Where Are You?

Just Bite Me Already
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The Infinite werewolves raced all over town. Even in the mountains. Most of the members didn't dare to stop because they knew their leader Sunggyu, would kill them if they gave up on their dongsaeng. Sungjong panted and stopped to catch his breathe when they were in the mountains searching.


Dongwoo came behind the maknae and nudged him a bit. Sungjong looked at him helpelessly and his paws and legs were fatiguing. "Yah. Sungjong, you alright?" Dongwoo asked as he snuggled his neck as a sign of their bromance. Sungjong nodded but it was clear that he was lying. 


Just then Sunggyu came behind them. "Yah! Why are you both stopping! We don't have all day! Now keep sniffing the air for her!" Sunggyu snapped at them. "But hyung, Sungjongie is getting tired.." Dongwoo said as he pitied the maknae. After all, Sungjong was the youngest so he wasn't that strong as his hyungs were.


Sunggyu growled at . "Are you telling you want to give up?" he hissed. Dongwoo lowered his head and said, "Ani." Sunggyu ordered them to keep on searching. "Sungjong-ah, kaja. We have to go." Dongwoo motioned for Sungjong to come. Sungjong nodded and followed his hyung.




















"Oh come on noona! Please you need to eat!" Ricky pleaded as he tried to feed his noona some kimchi. But Mei ignored Ricky and pretended he wasn't there. Ricky sighed in defeat as he set down the plate of delicious food. "Noona, you haven't eaten a single thing in 3 days.. Aren't you hungry?" Ricky questioned.


True, Mei was insanely starving at the moment. But she didn't wanna show that she had any caring side to Ricky. Because afterall, she still thought of him as a trader. "Noona I could tell you're hungry because you're so pale. You could get sick anytime soon." Ricky said in a worried tone.


She didn't reply. She just hugged her knees and stared down at the couch. Ricky sighed again. "Well, whenver you feel hungry, there's that plate of food there. I hope you don't stay mad at me noona. I really am sorry. Mianhe." and with that, he left the room leaving the prisoner alone.


Tears threatened to fall down, but Mei resisted it. * Fighting Mei. Fighting. You can get through this, somehow. Where are you Junhong.. * And little did she know that he was just a floor down from her, in the basement suffering.



















"She's not here." Sungyeol sighed as the Infinite members met up in the mountains after hours and hours of searching. Sunggyu growled and you could literally see the yellow glowing color in his eyes. Woohyun noticed his hyung's frustration so he came up with the second idea. 


"Her house. We should go there." Woohyun spoke out. Sunggyu beamed lightly and was so thankful for Woohyun's new option. "Then let's head out. Woohyun, lead the way.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 76: Well at least they meet in heaven -3-
PhuPwint #2
Chapter 76: I love your story authornim.^_^
sansub #3
Chapter 76: It's my 3rd time reading this story .. i freaking love it....
kiba_phoenix #4
Chapter 76: Okay it took me a couple of days to read all of this but believe me when I say I FREAKING LOVED IT!! Zelo kind of annoyed me at times like when everyone else was saying stop and think and he was like "BANZAI!! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!" Yeah those moments I was annoyed, but the rest was amazing! I'm sad it had a sad ending, but I guess there's still the silver lining of they're both together so that's nice. Now I'm off to the sequel lol oh btw I hate Hee Jin. -_____-
Feraldruid73 #5
Chapter 17: Zelo's story is confusing... he was nine when his mom died and nine when he saved Mei, but is 200 years old? And why is Aiyanna confused about B.A.P working with the Werewolves I thought she was there with them when that happened?
Chapter 76: OMO! Last Chapter :( Such a sweet story <3 I'm a silent reader from the beginning till the end :) Continue doing your great works :D This is simply awesome <3
sansub #7
Chapter 1: Till the last chapter i was a silent reader... I really appriciate your story it's just daebak!!!!!!!
Chapter 64: The song match this chapter , I totally cried
erness89 #9
Chapter 76: aish,seriously.i really really love this story ohmygod!gomawoyo eonnie,i'm sorry i can't write many things in here,i just can't describe them because this story just too perfect for me