
Just Bite Me Already
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"You're coming with us!" Chunji roared as he grabbed Mei by the arm. Mei never saw her oppa's friends like this. When they first met her, they were all kind, funny, and caring. But now that Mei has seen him as a vampire hunter, it's a new side of him. Similar to her oppa's..


"Bwoh?! NO! NO LET GO OF ME! LET GO OF ME!" she yelled as she tried to get out of his grasp. Minji's eyes widened once she saw Chunji's hands strangle her arm. She jumped onto Chunji's back but unfortunately of his fast reflexes; Chunji swinged his arm and knocked her to the ground.


Mei screamed as she saw her best friend unconscious on the floor. Tears were running down her face like a waterfall. "NOOO! MINJI! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? LET GO OF ME!" Mei yelled and screamed. Chunji lifted her up from the ground and shouted back, "Shut up Mei! You're making this even more harder!"


Ricky didn't know what to do. Mei looked at him with her wet and sad eyes. They were pleading him to save her. "R-Ricky ah. Please. Pl-Please. Help me." she cried. Ricky opened his mouth but then closed it when Chunji stared at him.


"I'm sorry noona.." he looked down. Mei shook her head as Chunji held her by her shoulders firm and led her outside. "Kaja. We're taking her back." Chunji motioned Ricky to follow. Ricky looked back at the girl named Minji. Chunji must've swung hard at her. He could see blood coming from her head.


"Hyung.. What about Minji?" Ricky asked. Chunji looked back as Mei took a peek at her best friend but then looked away with tears. "Leave her." Chunji said coldly as he dragged Mei downstairs. Ricky was dying inside. He didn't feel like this was right.















Chunji and Ricky drove Mei deep into the woods. She had her arms and ankles tied together with strong ropes and they had a bandana wrapped around tightly so she couldn't speak. She was in the back of the truck while Chunji and Ricky were at the front.



"L.Joe is gonna be so happy when he sees his litle sister again." Chunji said as he kept his eyes on the road. Ricky frowned to himself. He never wanted to hurt his noona. Never.



Ricky glanced back at the end of the truck where Mei was. He could hear her small sniffles. And he could here her whimper. He felt a pang of guilt wash over his entire body.



"Chunji hyung." he started. "Hm?" Chunji answered as he kept his eyes on the road. "What is L.Joe hyung gonna do with Mei noona?" he asked quietly.



"How should I know? All I know is that L.Joe wants his sister back. That's all there is to it." Chunji said carelessly. Ricky slumped back to his seat. Deep down, Ricky was having a difficult time to choose sides. He couldn't decide if he should defend his noona and help her, or go with hyungs.


"Why does L.Joe hyung want her back anyways? I thought he abandoned her?" Ricky asked innocently. Chunji sighed as he turned the steering wheel left. "He didn't abandon her, Ricky-ah. She ran a

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 76: Well at least they meet in heaven -3-
PhuPwint #2
Chapter 76: I love your story authornim.^_^
sansub #3
Chapter 76: It's my 3rd time reading this story .. i freaking love it....
kiba_phoenix #4
Chapter 76: Okay it took me a couple of days to read all of this but believe me when I say I FREAKING LOVED IT!! Zelo kind of annoyed me at times like when everyone else was saying stop and think and he was like "BANZAI!! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!" Yeah those moments I was annoyed, but the rest was amazing! I'm sad it had a sad ending, but I guess there's still the silver lining of they're both together so that's nice. Now I'm off to the sequel lol oh btw I hate Hee Jin. -_____-
Feraldruid73 #5
Chapter 17: Zelo's story is confusing... he was nine when his mom died and nine when he saved Mei, but is 200 years old? And why is Aiyanna confused about B.A.P working with the Werewolves I thought she was there with them when that happened?
Chapter 76: OMO! Last Chapter :( Such a sweet story <3 I'm a silent reader from the beginning till the end :) Continue doing your great works :D This is simply awesome <3
sansub #7
Chapter 1: Till the last chapter i was a silent reader... I really appriciate your story it's just daebak!!!!!!!
Chapter 64: The song match this chapter , I totally cried
erness89 #9
Chapter 76: aish,seriously.i really really love this story ohmygod!gomawoyo eonnie,i'm sorry i can't write many things in here,i just can't describe them because this story just too perfect for me