
Just Bite Me Already
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The vampire fled through the tall metal gates and into the castle. His dark cloak shaded himself from the sun to prevent from being burned under the bright light. The gigantic doors opened to the Harry-Potter like castle. He stopped himself to bow before the royal three. He bowed on one knee until he heard one of the guards say, "My lord, you have a messenger." 


The three siblings stopped their discussion and glanced with their red eyes at the vampire messenger before them. "Rise." Minjung spoke as he sat himself on his throne. In the middle was Kai who was the eldest, at his right was Heejin, and then to his left was Minjung. The messenger got up from his knee and fixed his cloak behind him.


Heejin sighed as she got impatient. "What is that you want, hm?" she snapped in a cold tone. Heejin looked into the messenger's cold eyes as she fixed her bracelet on her wrist. The messenger did not flinch at the tone of her voice. "And why do you smell like a weird alien?" Heejin added as she sniffed the air around her and scrunched her nose in disgust. The messenger cleared his throat awkwardly but kept a straight face. "I have to report a dangerous crime." the messenger's voice spoke.


Kai's eyes flashed in interest. His ears perked up to hear what the messenger had to say. "The B.A.P clan's maknae, Choi Junhong has married a mortal." the messenger said in a dangerous and threatening voice. Minjung snapped his head up and in amazement. The three siblings didn't say a word. For it had been centuries since a vampire had had a human for a spouse. It has never been a compatible thing to do. "And, who may the human be?" Minjung asked.


The messenger snapped his fingers and took something out of his satchel that slung over his shoulder. He took out a small picture of the one and only, Lee Mei. When all three siblings's eyes laid on the picture of Mei, Heejin stood up form her throne and sped towards the messenger  in a second and grabbed his neck fiercly. Nearly choking him to death. The messenger rose from his feet because of Heejin's powerful strength. "Is this some kind of sick joke to you, messenger? Do you dare not lie to the royals?" she hissed through her teeeth. 


The messenger's saliva and chokings were heard throughout the throne room. The guards stood by the sidelines watching their "Queen" doing her thing. "Heejin." her name slipped off of Kai's tongue. Heejin's muscles immediately relaxed as she let go of the messenger's neck, letting him fall to the ground on his knees. The messenger coughed a few times and gathered his strength to stand back up. Heejin sped back to her throne and slumped back done unwillingly with a pissed attitude.


The messenger picked up the picture of Mei that had fallen to the ground and showed it to the royals. "As I was saying, Choi Junhong of the B.A.P clan has recently married mortal and formal doppelganger of Lee Seoyoung, Lee Mei." the messenger said as he dared not to meet eyes with Heejin who was glaring at him intently. Kai's throat hitched and his chest pressed deep into his heart. "Hyung, isn't that the mortal we visited a while back?" Minjung raised an eyebrow as he looked at his brother for an answer. Kai stayed silent. 


"Bring the picture to me, please." Kai ordered as he motioned his hands. The messenger did as he was told and went back in front of the royals. Kai's thumb traced the image of Mei's beautiful features on her face. Her cheekbones that made her smile even more attractive, her chocolate brown orbes stared into his, her dark brown hair fell losely on her elbows. She s

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 76: Well at least they meet in heaven -3-
PhuPwint #2
Chapter 76: I love your story authornim.^_^
sansub #3
Chapter 76: It's my 3rd time reading this story .. i freaking love it....
kiba_phoenix #4
Chapter 76: Okay it took me a couple of days to read all of this but believe me when I say I FREAKING LOVED IT!! Zelo kind of annoyed me at times like when everyone else was saying stop and think and he was like "BANZAI!! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!" Yeah those moments I was annoyed, but the rest was amazing! I'm sad it had a sad ending, but I guess there's still the silver lining of they're both together so that's nice. Now I'm off to the sequel lol oh btw I hate Hee Jin. -_____-
Feraldruid73 #5
Chapter 17: Zelo's story is confusing... he was nine when his mom died and nine when he saved Mei, but is 200 years old? And why is Aiyanna confused about B.A.P working with the Werewolves I thought she was there with them when that happened?
Chapter 76: OMO! Last Chapter :( Such a sweet story <3 I'm a silent reader from the beginning till the end :) Continue doing your great works :D This is simply awesome <3
sansub #7
Chapter 1: Till the last chapter i was a silent reader... I really appriciate your story it's just daebak!!!!!!!
Chapter 64: The song match this chapter , I totally cried
erness89 #9
Chapter 76: aish,seriously.i really really love this story ohmygod!gomawoyo eonnie,i'm sorry i can't write many things in here,i just can't describe them because this story just too perfect for me