
New Girl In Town

"alright class, settle down." The teacher said as she slammed the ruler on her desk. She smirked in satisfaction once everyone stopped talking and focused all of their attention on her.

"Since you guys love talking so much, there will be a partner assignment project that involves... group work! You may pair up with one person and together, you guys will do a mini report on occupations that involve math." You smiled and looked around trying to find a partner. Chanyeol nudged you and motioned you and him with his fingers. You agreed since you only knew Chanyeol in the class. Everyone dispersed once they found their partners. You got up and scooted your desk closer to Chanyeol and the two of you discussed about the assignment.

"We should just get started today just so we can get it over with." He suggested.

"Okay, where do we meet?" He rubbed his chin cutely and snapped his finger once he came up with an idea.

"We can meet at my house." He said taking out a piece of paper and jotted down his address. "Here you go." You took the paper from him and stuck it in your wallet. The two of you exchanged numbers and moved back the desks once the bell rang. You didn't want to be a burden to him and his friends so you decided to eat your lunch in the library until you had made new friends. You sat down and opened a book pulling out your lunch and started reading. You heard a snicker but decided to ignore it. Next thing you know, someone was throwing things at you. You frowned and closed the book and turned around. You had expected to see a bully but instead you saw Baekhyun. One of Chanyeols friend. He pulled out the chair and sat next to you. He inched his face closer to yours as your face flushed crimson red from the close proximity of the two of you.

"Hi loner." He waved and flashed a toothy grin. Your cheeks reddened as you waved back. "Why didn't you come to our table today?" because I don't want to be a burden you thought. As if he could read minds, he quickly spoke up.

"Don't worry, you're not a burden. We welcome you!" He said. Your eyes widened as you stood up and grabbed your bag.

"I got to go."  You were about to walk away until he grabbed your wrist and tugged you with him.

"Damn right. You're coming with me, young lady." He turned and smiled at you widely before dragging you to the cafeteria. Girls stared at you, green with envy and whispered things about you. *I guess I won't make an girl friends* You thought.

"Look who I found~" Baekhyun sang and pushed you in front of him. "She was in the library, what a nerd." He scoffed and sat down next to Chanyeol. He waved at you and you smiled in return. You looked around and saw only one empty seat. It was next to Sehun. You sighed half happy and half nervous and squished in between him and Suho. He shifted uncomfortably as you apologized and cursed mentally for your shyness kicking in. Minutes later, you replaced Baekhyun as the joker of the group. You really liked EXO and found them amusing. You soon exchanged numbers with all of your new friends except Sehun. 'I don't have a phone' he said coldly before getting up after the bell rang. You frowned and hugged your handphone close to your chest. Why did he hate you so much? You knew he had a phone but decided not to say anything since you saw him playing Fruit Ninja just two minutes ago. You let out another sigh and walked gloomily to class. You plopped down in your assigned seat. Someone tapped your back as you turned around and saw a cute girl. She squealed and grabbed your hand.

"You're the girl who was sitting at lunch with EXO, right?" You nodded as she let out another squeal and tightened her grip. 

"Wahh! You're so lucky! I'm Eunji" She said shaking your hand. You smiled nervously not sure if she wanted to be friends with you or if she just wanted to talk to you since you knew the boys. She grinned and let go of your hand.

"Don't worry, I don't hate you or anything like those girls." She said and pointed to the group of girls who were whispering and pointing at you. You rolled your eyes.

"Is everyone in this school like that?" You asked disgusted. She shook her head.

"Not really. They're the class queenkas. They just act like they're all that." Her nose scrunched as she spoke.


You walked in on the bus and looked around desperately for a seat. There was one left as you happily skipped over. Someone took it right before you could've sat down and claimed that seat yours. You made a face and looked up at the person and saw kai, smirking. 

"Did you want to sit here?" He asked. You nodded and he scoffed in return." Too bad, it's mine." You kicked his shin as you grabbed the nearest pole when the bus turned. 

"Why weren't you at school?" You finally asked. He looked up at you in amusement. 

"Why? Did you miss me?" He teased. You scoffed and looked at him.

"Yah! I was just asking." 

He held his two hands out. "Woah, calm down, I was joking, unless you really did." He joked. You decided to ignore him until it was time to get off. You pressed the button to get off where Chanyeol had told you to. Kai got up and shoved you to the side.

"My stop." He said and walked out cooly. You cursed mentally as you thanked the driver and headed to Chanyeols house. Kai was walking in the same direction as you were and he would glance back to see if you were there. He finally stopped as you bumped into his back.

"Why are you following me?!" He asked, his tone oozed with annoyance. You stepped back and dusted off your shoulders.

"I'm not. I just happen to walk in the same direction you are." He rolled his eyes and bent down to you eye level.

"Look, if you think following me is going to make me somehow like you, then just realize that I don't." he said through clenched teeth. You stood there, shocked. How the hell did he get that from you walking behind him? You pushed him angrily and walked past him. He was making your day worse. To prove that you weren't following him, you ignored him fully and walked until you saw Chanyeols address and rang the doorbell. He smiled creepily and pulled you in.

"Oh.. Kai. What are you doing here?" You turned around and met Kai's shocked face. His ears reddened as he avoided your gaze. 

"I came to get my bag." He said and walked inside. 

"It's on the table. Just stay, the rest of EXO is coming over soon. Your face flushed just thinking of Sehun. He nodded and sat down on the couch. You stood there awkwardly when chanyeol left to get his laptop. He came back minutes later with EXO. You quickly glanced at Sehun and looked away once he caught you.

"Hey Minji." DO waved. 

"It's obviously going to be noisy, so we'll be studying in my room. Feel free to do what you want and foods on the table." He said and pulled you with him. The boys ooh'ed as you rolled your eyes. What erts. To make matters worse, Chanyeol grinned, showing off his signature smile. You shivered but followed him anyways.

You walked in his room and pulled out your books. The two of you quickly got started on the assignment not bothering to exchange conversations unless it was about the work. You heard a knock and opened the door to see a flustered Kai.

"What do you want?" You growled, arms crossed against your chest. He looked around the room and sighed in relief.

"Nothing." He turned his back and walked away. You scoffed and closed the door. What a weird kid.

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Babbie #1
Chapter 26: Nice light fluff
Babbie #2
Chapter 23: Um..insta luv all around...lol
Babbie #3
Chapter 11: They fed each other fruit before becoming gf bf!?kids now adays...so flirty..lol
Babbie #4
Chapter 11: He hid the basket in a tree...Kai is a ninja or smth?lol
Babbie #5
Chapter 10: Too much usage of ...even between Bros. ..
octa82_ichigo #6
Love your story
Chapter 26: This was really cute!!!!
Chapter 25: Awwww ❤️❤️❤️ lol though she totally ruined it
Chapter 21: Oh Sehun! U better not start liking this new girl!
Chapter 9: Wow... Just when i was starting to ship her with kai... i guess i';m team sehun again ;D