
New Girl In Town

It's been a four months already living in Japan and you couldn't express how perfect your life was right now. You moved in with Sehun-- after your parents approval of course, and the two of you spent every night together. Luhan would occasionally tease Sehun every now and then, wrapping his arms around your waist or flirting with you. You had to admit, you loved it when Sehun was jealous. He would frown and basically look like Kris. Your family business was going well, your parents were often busy, but it wasn't too bad since you were always with your boyfriend and helped the company as well. Sehun had decided to go into the medical field, while you were majoring in business. Since both of you had hectic schedules, you both spent every day after school in the library cramming in your homework and projects that were due. Your boyfriend would distract you every once in a while, stealing kisses from you and your attention. 

"Sehun stop." You laughed while his arms encircled your waist and he nuzzled his face against your neck.

"I don't want to," he continued. 

"Minji!" You saw Luhan running towards you and you quickly pushed Sehun away. He blew his bangs out of his face and pouted. 

"Yes Lulu?" You batted your lashes while mocking him. He rolled his eyes.

"I need your help. Can I borrow your glasses?" You pulled them out of your bag and handed it to him. 


"There's this girl in my class that's really cute. She's into nerds and all that stuff." He put them on and squinted. "Holy cow I can't see anything."

"Because it's perscripted." Sehun snorted. "You know you'll look like an idiot. And plus those are girl glasses."

"Well now they're uni." He grinned and pushed them up to the bridge of his nose. "I'll return these in a few. Gotta impress my girl!" He skipped away and almost ran into a bookshelf. You laughed and shook your head.

Another 3 years had passed and you were almost done with your  college. Sehun asked you on a date since it's been more than a month since you've guys actually done something romantic. 

"Wow this restaurant is fancy." You breathed looking down at your outfit. You suddenly felt like you weren't dressed properly for the occassion. Sehun noticed and squeezed your hand.

"You look beautiful." He led you over to the table he had reserved and you sat down. The waiter handed you the menu and you scoffed at the prices.

"I think I'll have water and maybe a salad."

"No, baby it's on me." He kissed your knuckles and rubbed them. 

"Well in that case I'll have an appetizer, entree, and dessert." You joked. Sehun rolled his eyes and leaned back, scanning the menu. You couldn't help but stare at him and trace his facial features. He had a perfect nose, nice shaped lips, and he was absoultely stunning. You couldn't help but wonder why you two had lasted so long. You've witnessed many girls confess and flirt with him, but Sehun remained loyal as always. 

"Done looking?" Sehun asked, a smirk plastered on his face. You coughed in embarrasment and nodded. You still had butterflies in your stomach when you were with Sehun. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." He continued teasing you. Your face was now pink and Sehun laughed cutely, his dry lips.

"So what's the special occasion?" You asked once the both of you ordered. He shrugged and thanked the waiter when he came back with your meals.

"I just wanted to hang out, you know?" You couldn't help but notice how cheesy Sehun was today. He kept telling you how glad he was to have met you, or the fact that you look gorgeous. 

"I have something for you." He finished pulling something out of his pocket.

"Don't tell me its a wedding ring. Because if you're proposing to me here, how cliche." You joked. Sehun's smile faded as he tucked the gift back in his pocket. Your eyes widened realzing maybe that it was what he was going to do.

"No wait Sehun I was kidding, were you going to propose?" His face flushed as he looked away.

"Sehun!" You almost cried, feeling guilty.

"Don't worry about it." He half smiled.You frowned and leaned over to peck his cheek.

"I ruined didn't I?"

"Kind of did." He laughed. "But it's okay. I'll surprise you another day." You kissed his nose and leaned back to your seat.

"You know I'd say no, right?" Sehun looked horrified until he saw the smirk on your face.

"Yah! That's not funny." You shrugged your shoulders and ruffled his hair.

"I love you, Sehun."

"Love you too." He smiled. 


Your parents thought you were crazy, getting married right after graduating without having stable jobs. Although they didn't approve, you didn't listen to them because you love Sehun, and you couldn't wait any longer. Broke from college loans, the both of you married at a small chapel where you only invited friends and family. 

"Sorry I didn't give you the best wedding." Sehun nuzzled against your neck. You two were parked on a hilltop admiring the stars. You pecked his forehead.

"It was perfect. you know why? Because I was able to marry you." He lightly pushed your forehead and made a face.

"Still cheesy, eh?" You laughed cutely and Sehun wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You know what couples do after they get married?" 

"Go on a honeymoon?"

"And..?" You pursed your lips and thought about it. "Sehun!" You lightly slapped your chest and blushed furiously. 

"I have my needs." He frowned, slowly inching his fingers towards your stomach.

"Sehun!" You slapped his hand away still blushing.

"Okay okay!" He held up two arms and pulled away. "So during our honeymoon?"

"Sehun!!" You slapped him again. "But yes."

"Daebak!" He fist pumped the air and you rolled your eyes. You sighed and leaned your head against his chest. 

*I love you Sehun*

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Babbie #1
Chapter 26: Nice light fluff
Babbie #2
Chapter 23: Um..insta luv all around...lol
Babbie #3
Chapter 11: They fed each other fruit before becoming gf bf!?kids now adays...so flirty..lol
Babbie #4
Chapter 11: He hid the basket in a tree...Kai is a ninja or smth?lol
Babbie #5
Chapter 10: Too much usage of ...even between Bros. ..
octa82_ichigo #6
Love your story
Chapter 26: This was really cute!!!!
Chapter 25: Awwww ❤️❤️❤️ lol though she totally ruined it
Chapter 21: Oh Sehun! U better not start liking this new girl!
Chapter 9: Wow... Just when i was starting to ship her with kai... i guess i';m team sehun again ;D