First Day

Please Don't Go

The morning was clear and cool you and your cousin were currently sleeping. Beast- I like you best blarred through your phone. You shuffled a little before your eyes began to open. 

I heard the alarm go off but I didn't want to wake up so early. It was 4:00 am. Man. This is suppose to be my vacation. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet seat to rub my eyes and fully wake up. Sigh. I looked around and decided to take a shower so I could fully wake up. I stood up and looked in the mirror. Woah I look like the wicked whitch of the waste I thought  I began stripping down and turned the faucet on. I waited for the shower to get warmer before I jumped in. Ahhhh the water is nice. I quickly soaped up and rinsed off. Then I hurried up and toweled myself down and walked into the room. 

I looked at my cousin who was currently fast asleep. "Your lucky" I whispered. But what was I to expect I lost all our money and to top it off my passaport too. I hurried and put my clothes on today I wore some jean shorts and a black blouse, I towel dried my hair and out it in a messy bun then I straightened my bangs. Once I finished putting those things on I put my converse on and got my phone. Once everything was done I sat down on the desk and wrote a quick short letter to my cousin. It read "Hey Mari, I left for work. Wish me luck oh and meet me at the convinience store were we met Jae at around 12:30 so I can tell you how it goes. Relax Sam has this under control. Signed Sam" As I finished I looked for a piece of tape and i didn't find any so I opened up some gum chewed it up really fast rolled it into a ball and stuck the paper on the mirror. With that I left the hotel room quietly.

As I walked to the elevator my stomach grumbled. Damn I'm already hungry? I checked the time. it was 5:00 Maybe I could stop by were Jae works and buy something. I thought. It was a little chilly due to how early it was. The streets were quiet as I walked to the convienience store. Ding rang the bell on top of the door. I walked in and Jae smiled "Hey!" He said "Hi, uhh I was wondering if like you could like lend me some money. I'm kinda hungry." I asked as I looked at the floor. I heard him laugh. "Sure, get what you want" He replied. I looked up and said "I'll pay you back once I get my first paycheck!" He nodded but then said "It's on the house" I said "Are you sure? I mean I dont want to take advantage of you." He laughed "DOn't worry about it." I Smiled and looked for something good to eat. I got a cereal bar and a vitaman water and some gum too. "Well as much as I would love to stay and talk I have to go, but Mari will be here by 12:30 so we can eat lunch. I'll pay you back that too." He nodded and smiled. I walked out of the store and then bit into my cereal bar. it was 5:30 am Holy crap! I'll never make it. I started running while trying to eat my breakfast.

Back at the Hotel:

Your cousin stirred and got up after a while. "Were is Sam?!" She said. She looked up at the mirror and noticed the paper on the mirror. "What the heck?" She got up and pulled the paper and noticed the gum "Eww! I swear that girl will be the death of me." She said as she facepalmed herself. She read the note and said "What time did she leave? Its only 5:50am. Well that gives me more time to sleep." She said as she went back too sleep.

Back to you:

I tried to catch my breath. Man I need to get in shape! I crouched down to hold my breath."Man, that was tough! I need to leave earlier next time." I said to no one. I smoothed ot the my shirt and hair, I stood there for a while and took a look outside. I walked in and headed to the elevator. Ding the elevator door opened. I slowly walked in. As I pushed the 4th button I felt my stomach drop. Great I thought usually when I get that feeling there is gonna be something really good or really bad that is gonna happen. I decided to shrug the feeling of as I watched the elevator go through the floors. I checked my watch 5:58. "Oh god please don't let me be late." I whispered. Thsi was probably the bad thing, I was gonna be late and for my first day too! 

Ding the elevator stopped and I rushed out and knocked on the managers door. "Ol!" he said. Ehh oh yeah that means come in. I hit my forehead "duh." I slowly pushed the door open and walked in. There were two people in the room. The guy I had spoken too was there and there was this other guy. I supossed he was the dance director. "Oh hello!" said the manager "hello' I nodded slightly. "Your just on time" The guy sitting down said. "Nice to meet you I am the dance director." He reached out a hand for you to shake. I hesitated, there was something I did not like about this guy. But I snapped out of it. "Nice to meet you too" I said with a smile. "I hope you two get along" said the manager. The dance director then turned "Oh, we will" The director said with a smile. There was something about that smile I didnt like. 

"Well lets go meet the band you will be helping during thier dance practice." He said "Ok" was my reply. We walked to the elevator and I awkwardly stood there as he pressed the 16th floor. Ehhh that is pretty high to go. I was a little surprised. "The dance rooms are located at the top, so that the fans won't go crazy when they see the boys." He said. What? "Boys?" I asked He nodded. What the heck?! I wonder what band it will be. Ding the elevator opened we were on the 16th floor. "They are a little late in coming but they should be here shortly." He informed me. I smiled back at him and thought Ugh the anxiety is killing me! I walked around the room it was huge and it had mirrors. Just like in the movies! 

"We are here!" the silence was interupted by a deep voice. I turned around and my breath caught in my throat.

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