her native culture and learn how to speak Korean, but Jessica would also be learning about important religious fundamentals, only the sermons would be in Korean (remember, the Korean school is in a church). Talk about killing two birds with one stone, at least, that was the mentality of the Jessica’s parents.

To be completely honest, Jessica didn’t loathe or detest Korean school. In fact, she thought the whole Korean school concept was pretty cool. Not only could she make new friends, but she was also exposed to a community of children that were Korean like her, something that she has never experienced in her neighborhood. Of course, there were some things that she didn’t like about Korean school. Some of the things were that students and teachers that attended/taught the school was required to speak Korean only, unless students didn’t understand what was being taught (teachers were then allowed to explain to them in English). Jessica also had to attend Korean School every day of the week, except for Sunday. Six days a week of Korean school was demanding, especially since Jessica still attended an American school as well. Jessica also wasn’t religious at all, even though her parents were devoted Christians, so the religious part of Korean school was pointless to Jessica, but the sermons that were given could be easily zoned out.

As Jessica walked through the church to her classroom, she felt a pair of hands touch her shoulders. Jessica quickly turned around, only to find out that it was only one of her classmates and her friend Nicole Jung, also known as Jung Yong Joo.

“Hello Yong Joo,” Jessica said with a monotone voice.

“Why do you sound so glum Soo Yeonie?” Nicole asked with her usual optimistic voice.

“That would be because stupid Lee Dong Hae will not take his role as student vice president seriously,” Jessica growl, almost wincing at the thought that she actually had to work with him. Lee Dong Hae (a.k.a Aiden Lee) was not as stupid as Jessica made him sound, in fact, Jessica did have respect for him as a leader, but other then being able to convince and persuade people, he was an unorganized and uncoordinated person. He did have charisma, but that was probably the only reason why so many people liked him.

Unfortunately for Aiden, his charisma would not have any effect on Jessica today. Before Jessica starting making her way to her class, she was informed by the principal of her Korean school that there was a school board meeting after school. This year, she became student president of her level, which means that she is one of the two most important representatives from her level in Korean school. Part of being the student president is attending student body council meeting, where all of the representative from all levels come together to discuss ideas with the principal, vice principal, and priest of the Korean school/church. Jessica has never missed or been tardy for one meeting. She has always known of a meeting ahead of time and is mostly, if not always, one step ahead of the game, but not this time. Jessica played it off as if she knew what the principal was talking about, but actually had no clue. She was never even informed that there was a meeting after, probably because the one who was supposed to inform her was the student vice president, Aiden.

“Don’t be such so mean Soo Yeon. Being the student vice president isn’t that easy either. Think about it. He has to inform you of every single event happening here. Not only does he have to contact you, but if he can’t reach you in time, he has to literally track you down. That’s tiring. On top on that, he plays soccer at his real school. Talk about stress. I don’t even know if you could handle it,” Nicole tried to reason with Jessica. Jessica only shrugged at Nicole’s comment as they both entered the class room. They were the only ones there, which were not surprising. Another obligation of being a student president is that the student is required to be in their respective classroom before school officially starts. Nicole’s there early as well because her mom is one of the teachers at the school.

“Informing me of the events is his job, practically his only job because he can’t do remember to do anything else without being reminded by ME. Being student vice president means that he has to be responsible and dependable, but he isn’t. If he knew that he would be busy this year, then he shouldn’t have agreed to become student vice president in the first place. If you want to talk about stress, live my life for a day,” Jessica responded to Nicole, which Nicole only gave an eye roll. There is seriously no way for a person to win a debate with Jessica, even if she is only an 11 year old girl.

Just as Jessica was getting comfortable in her seat, a certain voice startled her.

“Hi Soo Yeonie!”

“Speak of the devil,” was the thing that Jessica come to mind once she heard him.

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A/N-Chapters 1-6 Jessica and Dong Hae don't know each other's English name and lifestyle outside of K-school. Characters will be added soon :)


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Fiforever #1
Update soon!!
Chapter 3: First to comment......I luv this story! Pliz update soon