
New Girl In Town

if you guys already read this chapter, sorry if it didn't make sense since I totally messed up the text and somehow put a paragraph before the other!

Your eyes widened as you stayed calm and eyed the ahjussi in front of you. He chuckled and tilted his head to the right, looking at you amusingly. 

"So I guess you recognize me." The older man chortled. He pulled out a handknife and held it inches away from your face.

"Such a pretty girl. I would hate to waste a beauty like you." He used one hand to your blouse as you closed your eyes.

"I guess I'll have fun with you first. Clothes off." He hissed. Your fingers trembled as you slowly ed the second button. Before you took off your bluse, you were pushed to the side as a boy with kicked him and knocked the thief unconcious. The stranger pulled out his phone, and dialed 119. Well, that was what you were assuming. He turned around and your eyes widened. It was...... Sehun? 

"Yes. I would like to report a thief who tried to steal someone's wallet." He spoke. "Yes. Thank you." He smiled at you and held out his hand for you to grab.

"Sorry if I hurt you." 

You held onto his hand as he pulled you up. Tears brimmed your eyes as you tightly hugged Sehun. 

"Thanks. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here." His expression softened as he reluctantly wrapped his arms around your waist. The two of you stayed like this until the police showed up and thanked the two of you. You wiped away your tears and looked at your watch. It was almost 8.

"Oh.. where's Kai?" You thought out loud.

"I don't know. He called me telling me to pick you up at the park." Sehun said scratching the back of his neck. 

"Ahh." You frowned in dissappointment. *I wonder what he wanted to tell me." Sehun faked a smile and held out his hand. 

"Let's go home?" You looked at his extended arm and grabbed onto it, interlacing your fingers together. Sehun looked down to hide his happy expression as his grip tightened and led you home. 

The two of you made it on the rooftop. You noticed that you were still holding hands and your face reddened. You quickly let go causing Sehun to frown as he quickly replaced it with an expressionless face. You waved goodbye to him and hesitantly unlocked your door. You changed into your pj's and laid on your bed. Flashbacks repeated as you tried your best to sleep. You were too scared and quickly slipped on your shoes and ran over to Sehun's apartment, banging on the door violently.

"Hyung are you drunk?" Sehun scratched his head and looked up with half lidded eyes. He was so cute. He had bedhead hair and he was wearing adorable deer pj's. His face reddened seeing you as his eyes widened.


"Sehun I'm scared can I please sleep here?" You begged with teary eyes. He nodded and pulled you in shutting the door behind you.

"Stay here real quick." he said and scurried to his bedroom. His clothes were scattered everywhere, he had magazines lying all over the floor, and worst of all, he had his dirty boxers on top of his bed. He grabbed everything and shoved it in his closet before coming back. 

"You can sleep in my bed." You thanked him as he led you inside his bedroom. You blushed. *I'm in Oh Sehun's room*

"Here" He pointed to the bed awkwardly. You thanked him and laid down. He noticed your pj's and blushed since your shorts were really short. He was about to make his way out, but was stopped by you tugging on his wrist.

"Sehun where are you going?"

"I'm sleeping on the couch."

"Can you.. sleep on the floor?" You mumbled embarrassed. You knew it was rude but you didn't want to be alone.

"Sure." he blushed. "Just let me get a blank-" Dirty clothes fell on him once he opened the closet. He forgot he stuffed all his things in there. You laughed and noticed the messy floor. 

"You can just sleep here." You patted the bed. "I'll be less scared anyways." His eyes widened at your proposal. You and him on the same bed?

"ANDWE!" He blurted out. "I mean.. you're a girl and I'm a guy." 

"Is that what you're worried about? It's okay I trust you." *but I can't trust myself.* he thought. 

"I'll sleep on the floor, I'll be fine." He said grabbing a pillow from the bed and throwing it on the ground. 

"Night." He said and quickly turned off the light. You were confused by his reaction and shrugged your shoulders. Thirty minutes passed as you were quickly asleep. Sehun was still awake since the floor was so cold. He sat up and looked at your sleeping face.

*she's even pretty while she's snoring.* He thought. Your mouth was wide opened and you were lightly snoring. He chuckled and pinched your cheek lightly causing you to pout in your sleep. He looked at the cold ground and back to his bed. *I guess I'll have to sleep here* He thought and laid on the other side. He used a pillow to separate the two of you and wrapped the blanket around him, making sure you had enough as well. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. A smile crept onto his face unknowingly. 


Kai went over to Sehun's apartment like he always did. He went into Sehun's room and froze once he saw the two of you in bed. The pillow Sehun had put in between you two was on the floor. Your chest was squished by Sehuns back as your arm was draped over his stomach. Kai's eyes widened.

"SEHUN!" He yelled loudly causing him to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and blushed once he saw both of your positions. Kai angrily pulled Sehun to the floor and slapped his face.

"What were you two doing?" Sehun rolled his eyes as he slapped Kai's arm away from him and got up, dusting off his pajama pants.

"Don't worry hyung, I'm not like you."  He scowled. "And let Minji sleep. I'm going to make her breakfast. Sehuns words had stung Kai, but seeing the two of you so close together made him sad.


You got up and looked around, blushing when you thought about what happened yesterday. Truth was, you woke up in the middle of the night and saw Sehun next to you. You skipped outside but hid behind a wall when you heard Kai and Sehun talk about you.

"What do you think of Minji?" Kai asked.

"What about her?"

"You know what I mean. Do you like her?" You closed your eyes and waited for his answer. You were positive he was going to say yes.

"Yeah, she's a good friend and al-"

"Do you like her?" Kai asked again. You heard Sehun sigh.

"No." Just like that, your heart was torn into two as you waited a couple of seconds and walked out, pretending that you had just woken up.

"Omo Kai why are you here?" You asked as if you didn't hear him talk earlier. He smiled and hugged you, twirling you around in front of Sehun.

"I went to your apartment today to apologize but you didn't answer so I just checked here. Sehun told me what happened yesterday and I'm so so-"

"It's fine. Let's not talk about it." You cut in. "What are you making Sehun?" 

"Pancakes." Sehun pursed his lips together and concentrated on his cooking. Your shoulders deflated as Kai rubbed your back soothingly and told you to go wash up. You did and came back just in time to eat. You sat in front of Sehun and Kai as Sehun gave you a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks." You faked smiled taking the plate from him. He nodded, expressionless as you sighed mentally. *I think I'm bothering him* Kai grabbed your plate and cut the pancake for you and handed it back. You smiled happily and Sehun noticed. *I should have just told Kai the truth. Now he's going to flirt with her in front of me.*


Kai wanted to apologize to you sincerely and told you that he was going to take you out today. You didn't understand the meaning, but you got ready anyway. You applied light makeup and wore one of the dresses Kris bought for you and waited outside. 

"Wow" Kai breathed causing you to turn around. "You look beautiful." His compliment caused your heart to flutter.

"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself." 

"Ahem" Sehun was in front of you and eyed you up and down secretly blushing. "Where are you two going?" 

"We're going on a date." Kai slung an arm over your shoulder and kissed your cheek causing your eyes to become as big as DO's. Kai never took a girl out on a date unless it was a rare occasion. Which meant that he liked you. He wanted to prove Sehun that he wasn't going to fool around with you like those other girls. He spent yesterday night perfecting the date and his confession. Sehuns expression remained the same as he just walked away without saying a word.


"Come on! I have something else to show you" The two of you walked to the park as he told you to wait. He climbed up the tree and jumped down with a picnic basket.

"Kai! When did you plan all of this?" You asked surprised.

"Yesterday when I ditched you." He laid down the blanket and took out the food he prepared. "I made the sandwiches today so I'm not sure if they'll taste good." He blushed.

"It's okay" You said and unraveled the plastic. You bit down on the sandwich as your nose scrunched.

"It's horrible isn't it?!" Kai panicked.

"Too much mayo." 

"I'm so sorry! I brought fruits, chips, drinks, and I even brought a salad!"

"Kai it's fine!" You laughed. "It tastes good."

"Oh." He breathed. "Then why didn't you say that earlier?"

"You didn't let me finish!" You whined. Kai rolled his eyes and bit into his sandwich.

"Ugh this tastes disgusting. Minji you're just too nice to tell me it's gross."

"You're right." You placed the sandwich down as the both of you fed each other grapes and strawberries.

"Minji I have something to tell you."

"Hmm?" You hummed biting a carrot.

"I'm so shy I don't know if I can do it." He buried his face with his hands. 

"It's alright." You nudged him. You had a feeling where this was going. 

"I like you." He confessed. You wanted to tell him the same, but you were confused. You didn't hate Kai but he was no Sehun. Kai noticed your expression

"Don't worry! I"ll be fine. I just wanted to get that out." He said faking a smile. He went back to eating and tried to change the subject. As much as you liked Sehun, he didn't feel the same way.You had thought Kai was joking around about the two of you going out on a date, but he took the time to plan it. He was nice and he even made you lunch.

"Kai" you said interrupting him. "I like you too." He stopped talking and took both of your hands.

"JInja? Or are you saying that cause you feel bad for me?" You laughed and lightly shoved his chest.

"No pabo. I really like you." Kai smirked as he lightly pushed you on the floor and was on top of you.


"Thank you." He said. "For everything." He lowered his head and pecked your lips, stealing your first kiss. You smiled and kissed him back feeling electricity go down your spine. 

Kai took you the mall that day, spoiling you with surprises and soft kisses on your forehead. The two of you walked together with your hands intertwined.  

"Your hands are pretty" He complimented, kissing your knuckles. You blushed crazily as he looked up at you. "But it's missing something." He pulled out a ring and slipped it on your fourth finger. "Perfect size." He took out another ring and placed it on his finger as well. 

"What's this for?" You asked

"They're couple rings. I got them when you went to the restroom." Your ears reddened as you thanked him. Maybe Kai wasn't so bad afterall



A/N: I read all of the comments you guys post and I haven't even seen one comment saying you guys ship Minji and Kai. So here you go. As much as you guys dislike it and want her to end up with Sehun, this chapter was thrown in to give you guys mixed feelings since you guys obviously love sehun so much. :D <3 Hope you guys are excited for the next chapter. ^^


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Babbie #1
Chapter 26: Nice light fluff
Babbie #2
Chapter 23: Um..insta luv all around...lol
Babbie #3
Chapter 11: They fed each other fruit before becoming gf bf!?kids now adays...so flirty..lol
Babbie #4
Chapter 11: He hid the basket in a tree...Kai is a ninja or smth?lol
Babbie #5
Chapter 10: Too much usage of ...even between Bros. ..
octa82_ichigo #6
Love your story
Chapter 26: This was really cute!!!!
Chapter 25: Awwww ❤️❤️❤️ lol though she totally ruined it
Chapter 21: Oh Sehun! U better not start liking this new girl!
Chapter 9: Wow... Just when i was starting to ship her with kai... i guess i';m team sehun again ;D