The interview

Please Don't Go

You three walked and came stopped in front of this huge building. "Woah It's pretty big" you whispered. "Yeah it is" you looked up to see the boy and he smiled. "Well here goes nothing." You said as you pushed the doors open and walked in. You cousin walked up to the register. "Excuse me? Could you get us a person who speaks english?" The secratary looked up "Yes, I seak a english." You walked and stood next to your cousin. "uhh yes were here for the job opening to be dance assitant." You added. The secratary smiled and said "Go to the 4th level. Make a left and the office should say Manager." I nodded and headed off with my cousin. "By the way what's your name?'' Asked my cousin. "Oh my name is Jae Joong !" She nodded "Uhh can I just call you Jay?" I asked while looking at him. "sure" was his reply.

I ran to press the elevator key! "She can be so childish sometimes" You heard your cousin say. You turned around and gave her a look. "It's okay. I think it is cute." I blushed I can't believe he said it was cute. I usually weird people out. "See he likes me the way I am!" I told my cousin. She sighed as the elevator dinged. Jay pushed the button "4th floor right?" he asked and looked at us. I nodded. The ride up the elevator was quiet as we watched the floor go one by one. When we got to the 4th floor my stomach dropped "Maybe we can come back another time?" I asked hopefully. "Nope" shoved my cousin and I stumbled out. "Meanie" I said as I stuck out my tounge playfully.

The room was quiet, except for the sound of typing coming from the front desk. I turned and noticed that my cousin and Jay were almost at the door. Jay motioned me to hurry up. I quickly walked and stood in front of the door. I knocked and there was a "Ol!" Ol? I thought what the heck. "He said come in" mentioned Jay. "Oh yeah I almost forgot we were in Korea" I pushed the door and looked up to see a rather small looking man sitting writing something. "Hello?!" I said. He looked at me and then at my cousin and finally at Jay. "eseo annyeonghaseyo" said Jay the man smiled and the spoke something but I couldn't understand. "Very well, who is looking for the job?" The man asked. "I am" I raised my hand slowly. "Ok, I need to interview her, will you two step out for a while?" He asked my cousin and Jay. I got a little nervous as they left. "Please sit down" He motioned.

Outside the room:

Your cousin and Jae sat in the lobby. "So what brought you guys here?" Jay asked. "Well we were originaly here on vacation and well Sam lost all our money and her passaport." Replied your cousin. "how did that happen?" "Well" your cousin said as she told Jae everything that had happened since you two got there.

Back to the Room:

"So what brings you to this building?" He asked. "Well, I'm from America and as you could tell I don't speak any Korean. But I am a hard worker and I will be here whenever you need me, anytime-" He cut you off. "but why do you want this job?" He interupted. "well me and my cousin were originally here on vacation and I lost all of our money and my passaport on they way to the hotel... We are officially broke, in a place were we dont know the language and I we need a place to stay and money so I can begin to get a new passaport." He was writing something down. "He looked up" My breath was caught I hope I get the job I thought. "Im sorry but.."

He started as I looked at the ground "Well thank you for your time" I said before I got up. "You didnt let me finish" I turned around "You got the job! And your in lucky this position also comes witha place to stay and pays too." I started crying "Thank you! Thank you so much!" I shook his hand as he gave me the information I got up to leave. I suddenly turned "But when do I start?" He smiled "Tommorrow! But you might want to change into something more comfortable" He suggested. I nodded "I will thank you so much!" You walked out as he smiled to himself. The boys are gonna like her. He thought to himself.

I walked out to the lobby and looked for my cousin and Jay. "I got the job!" I yelled and jumped up and down. "Shhhh!" we looked at the secratary who looked ticked off. We still laughed and jumped around. "Well when do you start?" "Tommorrow!" "and the best part is that it offers us a place to stay and it also pays!" I then handed the papers to Jae. "could you translate these for me?" He nodded "why don't we talk over Dinner?" He asked. We nodded and headed off. "I know this really neat place!" He said happily.

At the restaurant:

"Well the papers say that you start tommorrow morning at 6am and then you have lunch around 12am and your back at 2pm to finish the rest of the practice. But the schedule is not always gonna be the same. The band you will be helping has a hectic schedule so you might have to go to go in at different times. They will clear that up. Oh and the dance director speaks English too.'' siad Jae. "Band?" I asked "Yes you know bands like 4minute, G.NA" Oh you thought. "Okay. Man we are so lucky!" Mari said "But what did you say to convince him?" I informed them all about it and they were quite surprised.

You guys finished your food and Jae walked you two to your hotel. "I can help you guys move into your new place, when you find out of course." Your cousin nodded as you went inside. "Thank you!" You yelled after him. He turned and smiled.

In the hotel room:

Get some sleep your cousin said tommorrow is a big day for you. You nodded and you changed into your pj's. I wonder what band I'm gonna help with. I thought as I drifted of to sleep.


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